Sunday, February 12, 2012


Yeshua the Lamb said to his disciples, when you pray in my name YESHUA, ask my eternal heavenly Father for things that are in his WILL and He will give it to you. You received not, because you asked not in the name Yeshua but instead in other names.

Read (Acts of the Apostles chap. 4), and know that false Scribes and Church Fathers have change many names and words for their own self interests. Lucifer, his Angels, demons, evil spirits and his earthly agents don't want Yeshua Elyon’s children in his Church to know these things. That is why they, the false teachers and apostles hid his true original name "Yeshua" from you the great MASS. Call upon the name Yeshua repetitively, there are powers in his name. This holy name, is the name that is known in the Divine heavenly realm of the eternal Father, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua and his holy Angels.

What do you have to lose? You have tried other names that men gave Yeshua and used when they called to him, that has not worked.

This name raised the dead, healed the sick bring salvation and worked wonders. Why not use his true and real name of powers, Yeshua, that brings lasting CHANGE? (JRSL-UCYG)

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