Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Destiny Sophia

A distorted view of Jesus, His work on the Cross, and Salvation. Gnosticism promotes the notion that there were two Jesus persons - the Lord and Saviour Jesus, and the human substitute Jesus. The Savior was from the Father - a spiritual being who had nothing to do with the flesh, bodies or death. The second being was an earthly, human substitute who represented the spiritual Jesus and died on the cross. The earthly substitute suffered and was crucified; the heavenly Jesus laughed at the world's ignorance:
The Apocalypse of Peter (81:4-24): "I saw him apparently being seized by them, And I said, 'What am I seeing, O Lord? Is it really you whom they take? And are you holding on to me? And are they hammering the feet and hands of another? Who is this one above the cross, who is glad and laughing?' The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw being glad and laughing above the cross is the Living Jesus. But he into whose hands and feet they were driving the nails is his fleshly part, which is substitute. They put to shame that which remained in his likeness. And look at him, and [look at] me!"

The Gnostic Gospels found in the Nag Hammadi texts - are they evidence of other alternative Christian beliefs, or artifacts of heretial teachings in the first few centuries designed to subvert the very core of the new Christian faith?

The Gnostic Gospels

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