Thursday, February 12, 2015

Enlightenment And Information...

As ancient Greece's Hellenistic enlightenment period fell into the dark days of ignorance, it made way for the rising empirical Rome.While Rome enjoyed the days of military strength and literary superiority reached its zenith old man Rome did fell. He also went into gross darkness,then the middle aged ushered in a long period for about five hundred years. Now the information age is here, just as Daniel the Seer said it would. Yeshua said all that was covered will be now uncovered. Also sacred Gnostic in Hieroglyphics, books that existed before Abraham, books after the exile of the Children of Israel up to Yeshua and his Apostles, and gnostic teachings from the risen Yeshua the Kristos to the apostle Peter, John and Paul. However Daniel the Seer said only the WISE would understand, the questions are who was considered wise in Daniel's time period and are these wise ones still exist? My research shows that they do exist. (TNDL)

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