Sunday, February 8, 2015

Elyon's Work in the Affairs of Man

Confusion in the world among nations and nation States, does this seem like a time when we human hearts are failing because of world wide events? While we are concerned with what is happening around our global village,lets not worry about things we cannot change because its all in Elyon's GAME of chess.These final world governments was predicted by all true seer of the ancient times. The war between the two great Kosmic forces,1 the true Living LIGHT Elyon and his Moshe/Kristos, 2 with Lucifer the light and his great servant the Beast of EUROPE. We cannot change that which will come to pass, however we can chose sides. Which side will we chose the side of Elyon's Moshe/Kristos or the side of Lucifer's great servant the BEAST? The great election is in our hands its up to us. I will only say that there is strength and power in the name of Elyon/Yeshua, in him is our hope for this victory. With much agape love of unity have a wise and prudent choice of your election. xo xo xo. (TNDL)

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