Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Age of Kosmic Enlightenment

This Aeon /Age that is ushering on us, is the age of Kosmic enlightenment, in the spiritual, material,physical realms which is of Divine origin. There are new things that will be understood more clearly in the scientific and technological world that will tell us new things about ourselves that we never could even think of. The Knowledge of Elyon the Divine Kosmic energy will fill the earth, and everyone shall know him from the least to the greatest. Then we will need no man to teach us about our Kosmic Father because like the Holy Seers of Elyon all will be taut by the Great Wind/ Spirit or Living Agape Love of Life and Light, to all humanity. So know him fore yourselves. And let no man/woman teach you, because if Yeshua,the Paraclete and Father Elyon could have educated his Seers ,his Son Yeshua the Logos and his Apostles by his own SPIRIT he can also do the same to you. He is the same yesterday,today and forever he never looses his power.With much agape have a great day,xo xo xo. (TNDL)

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