Saturday, February 28, 2015
Our research and enquirers are to make us aware of the many things some authorities think was not good enough for the great mass. However, while all knowledge is significant to know, we should use them as reference. Because knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, (Isaiah Chap 4). Its only through the Divine Elyon/Yeshua we can have full Truth and true Living Light, which is the knowledge of Yahweh Elyon, (Jeremiah 31, and Joel chap, 2-3). (TNDL)
Since God is a 6th Century Germanic term: 1) what is the name of the deity we personally serve? 2) What is the name of our Eternal Father that was given to Prophets and Apostles and those who served the Will of the Kosmos? 3) How can human concept of God built on Scholastics, Syllogism and Exegeses based doctrinal dogma- A dogma that different religion and different people use to personalize their God—give us pure knowledge of Elyon (Most High) Creator? 4) Can we the created beings give our own character attributes to the Supreme Creator and Maker-the Kosmic intelligence of the Universe? 5) How can we be in the Full Will and Full Service of our Eternal Father when we don’t even know the True Names to call Eternal Father and Supreme Creator? 6) Is not the powers of those names (Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua) that will give us Cosmos and victory over Lucifer and Angels on earth? 7) Should the supreme Creator fit into our philosophy or should we fit in His divine philosophy? (JW)
The Most High the Divine Logos will destroy the beast and his army be the Sword/Word that comes out of his mouth. Beware of this ID my friends and spiritual brothers and sisters, much agape love, peace, joy and hope (TNDL)
Elyon/Yeshua the heavenly LION and his pride is standing on his holy Mount. He is reigning from his high realm in us and around us. All praise, glory, thanksgiving and honour to the Most Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)
The Most High the Divine Logos will destroy the beast and his army be the Sword/Word that comes out of his mouth. Beware of this ID my friends and spiritual brother and sisters, much agape love, peace, joy and hope. (TNDL)
How beautiful are these Sunflowers in the sight of Yahweh Elyon and his children. These Sunflowers are the shadow of the Spirit Sun of righteousness that Malachi the Seer foretold about. They are sending a message to all who see them day by day.(Malachi chap,4). Praise, glory, thanksgiving and honor to the Most High, our supreme creator and maker. (TNDL)
Blessed are those who find refuge under the tree of life, and the rock of ages. But curse are all those who chose to obey men rather than Elyon/Yeshua. On his day of reckoning he will judge the living and the dead departed souls. Some will be joyful and some shall be tormented, chose your way this day.(TNDL)
(STRENGTH +ORDER) SUCCESS+ PRODUCTIVITY=UNITY OF TWO In the circle of life, productive life has to be in agreement in one mind, spirit and soul to make thinks work. This unity is that which is consistent in making the organic body of Elyon/Yeshua. Unity is strength, strength is knowing, knowledge is powerful, a lack of strength makes us weak and powerless. It takes a united two of anything in the circle of life to make something work, this is the order set in Elyon/Yeshua's world the opposite of this order is chaos or disorder. (TNDL)
Friday, February 27, 2015
It is great Aeon/Age to be living because the SUN of Righteousness is risen, Malachi, Chap 4) (Isaiah 60) arise, arise for the true light has come and his glory can be seen. As the Kosmic Sun (Ilios) shines in the Kosmos so is our Spiritual SUN of Righteousness shining in and on our lives and on our... being. Rejoice foe the Most High/Yeshua has blessed us with many good things to make us flourish. With much agape love, peace, hope and goodwill that gives lasting JOY. Have a great journey in you spiritual race for the prize, and to the winners shall receive the rewards and awards, xo xo xo.
As the Kosmic Sun (Ilios) shines in the Kosmos so is our Spiritual SUN of Righteousness shining in and on our lives and on our being. Rejoice foe the Most High/Yeshua has blessed us with many good things to make us flourish. With much agape love, peace, hope and goodwill that gives lasting JOY. Have a great journey in you spiritual race for the prize, and to the winners shall receive the rewards and awards, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
It is great Aeon/Age to be living because the SUN of Righteousness is risen, Malachi, Chap 4) (Isaiah 60) arise, arise for the true light has come and his glory can be seen. As the Kosmic Sun (Ilios) shines in the Kosmos so is our Spiritual SUN of Righteousness shining in and on our lives and on our... being. Rejoice foe the Most High/Yeshua has blessed us with many good things to make us flourish. With much agape love, peace, hope and goodwill that gives lasting JOY. Have a great journey in you spiritual race for the prize, and to the winners shall receive the rewards and awards, xo xo xo.
As the Kosmic Sun (Ilios) shines in the Kosmos so is our Spiritual SUN of Righteousness shining in and on our lives and on our being. Rejoice foe the Most High/Yeshua has blessed us with many good things to make us flourish. With much agape love, peace, hope and goodwill that gives lasting JOY. Have a great journey in you spiritual race for the prize, and to the winners shall receive the rewards and awards, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Yeshua said, if any man/woman will follow after him they much deny themselves take up their cross and follow. Because he is the way, full Truth and true Light of the World. Not Lucifer nor Horus who was the first light of the ancient world (Star of the morning) whom the world served and worship. (TNDL)
The following questions are provocative and significant to give clear understanding of what John wrote in (REV. 1: 9-20) 1. He is one like a Son of man 2. He comes as KING 3. Dressed in a long robe tied at the waist with a belt of gold 4. His head and hair will be the whiteness of wool, like snow 5. His eyes like a burning flame of fire 6. His feet like burnished bronze 7. His voice as the thundering sound of many waters 8. He comes as a judge, holding seven stars, out of his mouth will come a sharp double-edged sword, and his face will be like the sun shining with all its force.Since the Apostle John knew the risen Yeshua before and after he was transformed into the "SON OF MAN, the WORD" (the LOGOS). Why do you suppose John used such similes to describe this Awesome ONE YESHUA? How will you truly know when He returns? (TNDL)
Hello Tommy, You are one of those wise children of Elyon (as foretold in Daniel Chapt. 12), whom are given the Spirit of perception to Know and understand and not just believe. Yes, the Gospel of the Kingdom must be evangelized throughout the nations as a witness, then the end will come. We should use all means possible to blow our trumpets announcing the Good news of the Kingdom of Heaven or of GOD Elyon. Then our eternal Heavenly father the Most High shall be pleased. Yeshua died for all people/nations regardless of our socialization and culture. Elyon's Children through Yeshua's crucifixion are everywhere--in diverse institutions and organizations around the world. He has forgiven us when he was on the cross, all we have to do now is to receive and acknowledge Him as saviour/healer and to stay in His Will. In doing so, the Father and the Son will be pleased.What great love our Eternal Heavenly Father (Elyon) has showered us that we can be called his Children. (TNDL)
It is time for us to enact changes from the inside by inviting the Kosmos (the Great Creative Energy of Elyon/Yeshua) in our inner beings—in true Prayer.
“The prayer, the word that is hurled from our soul uplifting her in the aether, the divine world… Good spiritual trip to anyone who will decide to put his soul in front of his/her creator and to unite his/her spiritual powers with the powers of the great Archangel Michael. So as to bring the changes that will make a better world for us and our children. The world will change when we will decide to change ourselves first. We shall attain this close relationship with our Heavenly father by searching for him for [ourselves] through the agency of his only begotten Son Yeshua of Nazareth the Logos.” (TNDL)
“The prayer, the word that is hurled from our soul uplifting her in the aether, the divine world… Good spiritual trip to anyone who will decide to put his soul in front of his/her creator and to unite his/her spiritual powers with the powers of the great Archangel Michael. So as to bring the changes that will make a better world for us and our children. The world will change when we will decide to change ourselves first. We shall attain this close relationship with our Heavenly father by searching for him for [ourselves] through the agency of his only begotten Son Yeshua of Nazareth the Logos.” (TNDL)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
"Time and space are important, However what we do with our time and space are equally significant. So seize the moment of your stages in time and space, in so doing we can be excellent in the games of life and win the prize. Because to the winners in time and space shall receive the Star of victory with much agape love from Elyon." (TNDL)
Prayer For A New Day Free Of Lucifer
UNITED IN PRAYER AS WE MAKE THE CIRCLE OF MICHAEL THE ARCH ANGEL.Prayer,fasting and meditation is good for all people to help in physical, mental and spiritual development. As we embark into the new year of 2010 lets focus on becoming a part of the universal Circle of He Who is like unto the Most High, (Michael the great Arch Angel). We the members of Children of the View around the world form the circle of prayer and meditation in standing with The Great Arch Angel in eradication Evil from our world. With much agape love lets stand in unity in prayer every Friday at 7 to 8pm, there is strength, knowledge, understanding and power. Thank you all for supporting this cause. (TNDL)
The wise and prudent Ones from old times including Yeshua and his Holy Apostles knew the mystery ,significant and power that is in a name. We in this modern times have forgotten all this knowledge which is now lost to our present generation. Some of us don't even research the name we give our children because we have been robbed of true knowledge. The lack of true knowledge enslave our mind, spirit and souls which put us in gross darkness /ignorance. If some of us should enquire into the original meanings of these names we would be surprise what we would find out about these name. Its full time to know the true meaning of a names. (TNDL)
THE HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE Of OUR GENETIC MAKEUP FROM ELYON. (BODY, SOUL AND SPIRIT).The Gnostic teaching about our three separate parts that make us up. (One) the Material physical, natural and supernatural, (two) the spiritual/super-spiritual and (three) our Divine self that is of the Eternal Father Elyon and Son Yeshua. To know these things one have to experience it through divine revelation that comes from Elyon himself and not from any human, intermediary, or principalities. Because all others beside the Most High only know in part however Elyon know in full.
KNOW THY SELF DEAR MAN/WOMAN. This is the Aeon/Age to attain perfect development through The Most High Transformation mechanism, which will make us new in mind, spirit and soul. Our form shall remain the same because it is the perfect Kosmic of Heaven and Earth in SPIRIT AND IN THE MATERIAL. It WILL be done by the Divine SPIRIT of GOD Elyon. Then the Knowledge of Elyon shall cover the Earth as Blue SKY covers the heaven. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, MUCH AGAPE LOVE AND HAVE A BRIGHT AND ENLIGHTENED DAY, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
The Most High is opening the spiritual EYES of the blinds and He is showing new and great things of both the material and spirit world. These people are from all over the world, of every nation, people of communities and families that one would least expect. What a new day we are living in? The beauty of all this good news is that, Elyon himself is doing it with no discrimination. It shall be done to all social class. Low middle and high, whoever the Most sees fit. For now is come SALVATION (HEALING) and STRENGT, THE KINGDOM OF ELYON and THE POWER OF HIS CHRIST (KRISTOS) (TNDL)
KNOW THY SELF DEAR MAN/WOMAN. This is the Aeon/Age to attain perfect development through The Most High Transformation mechanism, which will make us new in mind, spirit and soul. Our form shall remain the same because it is the perfect Kosmic of Heaven and Earth in SPIRIT AND IN THE MATERIAL. It WILL be done by the Divine SPIRIT of GOD Elyon. Then the Knowledge of Elyon shall cover the Earth as Blue SKY covers the heaven. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, MUCH AGAPE LOVE AND HAVE A BRIGHT AND ENLIGHTENED DAY, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
The Most High is opening the spiritual EYES of the blinds and He is showing new and great things of both the material and spirit world. These people are from all over the world, of every nation, people of communities and families that one would least expect. What a new day we are living in? The beauty of all this good news is that, Elyon himself is doing it with no discrimination. It shall be done to all social class. Low middle and high, whoever the Most sees fit. For now is come SALVATION (HEALING) and STRENGT, THE KINGDOM OF ELYON and THE POWER OF HIS CHRIST (KRISTOS) (TNDL)
Monday, February 23, 2015
He was not from our human stock, nor just of material and physical life form, but his origin is from his Eternal Father Elyon. He proceeded from the Divine Realm on the Sacred Mount of Elyon with the holy ones, the Elohim/family of Elyon (Deuteronomy 32:8, Isaiah 14:13-14, Psalms 91, Psalms 82:6).
His Divine Name is a reflection of his holy entity; he is Ruler of all the sacred realms however, he came to us on earth to revealed the True Light which is himself. But not the light which is the imposter/Lucifer who came to deceive the whole world, and plunge the living beings in darkness.
The Gospel of John speaks of the True Light. Jesus said he was the True Light that came into world in the Gospel of John.
But what was the true Name that Elyon gave to his only Begotten Son?
Who changed it from what his parents and those who knew him as?
And what Divine powers are in this Name?
WHY was his Name change and hidden from the Western world? The Name that was sent from his Eternal Father Elyon in the Divine Realm, carried by the Arch Angel Gabriel for Miriam to name her son? (Luke 1: 26-38). The Name that according to the Apostle Peter, there is no other name given among mankind whereby we can be save (heal) but YESUAH (the ACTS of the Apostles 4:11-12).
Yet, evil disrespectful and fearless people has done this cold calculated thing to keep the whole world in gross darkness, in ignorance spiritual and intellectual (Isaiah 60: 1-5). This hiding, distortion of the truth, and feeding the 80 percent the great mass with lies, was a weapon used by many authorities and scribes to deceive the populace, so that they could divide and conquer. This was happening from the time of Nimrod to our percent day. The purpose was to prevent the great mass from knowing the full truth, that way the great mass could be control more effectively.
However, with one voice when the condition was right, Yahweh Elyon, spoke through the mouth of RICK WARREN, a man who love YESHUA, in the prayer of the inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. That way, the whole world could hear the true Name of Elyon and MARY’s Son. This Name is Divine, it was used by YESHUA’s Apostles to heal the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils and do all manner of wonders and miracles, and finally keeping them safe from Lucifer/Satan. It's not surprising why some Christian churches are so different from the Apostles of YESHUA of Nazareth and his early followers, because the Name was hidden from the false chrurch.
The generations that followed the death of Yeshua’s holy apostles and their disciples fell into apostasy and ignorance, believing in fables, pagan religious philosophies and eventually believing in a false Christ/an imposter. For example, teaching received by the holy apostles of Yeshuah of Narareth in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church in the middle age/ the council of Nicaea (325-337 common era).
YESHUAH of Nazareth IS the original Name known and used by those who were with him and knew him. Jesus is the English translation of the Greek Yeesus or Ieesus (saviour). YESHUA, was the One who was Crucified and resurrected and talked about by those who were with him. Kristos or English Christ is the name given to the resurrected /Kosmic Ruler, Saviour and redeemer by the Hellenistic converts. (TNDL)
His Divine Name is a reflection of his holy entity; he is Ruler of all the sacred realms however, he came to us on earth to revealed the True Light which is himself. But not the light which is the imposter/Lucifer who came to deceive the whole world, and plunge the living beings in darkness.
The Gospel of John speaks of the True Light. Jesus said he was the True Light that came into world in the Gospel of John.
But what was the true Name that Elyon gave to his only Begotten Son?
Who changed it from what his parents and those who knew him as?
And what Divine powers are in this Name?
WHY was his Name change and hidden from the Western world? The Name that was sent from his Eternal Father Elyon in the Divine Realm, carried by the Arch Angel Gabriel for Miriam to name her son? (Luke 1: 26-38). The Name that according to the Apostle Peter, there is no other name given among mankind whereby we can be save (heal) but YESUAH (the ACTS of the Apostles 4:11-12).
Yet, evil disrespectful and fearless people has done this cold calculated thing to keep the whole world in gross darkness, in ignorance spiritual and intellectual (Isaiah 60: 1-5). This hiding, distortion of the truth, and feeding the 80 percent the great mass with lies, was a weapon used by many authorities and scribes to deceive the populace, so that they could divide and conquer. This was happening from the time of Nimrod to our percent day. The purpose was to prevent the great mass from knowing the full truth, that way the great mass could be control more effectively.
However, with one voice when the condition was right, Yahweh Elyon, spoke through the mouth of RICK WARREN, a man who love YESHUA, in the prayer of the inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. That way, the whole world could hear the true Name of Elyon and MARY’s Son. This Name is Divine, it was used by YESHUA’s Apostles to heal the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils and do all manner of wonders and miracles, and finally keeping them safe from Lucifer/Satan. It's not surprising why some Christian churches are so different from the Apostles of YESHUA of Nazareth and his early followers, because the Name was hidden from the false chrurch.
The generations that followed the death of Yeshua’s holy apostles and their disciples fell into apostasy and ignorance, believing in fables, pagan religious philosophies and eventually believing in a false Christ/an imposter. For example, teaching received by the holy apostles of Yeshuah of Narareth in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church in the middle age/ the council of Nicaea (325-337 common era).
YESHUAH of Nazareth IS the original Name known and used by those who were with him and knew him. Jesus is the English translation of the Greek Yeesus or Ieesus (saviour). YESHUA, was the One who was Crucified and resurrected and talked about by those who were with him. Kristos or English Christ is the name given to the resurrected /Kosmic Ruler, Saviour and redeemer by the Hellenistic converts. (TNDL)
GOD or LORD when we call these “titles” names who or what are we really calling? Are we truly calling upon the Kosmic creator Elyon or his son Yeshua or are we are calling upon a human concept of a creator? When we say Lord who are we referring to: Lord mayor, a British Lord or the deity, Adonis, Baal, Hadad , or, Krishna. Has mankind been socialized into a doctrinaire deception?
...James, the answer to these questions exists in the originality of these titles. If i should say that Lucifer and his servants/Angels has successfully infiltrated the establishment of the Israelite/Jacobites and Christians movements using his titles and names what would you say? Also did Yeshua not say that many who look for him shall find the ... Read more Broadway and walk therein, calling him LORD, LORD but he will say to them at his return go away from me I don't know you? it is based on this truth that i say in the videos and in my writings that our Christians friends are tricked by Lucifer and his servants/Angels. Is it not time to arise up and seek thoroughly to know our eternal Father, Son and Holy Ghost who are the full Truth, Way and Life? ,because its only through these that we can receive the true and Divine Philosophy of hope the new Renaissance of the Divine cause. Elyon/Yeshua and the Paraclete speaks in clear languages as they did in times past inst it ? With much agape love. (TNDL)
...James, the answer to these questions exists in the originality of these titles. If i should say that Lucifer and his servants/Angels has successfully infiltrated the establishment of the Israelite/Jacobites and Christians movements using his titles and names what would you say? Also did Yeshua not say that many who look for him shall find the ... Read more Broadway and walk therein, calling him LORD, LORD but he will say to them at his return go away from me I don't know you? it is based on this truth that i say in the videos and in my writings that our Christians friends are tricked by Lucifer and his servants/Angels. Is it not time to arise up and seek thoroughly to know our eternal Father, Son and Holy Ghost who are the full Truth, Way and Life? ,because its only through these that we can receive the true and Divine Philosophy of hope the new Renaissance of the Divine cause. Elyon/Yeshua and the Paraclete speaks in clear languages as they did in times past inst it ? With much agape love. (TNDL)
Interesting, the battle as to who is higher-the Bishops of the Church or the Prophets who were filled with the Paraclete. In the early Church, the order and structure under Peter, James the brother of Yeshua and John the youngest of Yeshua's Apostles were filled with the Holy Ghost. According to the Acts of the Apostles, the highest in rank were the Apostles, then the Prophets and third Evangelists. We must point out that the rank of Bishop was not established when the early Church in Jerusalem was born. Therefore, are we seeing carnal leaders governing the gentile Church instead of Spiritual leaders through the Paraclete? so, who have been directing Yeshua's Church in the second century and onward Also, we must remind the so called Christian Church that it was the Montanist Christians whom influenced Justinian to build the Holy Agia Sophia through Yeshua's Apostles teachings. (TNDL)
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Descendants of Jacob (Israelite) who turned away from your God Yahweh El-Shadai from ancient times, return unto him. For he will have mercy and abundantly pardon you from rejecting him and serving other gods.
The time has come that he is ready to return to you. Will you return to him? (TNDL)
The time has come that he is ready to return to you. Will you return to him? (TNDL)
Saturday, February 21, 2015
This Aeon /Age that is ushering on us, is the age of Kosmic enlightenment, in the spiritual, material, and physical realms which is of Divine origin. There are new things that will be understood more clearly in the scientific and technological world. New things, that will tell us about ourselves, that we never could even think of. The Knowledge of Elyon the Divine Kosmic energy will fill the earth, and everyone shall know him from the least to the greatest. Then we will need no man to teach us about our Kosmic Father. Because, like the Holy Seers of Elyon, all will be taught by the Great Wind/ Spirit or Living Agape Love of Life and Light, to all humanity. So know him fore yourselves. And let no man/woman teach you, because if Yeshua,the Paraclete and Father Elyon could have educated his Seers ,his Son Yeshua the Logos and his Apostles by his own SPIRIT he can also do the same to you. He is the same yesterday,today and forever he never looses his power.With much agape have a great day,xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Yes just to be alive and well is enough when Elyon/Yeshua the Divine Logos is with us and in us. We are all energies, together we can be strong, however that depends on what kinds of gas we are using to run our cars. We the descendant of Adam and Eve were made for greatness, but along our journey we were tricked by the evil ones in accepting destructive gas in our minds, spirit and soul. That mistake cause us to malfunctioned and lost our way. Now in the new Renaissance of hope the pure high quality gas will be put into our innermost being to produce a new creation in us. Causing us the collective intelligent energy to function orderly in the best interest of all through the agape love. It will clean and purifying our minds, spirits and souls. When this new gas is given in our cars we will fine our way back never to loose it again, because we have learned not to trust Lucifer and his angels nor others. But Elyon/Yeshua the true Light /Divine Energy, we will turn our lights on. (TNDL)
OBEDIENCE to the MOST HIGH Yahweh El-Elyon Yeshua and New Divine Logos; is the primary criterion to please Elyon Yeshua Moshe. He does not want your unwanted gift/gifts without His request, He only wants that which He request. Therefore, keep your gift/gifts and learn the secret powers and blessings that come with obedience to the Most High Yeshua. (TNDL)

Full Truth Will Lead
As it was and still is, the SPIRIT of Full Truth will lead, teach and restrained Elyon/Yeshua's children/people nothing has change.But the apostate Church of Christendom as continued to teach false gospel--teaching lies in high places--deceiving many just as Yeshua and his Apostles said they would. Yeshua is calling his people out of the Synagogue of Satan before it is too late. Therefore let not Lucifer steel our souls. With much agape love have an uplifting and victorious bright DAY over the Devil and hid Angels, we are winners in Yeshua (Jesus Kristos/Christ) and we will overcome,xo xo xo. (TNDL)
There is certainly great power in the agape love of Yahweh Elyon. We need to cultivate genuine altruism and aggression, which is natural positive energy that we call love, to bring balance in our existence on these earthly plains of common. However we also know that speaking it and demonstrating it are two different [aspects] which can only be done by the collective minds, spirits, souls and activities of all. As we join the CIRCLE of the Arch Angel, Divine spiritual energy shall be released to us in our minds, spirits, and of soul. Only then we will be able to accomplish this goal, with purpose, mission and the zeal of Elyon the Most High's Powers.We must remember that there has been many good men and women who tried to bring world peace in the hearts or worldwide for the good of all, but could not archive it. WHY or Why not? could it be that it was not the right Aeon/Age? or we did not have right kind of Divine Powers? lets think on these things. (TNDL)
"Very good dialogue and provocative exercise in pursuit of full truth. Yes with regards to Carl Jung he had enlightened insight into the unconscious self, however he was only a man finite in knowledge and wisdom. He was my favourite in university in the realms of dreams/ Gnostic teaching especially about the Anima/ Animus. Yet even Jong is finite in his search of hidden knowledge of the Dark light side verses the true Light side. One can only see the difference between the two Camps of truth when our spiritual "EYE" is open by Elyon he who know full truth. Fine out for yourselves by speaking to your Divine father Elyon the true LIGHT. Do not listen to anyone else because only the Most High tells the full truth sense he is infinite in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Do not even take my words for it, seek for yourselves and be not deceived by anyone. This is your souls that could be stolen by the evil one. Our responsibility is to save our souls from Lucifer. Arch Angel Michael will help us." (TNDL)
Who Should We Glorify or Worship?
Who should we glorify or worship? Who or what should we not worship? the answer to this per found question, is nothing that is created or made. All things that are created by Elyon the Divine KOSMIC true Light are secondary things. Secondary things needs not to be glorify. Its only the eternal ONE,because he is Supreme KING of all kings of the Kosmos in all the realms, i don't mean earthly rulers. (TNDL)
Good Day family and friends, I am the world, we are the world you are the world. And Elyon/Yeshua said to me, that when the people of the world rise up and demand CHANGE, change will come. And WORLD we are beautiful, fill with agape love, grace, true light and full truth, Elyon love us with his Eternal Love. With much of the same be the World that we are and let the Sunshine of the Most High spread his Light in and around us, so that his Love can radiate through us.With his help we shall be victorious, once we were powerless but now we are powerful, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Where is the love gone? Let’s return to our first love of Elyon Yeshua (Elyon’s Right Hand).” (TNDL)
Music video by Black Eyed Peas performing Where Is The Love?. (C) 2003 Interscope Geffen (A&M) Records A Division of UMG Recordings Inc.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Elyon/Yeshua's E=MC²
.... About physics of energy as well as The E=MC² theory. We are a part of the Kosmic world of nature and the Kosmic world of nature is apart of us. Hence are we not living beings? Since the Kosmic material world is energy it follows then that we are a miniature Kosmos or microcosm. However there is a SPIRITUAL realm that cannot be seen by our five senses or our optical perception because all things optically observed are only delusions. So we are made up of material and Spirit energy the Spiritual frequency being the Highest supreme energy of them all. Notice that i use the high case K for kosmos instead of the high case C for cosmos because the two words have different meanings. Education, Education, Education, knowledge is power but a lack of it make us powerless.Therefore lets educate ourselves. with much agape love. which is the true Living Light, have an energizing day full of light and joy,xo xo xo. (The New Divine Logos)
Thursday, February 19, 2015
The Two Part of The Kosmic Universe
Knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, this is deep natural and spiritual knowledge of KOSMOS. The Kosmic universes are created and made in dualities positive/negative, male/female, good /bad. In other words opposites a Kosmic world of Quantum realities which is the foundation of all things that are created and made.This is the Spiritual and material reality of the Most High, and in him we live, move and have our being.He is building his new Heaven (SKY)Earth and Divine Realms with Quantum materials the strongest and best there is in all the realms. The material Kosmic worlds is only a shadow or reflection of the Spirit worlds or realms.This is Divine Philosophy of the new Renaissance of hope for the Divine CAUSE.Its about Education, Education, Education, for the Knowledge of Elyon shall cover the Earth as water spread across the sea, (SEER Jeremiah Chap 31) With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day, and may Elyon/Yeshua's presence abide with you always xo xo xo. (TNDL)
When the darkness and fogy mist is remove from our spiritual "EYE" then we shall see clearly. Because we will be looking through new lenses from Elyon/Yeshua and we shall walk in the clear and narrow path that leads to a life of the ELECT and RIGHTEOUS. And not the road that leads to destruction. With much agape love have an eye opening experience, xo xo xo.
There is hope in the agape love, full of Grace and Truth with perfect deliverance. The good news is Elyon/Yeshua brightens up our world View and gives us the true Light. So that we don't stumble,fall and stay down but we shall always rise up, getup, stand up and give Elyon/Yeshua the glory and thanks. With much agape love have a bless future and a flourishing new Day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
There is hope in the agape love, full of Grace and Truth with perfect deliverance. The good news is Elyon/Yeshua brightens up our world View and gives us the true Light. So that we don't stumble,fall and stay down but we shall always rise up, getup, stand up and give Elyon/Yeshua the glory and thanks. With much agape love have a bless future and a flourishing new Day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Arise, Awake for the true Light has come and the glory of Yeshua Elyon can be seen. Come to his living Light from out of the darkness of this evil and curse world that is doom for destruction. There is only ONE that can save us from the onslaught of Lucifer. He is the heavenly Lion of Yahweh Elyon, "Michael the great Archangel". He has won the battles and WAR over the villain Lucifer and his angels. Now has come salvation and strength, the Kingdom of our GOD El_Elyon and the power of his CHRIST. Prepare to meet the true Light of your life, mind, soul and spirit. (TNDL)

Elyon's Enlightenment ...
The dream of equality is upon us, where black, white, yellow and brown what ever our color might be, would sit down under our own fig tree; And enjoy the presence of the Most High Elyon/Yeshua and share in his blessings. May our spiritual "EYE" be open to observe this enlightenment in this new Aeon/Age. This is our Day of the true LIGHT; the dark days are slowly passing away. This is the DAY that Elyon/Yeshua had made and our Great Lights shall not go dim because Michael the Great Arch Angel is at work. And so with him we make his CIRCLE and STAND.With much agape love have a victorious and bright Day of equality in the brother and sister hood of the Most High, xo xo xo (TNDL)
The World System of Babylon
The world system of Babylon/Lucifer is a unfair and corrupted one there is nothing new about this behaviour and attitude. It only goes to show that human had this innate thing about us that need to be eradicated from within by the power of Elyon/Yeshua. The agape love is the medicine for the cure of this kind of sickness that is in us. The legal adversary system alone cannot eradicate old inner feelings of hate rage its only through the power of the agape love of Elyon/Yeshua that our inner self can be transformed. An example is how we got red of Jim Crow but still there is ill feeling against our fellow men, another is the life changing experience of people who i know and have read about. We cannot legislate the agape love and compassion it has to be put in us by a Higher Power namely Elyon/Yeshua. With much agape love have a bright and enlightened Day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Elyon's Perfect Deliverance...
Good morning spiritual family and friends, here is some good news. SALVATION/ HEALING is here, because of Yeshua/Jesus. We are now living in the Aeon/Age when all of Earth itself and its living intelligence and living beings shall have perfect Wisdom (SOPHIA) and perfect DELIVERANCE through the power that is in the name of Elyon/Yeshua the eternal (YAHWEH) "I AM ALWAYS IN THE PRESENT", and we shall all know him from the least to the greatest. The Most High's Knowledge will cover the Earth as water spread over the SEA, JEREMIAH Chap, 31.This is a bright and beautiful Day of enlightening to our Earth and its people and other living things.It is time to sing, dance and be glad because Lucifer is thrown down from the High SEAT on the Mountain of Heavens to the Earth , Rev,chap 12, Isaiah 14; 8. And now is come salvation and strength, the Kingdom of Elyon and the power of his KRISTOS (CHRIST). So lets join the CIRCLE of MICHAEL the great Archangel and help clean up the Earth. (TNDL)
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
February 18, 2015 at 8:05pm
“Here is a Rev/Vision that I am sharing with the nations of the world. February 7, 2015: I saw and heard that never before in the history of man, the world is like this: Worldwide troubles, disasters; things that are happening right now on earth.” (TNDL)
“Here is a Rev/Vision that I am sharing with the nations of the world. February 7, 2015: I saw and heard that never before in the history of man, the world is like this: Worldwide troubles, disasters; things that are happening right now on earth.” (TNDL)
Lucifer is the Villian the Root Of Chaos
“The Devil made me do it” Is a common cliché that holds true. An indictment have been made against Lucifer by Elyon. Lucifer has infiltrating the mind of human beings--disrupt their normal behaviour and enticed them into acts of perversions. Some people just start feeling that way while others fall into sexual perversion by the coaxing--promise of material gains--of others. Elyon says only cure is the Name of Yeshua. Yes as we cry out there Is hope in Yeshua.
“Our mothers, and grand mothers are crying out over loss of their children” Lucifer the villain has been busy at work. Where are the Priests, the Evangelists, the Theologians The Pastors and the Preachers; should not the God they serve provides them with healing answers? Lucifer has invaded the mind of the children and what have transpired is perverted and chaotic generation.
Perversion, clearly, has been with us for thousand of years. Never, however, not with standing, Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii been so prevalent on a worldwide scale. Fortunately, Elyon has made His diagnosis and has named Lucifer as the culprit. Along with His diagnosis, Elyon has given us the cure--the healer Yeshua. Lucifer sets out to kill and to destroy, Yeshua brings healing and restorations to Adam’s race. There is power in the name of Yeshua! (TNDL)
“Our mothers, and grand mothers are crying out over loss of their children” Lucifer the villain has been busy at work. Where are the Priests, the Evangelists, the Theologians The Pastors and the Preachers; should not the God they serve provides them with healing answers? Lucifer has invaded the mind of the children and what have transpired is perverted and chaotic generation.
Perversion, clearly, has been with us for thousand of years. Never, however, not with standing, Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii been so prevalent on a worldwide scale. Fortunately, Elyon has made His diagnosis and has named Lucifer as the culprit. Along with His diagnosis, Elyon has given us the cure--the healer Yeshua. Lucifer sets out to kill and to destroy, Yeshua brings healing and restorations to Adam’s race. There is power in the name of Yeshua! (TNDL)
Elyon's Wake Up CAll......For Humans
AWAKE ELYON`S SLEEPING ANGELS ON EARTH. Good morning Elyon`s sleeping Angels on Earth, it is time to awake from your long sleep. The bright Day has come to arise and spread the good news of the Kingdom of Elyon so that we can complete the Most High Church. Awake,awake, awake with much agape love awake because the true Light has come and is shining, the glory of the Heavenly great ONE of Divine realm can be seen. (TNDL)
"February 17, 2015: Here is a rev/vision that I am sharing with you, nations of the world, about all the Israelite Jewish followers of Yeshua their Saviour, Cleanser, Redeemer and strong Deliverer, the Most High (Elyon Yeshua, His right hand). He will visit them and provide security for them wherever they are. Be not afraid,Yeshua, the resurrected One is with you in his SPIRIT form, to help you. ReadPsalm 91 and Psalm 23. Yeshua, the Son of man, will never forsake you. Make your gatherings in prayer as you are doing, and continue to pray and encourage each other everywhere you are among the nations of the world.
Yeshua (right hand of Elyon our eternal Abba Father) is now a living Spirit; he will come to you and dine with you, just as he did two thousand years ago, after he was resurrected/transformed into the higher state of being. "
Yeshua (right hand of Elyon our eternal Abba Father) is now a living Spirit; he will come to you and dine with you, just as he did two thousand years ago, after he was resurrected/transformed into the higher state of being. "
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Many who uses the written word, Rhema, are not fully informed or have a good post secondary education at the university level. It's like this, the Kings of the world when they record the history of an event or events, they make BINARY history. Many different version, then give the servants and slaves the the least of the truth of really happened. This method of control, is still used by those who control the News Media. So, how can one know that they were given the full Truth and true light of the of the historic event/events? I agree with you James, its only through the Paraclete that came to the Disciples on the day of PENTECOST, or by the Father and Son YAHWEH ELYON YESHUA; secondary source, cannot give us the correct account of what the early followers of Yeshua the Lamb received from their Rabbi/Teacher.(TNDL)
Many who uses the written word, Rhema, are not fully informed or have a good post secondary education at the university level. It's like this, the Kings of the world when they record the history of an event or events, they make BINARY history. Many different version, then give the servants and slaves the the least of the truth of really happened. This method of control, is still used by those who control the News Media. So, how can one know that they were given the full Truth and true light of the of the historic event/events? I agree with you James, its only through the Paraclete that came to the Disciples on the day of PENTECOST, or by the Father and Son YAHWEH ELYON YESHUA; secondary source, cannot give us the correct account of what the early followers of Yeshua the Lamb received from their Rabbi/Teacher.(TNDL)
The Divine Energy of Elyon
The Divine Energy the agape love surely is everywhere and in everything. It is the Good, the Good is Elyon, Theos, Yeshua the Logos the All in All, The Agape is in the air, one can hear it when the birds sing, when the children play and dance. And also when we demonstrate solidarity to our neighbours in times of need, Love is contagious lets ignite the fire of love and spread the blaze. With much agape love have a bright and bless day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
New Heaven New Earth of Elyon
New Heaven and New Earth? Interesting, the Kosmic: Creator, Maker, Sustainer and Protector is making all things new. These transformations shall be done in the material, spiritual and Divine worlds. In this Aeon/Age of true Light the Elects and Righteous ones shall flourish because EVIL is vanquished and the GOOD prevailed. Now even some sceptical scientist are admitting that there are changes accruing in the material natural living and none living world. So its time to wake up, stand up, rise up and look to the Mount of Elyon from where our strength comes. Education, education, education, is the new Renaissance of hope from which Elyon's true Knowledge is attained by his people. It comes through Divine revelations like that of the Holy SEERS of ancient times. With much agape love have a great enlightened Day. (TNDL)
The Most High has always raised up his creation that are living beings to declare this glory. Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua is Divine Life, full Truth, true Light and perfect Deliverance. In him we live, move, and have our being. Elyon put a lot of thought in making us, like how a architect, physicist, engineer and builder would. he uses all the elements and energies necessary to fashion us his makings, deriving from his infinite knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Is He not wonderful?. Much agape love, have a great Sunday. (TNDL)
The Time Elyon True Deliverance is Now!
Hello good family and friends how are you doing today? I hope things are fine. I am sending this encouraging sweet song to you, to give you hope that when you have TRUST in the Most High (ELYON)every thing will be alright. So don't worry be joyful in what Elyon/Yeshua is making on the Earth at this time in history. DIVINE ENERGY THE AGAPE LOVE is here on Earth in abundance. With much of the same Love, have a great Weekend. May the Most High/Yeshua's presence be with you always, xo xo xo. P. S As we can see this message of hope is coming from all front. The time of our full deliverance is now in this new Aeon/Age because our Arch Enemy is CAST DOWN therefore rejoice. (TNDL)
Saturday, February 14, 2015
The Kosmic Lion
“Good Day spiritual Angels, family and beloved friends, our Kosmic Lion is with us. He give security, strength and the Agape love; he also takes care of his PRIDE, much agape. What a happy time it is when we come home to our eternal heavenly Father Elyon, is this not wonderful? Surly this is the time to sing, dance and be merry because our Arch enemy his defeated and is cast down. And now is come salvation and strength the Kingdom of Yahweh Elyon and the power of his KRISTOS (CHRIST). With much agape love have a bright and shiny Day.” (TNDL)
Have Tabularasa to have Yeshua
To find Yeshua one must empty or deny oneself, take up ones burden and walk with him. With TABULARASA comes Transformation into the image and likeness of Yeshua Kristos or (Jesus Christ). We have to welcome him in our lives before he will come, he will not force himself in or around us. Much agape love.
Those who are in Yeshua Kristos (Jesus Christ) are all new created beings because they have in themselves the Divine blood of the Glorified Yeshua/Elyon. These who are born of the SPIRIT FROM above are spiritually lead by him. In him is Eternal life which he gives to the spirit and soul of all things in heaven and on earth, as he is making new heaven and new Earth where dwells righteousness. (TNDL)
Those who are in Yeshua Kristos (Jesus Christ) are all new created beings because they have in themselves the Divine blood of the Glorified Yeshua/Elyon. These who are born of the SPIRIT FROM above are spiritually lead by him. In him is Eternal life which he gives to the spirit and soul of all things in heaven and on earth, as he is making new heaven and new Earth where dwells righteousness. (TNDL)
Who or What are We Worshipping
God! “The earliest written form of the Germanic word god comes from the 6th century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word...from the Proto-Germanic * ǥuđan. Most linguists agree that the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * ǵhu-tó-m was based on the root * ǵhau(ə)-, =... ‘to call’ or ‘to invoke’” If God is a later concept, what name did the Prophets and Apostles got for the Kosmos--the Supreme Creator?
According to research the words “Amen and Lord” “Amen? Amun...Egyptian deity. Self created without father or mother, sun god. Amun-Ra. Lord? Are we calling to Baal Tammuz, could we be calling to Lucifer's chaos and calling upon Lucifer when we say lord.” (Cendee Crawford) Friends who and what are we giving praise on honour to--All praise and honour belong to the Supreme Creator Elyon/Yeshua?
According to research the words “Amen and Lord” “Amen? Amun...Egyptian deity. Self created without father or mother, sun god. Amun-Ra. Lord? Are we calling to Baal Tammuz, could we be calling to Lucifer's chaos and calling upon Lucifer when we say lord.” (Cendee Crawford) Friends who and what are we giving praise on honour to--All praise and honour belong to the Supreme Creator Elyon/Yeshua?
God Beliefs or Knowing Elyon/Yeshua
GOD! In a world of 6 billion people, with religion we seems to personalize God, we could have 6 billion concepts . God, 6th century proto-Germanic word-- scholastics and syllogism provide a concept of beliefs. Does believing give an individual or group the ability to truly know the Creator, Yahweh Elyon, the Father of Yeshua as Paul, Peter and John did? Doe it take a concept or intelligent entity to define itself?
Well I have looked at all the argument and I will say this if we were dealing with information that was of Divine revelation and not derived from scholastics, syllogism and exegesis would there be any room for disagreement? Now we have people who differs; can we have two different version of the same truth? And if not who is correct? The magic question of who is right can only be answered by Divine revelation. Only information that come to us from Elyon/Yeshua can be trusted. Other information are based on human wisdom that are suited form our beliefs. How can we use beliefs to define the Kosmos who created all things? Should not the Kosmic intelligence define it self and in the process tell why, where, how, what and when of it all? Does believing something make it true?
Well I have looked at all the argument and I will say this if we were dealing with information that was of Divine revelation and not derived from scholastics, syllogism and exegesis would there be any room for disagreement? Now we have people who differs; can we have two different version of the same truth? And if not who is correct? The magic question of who is right can only be answered by Divine revelation. Only information that come to us from Elyon/Yeshua can be trusted. Other information are based on human wisdom that are suited form our beliefs. How can we use beliefs to define the Kosmos who created all things? Should not the Kosmic intelligence define it self and in the process tell why, where, how, what and when of it all? Does believing something make it true?
Friday, February 13, 2015
Every February across the country: candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But, who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day — and its patron saint — is shrouded in mystery, but we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today. (TNDL)
How lovely and beautiful is Elyon's masterpiece artwork, Man/Woman; are they not beautiful, orderly and an expression of His image and likeness? (TNDL)
How lovely and beautiful is Elyon's masterpiece artwork, Man/Woman; are they not beautiful, orderly and an expression of His image and likeness? (TNDL)
Hello beautiful people around the world, the spirit of Valentine fire and flame is defusing in the air. Let’s enjoy it and have a happy Valentine's weekend. (TNDL)
Happy Valentine's Day to all our families and friends around the World!!!
I wish you lovers around the world, much good romance that lightens and brightens up your love life. Have a blessed and happy VALENTINE weekend, with much agape love. (TNDL)
Live and let’s love on this Valentine season. May the Most High (Elyon) bless you real good and give true happiness always, with much agape love. (TNDL)
Receive the most precious and priceless gift there is in the Kosmos, the Agape Love. This Agape love shall bring peace, and joy to our lives, family and friend in this Valentine season. Have a great Valentine and may Elyon/Yeshua blessed you always. Have a blessed Valentine weekend. (TNDL)
Man and Woman look beautiful together, they are Elyon’s creation and His masterpiece Art work. Are they not beautiful? With this in view, have a lovely romantic Valentine weekend, and may Elyon bless you with all His rich blessings. (TNDL)
Hello beautiful people around the world, the spirit of Valentine fire and flame is defusing in the air. Let’s enjoy it and have a happy Valentine's weekend. (TNDL)
Happy Valentine's Day to all our families and friends around the World!!!
I wish you lovers around the world, much good romance that lightens and brightens up your love life. Have a blessed and happy VALENTINE weekend, with much agape love. (TNDL)
Live and let’s love on this Valentine season. May the Most High (Elyon) bless you real good and give true happiness always, with much agape love. (TNDL)
Receive the most precious and priceless gift there is in the Kosmos, the Agape Love. This Agape love shall bring peace, and joy to our lives, family and friend in this Valentine season. Have a great Valentine and may Elyon/Yeshua blessed you always. Have a blessed Valentine weekend. (TNDL)
The Change in Tide
Gooood morning family and friends –Earth Angels! It another day to give thanks and praise. Elyon’s children are now conquerors. According to Elyon’s Seer Prophet: The tide is changing no longer are we preys and socio-economic and political slaves, it time to take our stand as children of Elyon/Yeshua. Lets us give thanks praise and honour to the Kosmos, the ALL, Yahweh Elyon in the name of Yeshua. No matter what, no matter how is seems, the Son of Man will shine for Adam’s/Eve’s race. The power of deliverance is in the name of Yeshua... Much agape love xoxoxo (TNDL) .
The Power available for true Deliverance
We live in a world of chaos and oppression in which we wrestle against,” principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Plagued by Lucifer and his angels, many are calling out for help. Thanks to Elyon's Seer Prophet, over the years up until the present, many have learned and have utilized the 'power' in the true and original name of the Kosmos the Supreme Creator-- Elyon and His Son-- Yeshua. Many of us will have come to realize, that with such a wise and powerful adversary as Lucifer, using obscure titles to approach our Creator are absolutely futile. When these true names and others were given to us by Elyon's through His seer prophets, it offered renewed hope for the deliverance of Adam and Eve’s race. The power in these names offers perfect victory over Lucifer and his angels. From time to time the name Elyon, "The Most High" is used by some but why not use both original names, and enjoy the benefits they bring Elyon (Most High) and Yeshua (Perfect deliverance)? It is time to educate ourselves in the Kosmic knowledge held by Holy Seers and the Apostles. In trying to solve a problem, if one method works to no avail, is it not prudent to try another?
We have been holding on to the current Christian dogma for about 2000 years. The world has given much in the way of acclamations of greatness to many humans, saints, church fathers, philosophers, bishops, evangelists and pastors. However, for the masses, has this world gotten better or worse? With all the great protagonists of history, we are still left without an antidote for the chaos of mass reciprocal atrocities. Could it be that in the mix of our doctrinal dogma there are lies and half truths which are the very tools our defeat? Has Lucifer robbed us of our weapons and left us holding mere replicas which offer us no real protection and only a false sense of security? There are very few on earth enjoying their heaven here. Why should the masses wait to die to enjoy their heaven? If there is power in a particular name, would a replica have the same potent power as the original? Elyon's Seer says: "Children of the Most High, those of us who have been redeemed by Yeshua, in our call for help we urge you, to speak the names of power. Call upon the Kosmos with the names that were used for protection and full deliverance by the Apostles. Be reminded, the most powerful names the was ever given to mankind are 'Elyon and His son Yeshua”. Try them and see the results for yourself. Now the cycle of losses to Lucifer and his angels by the Children of Elyon has been broken by “Yeshua”. I wish you much agape love in the names of Elyon/Yeshua.
We have been holding on to the current Christian dogma for about 2000 years. The world has given much in the way of acclamations of greatness to many humans, saints, church fathers, philosophers, bishops, evangelists and pastors. However, for the masses, has this world gotten better or worse? With all the great protagonists of history, we are still left without an antidote for the chaos of mass reciprocal atrocities. Could it be that in the mix of our doctrinal dogma there are lies and half truths which are the very tools our defeat? Has Lucifer robbed us of our weapons and left us holding mere replicas which offer us no real protection and only a false sense of security? There are very few on earth enjoying their heaven here. Why should the masses wait to die to enjoy their heaven? If there is power in a particular name, would a replica have the same potent power as the original? Elyon's Seer says: "Children of the Most High, those of us who have been redeemed by Yeshua, in our call for help we urge you, to speak the names of power. Call upon the Kosmos with the names that were used for protection and full deliverance by the Apostles. Be reminded, the most powerful names the was ever given to mankind are 'Elyon and His son Yeshua”. Try them and see the results for yourself. Now the cycle of losses to Lucifer and his angels by the Children of Elyon has been broken by “Yeshua”. I wish you much agape love in the names of Elyon/Yeshua.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
“ February 8, 2015: Rev/Vision/ Experience about the resurrection of the true children of our eternal Abba Heavenly Father, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua (right hand of the Most High Creator, Maker, Sustainer and Saviour). I saw, heard and experienced my nuclear family. It is a great and new Divine resurrection. Everyone has a young spiritual body as Yeshua’s transformed body. All those who did not remain in iniquity, but repented from their sins and iniquity, through the blood of the Lamb, Yeshua, they are washed in the blood of Yeshua, the Cleanser. I watched the new resurrection life of Yeshua that his people, who put him and his pathway first above all things, were having. In this new life of Yeshua, there is no death; pain, sorrow, poverty, hate, or anything that is harmful. No devil; the former old world is no more in existence and all things are made new. Read THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS CHAPT. 21-22.” (TNDL)
Elyon's Divine Philosophy
EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION, Divine Philosophy of the new Renaissance of hope is what we need in these last days.Only ELYON know the full truth. While it is fine to study and look at many concepts and theories of different subjects no one can fine full truth unless its revealed from the Most High, because all the others only know in part, but Elyon knows in full. It is the Divine Light, Kosnic Wind or Storm Great/ Mighty SPIRIT of the Divine realm, take a pick of any the titles. However it is from this source that true answer of full truth of the Salvation of sky and earth will come. and not from man, because man's knowledge has its limitations, it is finite, deceptive, and full of self interest in our commons of life. Institutions, organizations they all have there own agendas, lets keep it real only he who control the state of all created beings cares about us. His full Grace, full truth and agape love are the only real things we can rely on. Lucifer and his falling angels lied. (TNDL)
The Kosmic Order....
Seeing the kosmic order of things from an orderly natural way. We will have a kosmic cataclysmic event that will change the earth from the way it is today. The ancient seers all knew that because Elyon showed them through his great and mighty SPIRIT. And not only the earth will go through this change but the skies, both spirit and material the invisible worlds and visible worlds. However Elyon will be the hope of his people and his creations and makings. the Most High will make all things new, with much agape love have a hopeful future and a bless eternity,xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Enlightenment And Information...
As ancient Greece's Hellenistic enlightenment period fell into the dark days of ignorance, it made way for the rising empirical Rome.While Rome enjoyed the days of military strength and literary superiority reached its zenith old man Rome did fell. He also went into gross darkness,then the middle aged ushered in a long period for about five hundred years. Now the information age is here, just as Daniel the Seer said it would. Yeshua said all that was covered will be now uncovered. Also sacred Gnostic in Hieroglyphics, books that existed before Abraham, books after the exile of the Children of Israel up to Yeshua and his Apostles, and gnostic teachings from the risen Yeshua the Kristos to the apostle Peter, John and Paul. However Daniel the Seer said only the WISE would understand, the questions are who was considered wise in Daniel's time period and are these wise ones still exist? My research shows that they do exist. (TNDL)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Elyon's World
One should not give the satisfaction of overpowering the earth to LUCIFER because he is cast down from his high place. And now is Elyon/Michael the Great Arch Angel's time. He has taken unto himself the great Divine powers of heaven and is using what is necessary until the great Evil Beast is destroy in the old world empire.People should not be like ATLAS --try to carry the world on their shoulder. That is for the Most High to figure out and surly he has. But sure enough their will be a final battle on earth between GOOD and EVIL. Michael the Great Archangel and Lucifer the evil One, however, Michael and his Angels will win. Only the Spiritually enlighten one can know these things through the Great Spirit of Elyon. If one is in carnality one cannot know these things only those who are spiritually inclined and have gift from the Most High to discerned. (TNDL)
Importace of Names
Yes it is important to know the meaning of names, symbols, signs and titles.The ancient ones would not use names without knowing their meanings, because it only prudent to know.These modern social philosophical thinkers don't think it significant for the great mass to know these why? or why not? know thyself oh man.Knowledge is power lack of knowledge is powerless and this is not good, With much agape love have bright and knowledgeable future. (TNDL)
The Nature of our World...
When we allow Elyon to put new and good energy in our cars, he will turn our lights on so that we not drive in the dark. We need to see where we are going working together as we make the circle of Michael the Archangel and call on our eternal father the Most High foe help. With much agape love have a hopeful and victorious future.Nature is orderly and beautiful when Elyon's energy is in our cars it gives us lasting light, so that we don't drive in the dark. (TNDL)
True Agape Love of Elyon
Creator Elyon as Father and not Master (lord) he who love his children and don't treat them as his property even though it is he who created and made all by his own powers. His agape love is truly pass finding out and is full of Grace and Truth. Just like any good parent he is always there for his creation and makings.Therefore let us give him the thanks, glory and respect that he so rightly deserve. The love of Elyon/Yeshua endures forever, not like the common physical attraction that many called love. Which make you lovable to your last mistake--forgetting all the pass good deeds you have done. Therefore abide with Elyon's ways of the good, because Good is of the Love and the agape Love is the Supreme Creator, maker Sustainer and Redeemer. He is the Most High and we are his children. With much Agape love have a pleasant and lovable UP MONTH and a flourishing UP YEAR, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Hateful deeds that calculates acts that is antisocial only fuels more hateful deeds. Is this kind of behavior we want among us? this kind of belief and attitudes are a direct reflection of the nature of the evil one because he is the father of all who hate goodness, love, peace and brother/sisterhood. He was a killer from a beginning. His works will his children do. However we good people should learn from this experience, knowing that even an 88 year old man can surprise us with these kind of behavior, and do the unthinkable. but the truth must be uncover so that we can know the evil that is in the hearts, spirits and minds of some people. WHERE IS THE AGAPE LOVE? it is only found in Yeshua the Divine LOGOS/ELYON the Divine living LIGHT. One can fine full Truth,Grace, Agape Love and perfect peace in spirit, soul, mind and heart. Out side of him there is only darkness, hate, disorder (Chaos) and the evil that is in the world.With much agape love have a new stare and a victorious future. (TNDL)
Age of Kosmic Enlightenment
This Aeon /Age that is ushering on us, is the age of Kosmic enlightenment, in the spiritual, material,physical realms which is of Divine origin. There are new things that will be understood more clearly in the scientific and technological world that will tell us new things about ourselves that we never could even think of. The Knowledge of Elyon the Divine Kosmic energy will fill the earth, and everyone shall know him from the least to the greatest. Then we will need no man to teach us about our Kosmic Father because like the Holy Seers of Elyon all will be taut by the Great Wind/ Spirit or Living Agape Love of Life and Light, to all humanity. So know him fore yourselves. And let no man/woman teach you, because if Yeshua,the Paraclete and Father Elyon could have educated his Seers ,his Son Yeshua the Logos and his Apostles by his own SPIRIT he can also do the same to you. He is the same yesterday,today and forever he never looses his power.With much agape have a great day,xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Monday, February 9, 2015
The Inner Light ...
Yes just to be alive and well is enough when Elyon/Yeshua the Divine Logos is with us and in us. We are all energies,and together we can be strong. However that depends on what kinds of gas we are using to run our cars. We the descendant of Adam and Eve were made for greatness, but along our journey we were tricked by the evil ones in accepting destructive gas in our minds, spirit and soul. That mistake causes us to malfunctioned and lost our way. Now in the new Renaissance of hope the pure high quality gas will be put into our innermost being to produce a new creation in us. Causing us, the collective intelligent energies to function orderly in the best interests of all through the agape love. It will clean and purifying our minds, spirits and souls. When this new gas is given in our cars we will find our way back never to loose it again--because we have learned not to trust Lucifer and his angels nor others. But Elyon/Yeshua the true Light /Divine Energy, we will turn our lights on. (TNDL)
Real Beauty; Elyon's Beauty
It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.However true and real beauty comes only from Elyon our Kosmic creator and sustainer. True beauty is of the spirit, soul and mind, false beauty is given by the influence of Lucifer through various ways. Example by false pride,lust, selfishness and greed. All of these are attributes of the evil one, he puts his ideas in our minds, spirits, and souls to deceive, distort and to lead us astray from Elyon's path. Lucifer comes to kill, deceive, lie and to destroy all that is good. He does not come with a pitch fork or horns to exhibit himself, but with dark though/ ideas, in unsafe drugs false beautify. He poses as the SUN of the Morning, or bright morning Star--He is full of pump and pride. let us put on the Armour of the risen Yeshua, which is his heavenly NAME-- it came from the Divine Realm, brought to earth by Gabriel the Archangel: gospel of LUKE (CHAP 1),Please don't be fool by him any more he is the father of all confounded lies. (TNDL)
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Elyon's Work in the Affairs of Man
Confusion in the world among nations and nation States, does this seem like a time when we human hearts are failing because of world wide events? While we are concerned with what is happening around our global village,lets not worry about things we cannot change because its all in Elyon's GAME of chess.These final world governments was predicted by all true seer of the ancient times. The war between the two great Kosmic forces,1 the true Living LIGHT Elyon and his Moshe/Kristos, 2 with Lucifer the light and his great servant the Beast of EUROPE. We cannot change that which will come to pass, however we can chose sides. Which side will we chose the side of Elyon's Moshe/Kristos or the side of Lucifer's great servant the BEAST? The great election is in our hands its up to us. I will only say that there is strength and power in the name of Elyon/Yeshua, in him is our hope for this victory. With much agape love of unity have a wise and prudent choice of your election. xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Elyon's Divine Philosophy 2
A universal call to awake for the true Light has come into our realm or plain call earth. It is time for us to know ourselves, who or what we are as earth people and other livings beings or things on this golden Jewell we live. It is also time to know from Elyon worldview, the Divine philosophy of things, and not just man's worldview, because the earth belongs to Elyon and not man. Humanism is a false concept of thing on earth since everything evolve around Elyon because he is beginning, space, time, Light and life of all kinds. All things proceeded from him, he spoke the spirit, material and physical worlds into existence through his Divine Spirit and made the other with the materials that he created. He is the MOST HIGH, he is ELyon, he love his creation and makings and said it is good. Because in his worlds there is the KOSMIC order for the cosmic world, and without him in our worlds the result is chaos or disorder.With much agape have a inspiring bright day and a Divine insight. (TNDL)
He was not from our human stock, nor just of material and physical life form, but his origin is from his Eternal Father Elyon. He proceeded from the Divine Realm on the Sacred Mount of Elyon with the holy ones, the Elohim/family of Elyon (Deuteronomy 32:8, Isaiah 14:13-14, Psalms 91, Psalms 82:6).
His Divine Name is a reflection of his holy entity; he is Ruler of all the sacred realms however, he came to us on earth to revealed the True Light which is himself. But not the light which is the imposter/Lucifer who came to deceive the whole world, and plunge the living beings in darkness. The Gospel of John speaks of the True Light. Jesus said he was the True Light that came into world in the Gospel of John.
But what was the true Name that Elyon gave to his only Begotten Son? Who changed it from what his parents and those who knew him as? And what Divine powers are in this Name?
.WHY was his Name change and hidden from the Western world? The Name that was sent from his Eternal Father Elyon in the Divine Realm, carried by the Arch Angel Gabriel for Miriam to name her son? (Luke 1: 26-38). The Name that according to the Apostle Peter, there is no other name given among mankind whereby we can be save (heal) but YESHUA (the ACTS of the Apostles 4:11-12).
Yet, evil disrespectful and fearless people has done this cold calculated thing to keep the whole world in gross darkness, in ignorance spiritual and intellectual (Isaiah 60: 1-5). This hiding, distortion of the truth, and feeding the 80 percent the great mass with lies, was a weapon used by many authorities and scribes to deceive the populace, so that they could divide and conquer. This was happening from the time of Nimrod to our percent day. The purpose was to prevent the great mass from knowing the full truth, that way the great mass could be control more effectively.
However, with one voice when the condition was right, Yahweh Elyon, spoke through the mouth of RICK WARREN, a man who love YESHUA, in the prayer of the inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. That way, the whole world could hear the true Name of Elyon and MARY’s Son. This Name is Divine, it was used by YESHUA’s Apostles to heal the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils and do all manner of wonders and miracles, and finally keeping them safe from Lucifer/Satan. It's not surprising why some Christian churches are so different from the Apostles of YESHUA of Nazareth and his early followers, because the Name was hidden from the false church.
The generations that followed the death of Yeshua’s holy apostles and their disciples fell into apostasy and ignorance, believing in fables, pagan religious philosophies and eventually believing in a false Christ/an imposter. For example, teaching received by the holy apostles of Yeshua of Nazareth in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church in the middle age/ the council of Nicaea (325-337 common era).
YESHUA of Nazareth IS the original Name known and used by those who were with him and knew him. Jesus is the English translation of the Greek Yesus or Ieesus (saviour). YESHUA, was the One who was Crucified and resurrected and talked about by those who were with him. Kristos or English Christ is the name given to the resurrected /Kosmic Ruler, Saviour and redeemer by the Hellenistic converts.(TNDL)
His Divine Name is a reflection of his holy entity; he is Ruler of all the sacred realms however, he came to us on earth to revealed the True Light which is himself. But not the light which is the imposter/Lucifer who came to deceive the whole world, and plunge the living beings in darkness. The Gospel of John speaks of the True Light. Jesus said he was the True Light that came into world in the Gospel of John.
But what was the true Name that Elyon gave to his only Begotten Son? Who changed it from what his parents and those who knew him as? And what Divine powers are in this Name?
.WHY was his Name change and hidden from the Western world? The Name that was sent from his Eternal Father Elyon in the Divine Realm, carried by the Arch Angel Gabriel for Miriam to name her son? (Luke 1: 26-38). The Name that according to the Apostle Peter, there is no other name given among mankind whereby we can be save (heal) but YESHUA (the ACTS of the Apostles 4:11-12).
Yet, evil disrespectful and fearless people has done this cold calculated thing to keep the whole world in gross darkness, in ignorance spiritual and intellectual (Isaiah 60: 1-5). This hiding, distortion of the truth, and feeding the 80 percent the great mass with lies, was a weapon used by many authorities and scribes to deceive the populace, so that they could divide and conquer. This was happening from the time of Nimrod to our percent day. The purpose was to prevent the great mass from knowing the full truth, that way the great mass could be control more effectively.
However, with one voice when the condition was right, Yahweh Elyon, spoke through the mouth of RICK WARREN, a man who love YESHUA, in the prayer of the inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. That way, the whole world could hear the true Name of Elyon and MARY’s Son. This Name is Divine, it was used by YESHUA’s Apostles to heal the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils and do all manner of wonders and miracles, and finally keeping them safe from Lucifer/Satan. It's not surprising why some Christian churches are so different from the Apostles of YESHUA of Nazareth and his early followers, because the Name was hidden from the false church.
The generations that followed the death of Yeshua’s holy apostles and their disciples fell into apostasy and ignorance, believing in fables, pagan religious philosophies and eventually believing in a false Christ/an imposter. For example, teaching received by the holy apostles of Yeshua of Nazareth in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church in the middle age/ the council of Nicaea (325-337 common era).
YESHUA of Nazareth IS the original Name known and used by those who were with him and knew him. Jesus is the English translation of the Greek Yesus or Ieesus (saviour). YESHUA, was the One who was Crucified and resurrected and talked about by those who were with him. Kristos or English Christ is the name given to the resurrected /Kosmic Ruler, Saviour and redeemer by the Hellenistic converts.(TNDL)
Saturday, February 7, 2015
With the true Renaissance of hope, knowledge that is given by Elyon/Yeshua, we need to developed the high quality of learning. Questioning everything we know and learn through LINGUISTIC or LANGUAGE. Its about EDUCATON, EDUCATION, EDUCATION with the knowledge in it. We must be critical in learning to arrive at a clear logical, rational and Spiritual understanding of things. Example, know the root meanings of names, titles, symbols, words, letters, of a language and the usages of metaphors. Also the time periods, cultures, and customs that these linguistic tools were used. True knowledge is divine philosophy, it enables us to make distinctions between, things, like Creator, creation, Lord, GOD, symbols, signs, names, titles,and metaphors. The quality of Education can be derived by EMPIRICISM, Reason, Logic Mathematics and the sciences---With heard work and a passion for learning sound knowledge with Elyon the CREATOR in the mix. Knowledge is power, a lack of it is powerless. (TNDL)
OUR HEAVENLY FATHER YAHWEH ELYON, is the example for caring and responsible fathers of the Earth. The Most High sustain, provides and secures us all. A home without a fathers presence and Kosmic divine energies needs that fertile ground to create conditions and socialization for structure and good development. Good fathers are as essential to their children as the SUN in our solar system is to all his mother planets around him. Just as how life in our earth is dependent on the heat and light of our SUN in like manner children in our homes are dependent on good, reliable and responsible fathers.Like a rock and a giant tree in a desert place. Father who stands by their Kids as their role models to make them feel secure. We conscientious fathers should all learn from our eternal Heavenly Elyon how to be a good and caring father. With much agape love have a bright future with our children with love, wisdom, loyalty, care, security and responsibility. xo xo xo. (TNDL)
True Change of Elyon
Lasting change takes work. True CHANGE will not come by starting another world war even thou certain body of people who are influenced by the evil one may try--But by the powers of the MOST HIGH (ELYON)/ Michael the Great Arch Angel who will give fair Divine and righteous justice. Therefore lets join the CIRCLE of Michael using the power of unity and strength as we help him use his CHAIN on LUCIFER the DEVIL and bound Satan.The people and children of Elyon/Yeshua will be protected with the power that is in the name of YESHUA the heavenly name from the Divine Realms brought to Miriam by the Archangel Gabriel from Yeshua's father ELYON. With much agape love have a enlighten bright Day. (TNDL)
Friday, February 6, 2015
YESHUA AND HIS MARTYRS RETURN TO REIGN AS KING AND PRIESTS!!!Yeshua and his true followers are martyrs of the full Truth and true living Light. And so those who was martyred like him shall live with him in the paradise of Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)
For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten SON. So that whoever believes in him," which is to say having faith and trust"should not eternally perished but will have eternal life. These martyrs are call faithful and true (TNDL)
For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten SON. So that whoever believes in him," which is to say having faith and trust"should not eternally perished but will have eternal life. These martyrs are call faithful and true (TNDL)
Join us every Friday for ONE HOUR ...
"Between 7-8pm the universal collective force of prayer from the saints to the Most High El will be in progress. Through the Holy Name of Yeshua Elyon, the New Divine Logos. Everyone who follows the Most High in our time is receiving perfect Wisdom and Deliverance. Yeshua Moshe is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one gets to the Eternal Father but by Him. Yeshua is the Golden Key that opens the door into His Father's realms. You have tried all other names or means and have not received an answer, why not try the Name YESHUA?" TNDL
The Necessity Of Change
Necessity is the Mother/ Father in making drastic and desperate calls in desperate times. This is one of these moment in history where "Necessity" seeks Wisdom by (SOPHIA) to make real lasting CHANGE that matters to equity of all for the greater GOOD. However how can we be sure that the people are not just about their own self interest? We nee the good and pure spirit of solidarity to out shine the dark forces of evil minds who has been owning the world resources for thousand of years in Imperial rule. This system of BABYLON must be eradicated "ALLAS", to bring in a new. With the guidance of the MOST HIGH (ELYON) only through his help can we conquer the modern day TITANS and they will not give it up without a fight. With much agape love and fairness the spirit of compassion can be attained for the common good of all, xo xo xo (TNDL)
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Announcement to the nations of the world. The Most High El, is telling you that, the Time and Day of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua Moshe is here. Whereby, He shall bring to past the judgement on the nations for their transgressions against His ways. This judgement according to The King James Version which emphasize LORD, but we know Him as YAHWEH:
Malachi Chapter 4
1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (TNDL)
Malachi Chapter 4
1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (TNDL)
August, Leo, Lion, Rufus, these names all mean, the kosmic ruler Yahweh El-Elyon
Yeshua Moshe, Son of Man, the new Divine Logos and golden Lion King of the kosmic kings, in the celestial and terrestrial realms.. (TNDL)
Yeshua Moshe, Son of Man, the new Divine Logos and golden Lion King of the kosmic kings, in the celestial and terrestrial realms.. (TNDL)
Education Education ......knowledge is power, but a lack of it makes us powerless. EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION, we must learn the language of symbols, signs, names,titles, numbers and that of letters and music. All these tools have Gnostic or hidden meanings, these were hidden from the 80% or the great mass for Millenniums to keep the world in gross darkness. Intellectually and spiritually until the Aeon/Age of information. We must wake up from our deep sleep the divine Heavenly Warrior MICHAEL is here on Earth to clean-up and purify the whole Earth and prepare it for the KINGDOM of ELYON. Because he is the Supreme King of the KOSMIC kings in SKY and on Earth.However first Lucifer/Satan/ the Devil must be exposed by Michael and his Angels, defeated, charged Judge and sentence to punishment. PLEASE join the CIRCLE of MICHAEL, be on the good side on Elyon's side, and lets brake the evil Serpent Circle. much agape love have a bright Day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)
Father Elyon's Time is Now
After 3500 years of Babylonian legacy it is "Father Elyon's Time" Ancient Esoteric knowledge that Lucifer and his god angels gave to Adam& Eve to corrupt and pervert them so that he could deceived and rob them of the true Light (Gnostic knowledge) that came from Elyon. The old Esoteric knowledge is of natural and supernatural origin given by Lucifer and his fallen angels. And other transgressors angels called the Watchers/ Elohim s (Those who came from the Sky) or (Heaven).These Videos gives insight into the Book of Enoch and Genesis where it talk about a knowledge of good and Evil that Man/Woman received from Lucifer/Sameel. The rulers still have and use it to rule the hold world, it is necessary for all people to know these things. Because knowledge is power and lack of it make one powerless.It about Education, Education,Education, the wise shall understand and will brake from the old and embrace the new Divine knowledge that Yahweh Elyon will gives to his Children in our new Aeon/Age. (TNDL)
The path to Yahweh God relies on #Faith, #Trustand #Obedience. Blessed are those who cannot see, yet they believe and maintain the above qualities. Remember, The race is not for the swift, but for those who endure to the very end. Be sure to have enough oil in your lamp for your journey. TNDL
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Why are we surprise? [That a Christian minister would indicate that Yeshua is not the only way to Elyon] I have pointed out in my posting that there is an apostate Church proclaiming a false gospel of getting rich, loving power, worshipping and serving "MAMMON" and not Elyon/Yeshua; the Apostles of Yeshua called this another gospel.
Also, the good news to repent, be baptised and be saved--John the Baptist gospel of retribution to the Jewish people was for 2000 years ago. He was preaching a gospel of repentance to the Jewish people to try and restore them to the ancient ways of worshipping and serving YHWH. John was telling them to repent and save themselves from the impending destruction that would occur between AD 66-70 CE.
This is in contrast to Yeshua, his Apostles and Disciples Gospel of the Kingdom of the Most High (Elyon). Yeshua's Good news is about being born from above, born of the Spirit of the Most High Elyon. His good news teaches that Yeshua is the way, the Truth and the Life, and no one can get to the Eternal Father Elyon but through him.
And so, anyone who cannot confess the full Truth of the Most High God, is of the Church of Lucifer or the Synagogue of Satan. The message of the Kingdom of Heaven is a Spiritual one, it is not carnal and cannot be realized by those who worship and serve the God Mammon, nor Lucifer.
Yeshua is the way, the Truth and the Life, and this message is about eternal Life, not retribution--this was for the Jewish nation of AD 66-70 CE. So, it is not surprising that the false Apostles are preaching another gospel different from the one Yeshua, his Apostles and Disciples taught. (TNDL)
Also, the good news to repent, be baptised and be saved--John the Baptist gospel of retribution to the Jewish people was for 2000 years ago. He was preaching a gospel of repentance to the Jewish people to try and restore them to the ancient ways of worshipping and serving YHWH. John was telling them to repent and save themselves from the impending destruction that would occur between AD 66-70 CE.
This is in contrast to Yeshua, his Apostles and Disciples Gospel of the Kingdom of the Most High (Elyon). Yeshua's Good news is about being born from above, born of the Spirit of the Most High Elyon. His good news teaches that Yeshua is the way, the Truth and the Life, and no one can get to the Eternal Father Elyon but through him.
And so, anyone who cannot confess the full Truth of the Most High God, is of the Church of Lucifer or the Synagogue of Satan. The message of the Kingdom of Heaven is a Spiritual one, it is not carnal and cannot be realized by those who worship and serve the God Mammon, nor Lucifer.
Yeshua is the way, the Truth and the Life, and this message is about eternal Life, not retribution--this was for the Jewish nation of AD 66-70 CE. So, it is not surprising that the false Apostles are preaching another gospel different from the one Yeshua, his Apostles and Disciples taught. (TNDL)
President Obama the peace maker
"Yeshua said, Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of GOD. Most High Yeshua. Obama is trying to solve the world crisis through peaceful means. Hence, are the warmongers the children of El Elyon Yeshua, the New Divine Logos, the righteous Peace Maker? Agape Love is more powerful than hatefulness, revenge and unrighteous wars of the world. War, wars and rumors of war are sent by the Kosmic Creator, Maker, Sustainer and Saviour, Elyon Yeshua." (TNDL)
Proof of Full Truth and True Light
We have Saul who was Doctor of Law and Paul who was taught by the Risen Yeshua. Which side shows the element of Full Truth and Truth light? Paul teaching was endorsed by Spinoza (In Him we live and move and have our being) and Albert Einstein was asked if he believe in God ... Einstein state that he believe in Spinoza God. Why did he not say God. One cannot understand the Kosmic intelligence without coming fact to face with such intelligence as Paul did. History prove that who chose revelations-Polycorp and the Montanist over Scholastics, syllogism and exegesis were regularly burn at the stake and then later given saint hood by those Monosophites -- Clements, Augustine and Aquinas. It never fails, the carnal can never comprehend the spiritual. The Students of the book call those who champion the Revelation of the Kosmic intelligence Heretic. Was the Divine Truth that was spread by the Apostle Paul derived from Scripture or from the Risen Yeshua and the Holy Ghost? Full Truth and True Light will prevail all in the fullness of Elyon's Time.
And now is the fullness of time....., great Kosmic changes are being made on Earth and in Heaven. It does not matter what others say, its what Elyon/Yeshua says that count. Just remember the many will find the broad road that leads to destruction and walk therein, but only few shall walk on the narrow path that lead to life eternal.Yeshua also said upon is return the MANY will call him LORD, LORD but he will say to the Many go away from me i don’t know who you are, he lawless people. Those who have and exhibit the agape love--those who keep Yeshua’s two Commandments are those who walk in the agape love don’t judge others, that is Elyon/Yeshua's job. There is now no condemnation to those who are in Yeshua Moshe, all those who are not in carnality. Because they are born from above by the Great Spirit of Elyon/Yeshua they are in Him and He is in them. Much agape love have a enlightened and uplifting weekend. (TNDL)
Monday, February 2, 2015
The Source of Proof of Elyon/Yeshua Full Truth
The Father Son and Holy Ghost is the only sure proof of full Truth and true Light. The proof of an individual of his or her personal experience of full Truth, really, is between that person/persons and the Most High Creator. Only by the agency of the Holy Ghost, Yeshua and Elyon can anyone know for sure that there is proof. These Kosmic agents--they are the revealers of full truths. To know the full Truth is like having an experience as Peter, James and John had on the Holy Mount of Elyon. This is speaking about when Yeshua revealed the Kingdom to them, another is when the risen Yeshua appeared to his brother James. Also when Yeshua came to Peter in a dream and revealed the mystery of the Gentile entering into the Yeshua movement, (Acts 10;34-48). Lets not forget the Apostle experience on Damascus Rd, Acts (Chap 9;1-41) Last but not least is Phillip the Apostle of Yeshua. Phillip was literally moved by the SPIRIT of Yeshua and taken to the Ethiopian Eunuch. He ministered to this seeker of full Truth and true Light by the help of Risen Yeshua telling Phillip what he should say and do,(Acts Chap,8;14-40) (TNDL)
Is It Elyon's Time You Say?
Blessed are the eyes of the Wise Children of (SOPHIA) for they see. The Seer Daniel said only those who are of Sophia will understand and they shall Shine as the STARS of Heavens. These Holy Saints will stand up with Michael the Archangel, and many things will change in Mother Earth. These Kosmic events will happen because of the intervention of the Great Heavenly Lion Michael and his Angels. *Daniel Chap,12), (also Rev Chap 12). These events could only happen after Lucifer is defeated by Michael in the Spirit Heavenly Realms and the Accuser is cast down to Earth. At this point, there will be Satan's final battle with the Saints of the Most High. So with the Archangel Michael leading the battle they will have total victory over the Devil and his angels.(Joseph Rising Sun-UCYG) What better time for us to be living? The saints have waited for this day for many Centuries. All praise and honour to Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)
Yeshua Freedom!!!
Freedom for Adams and Eve Race! It is here now. We are no longer under the bandage of the Evil Deity—the enslavement of Lucifer—we are the free Children of the Most High. We have been redeemed by blood--paid for by the obedience of Yeshua to the Kosmic Father. Now we give thanks with the community of saints around the earth—it is time to fill our lives with joy and happiness over the defeat of Lucifer and his Angels. The community bring the saints together and prayers of the saints hasten the defeat of the False Light, the Villain of Delusion and the Author of Chaos. Should we not give Joyful Praise, Honour to Glory to Yahweh Elyon, our Eternal Father in the Name of Yeshua for our impending Cosmos?
When Elyon/Yeshua bless you, the curse don't matter, Example is Baalam in the old Testament, with Ancient Israel and Balaam and King Balak (Numbers Chap,22;36-41) (Psalm, 23, Psalm, 91 and Psalm 1) Yahweh Elyon is our protective shield and devouring fire or Living Light and we shall
not be move. a few seconds ago. (TNDL)
When Elyon/Yeshua bless you, the curse don't matter, Example is Baalam in the old Testament, with Ancient Israel and Balaam and King Balak (Numbers Chap,22;36-41) (Psalm, 23, Psalm, 91 and Psalm 1) Yahweh Elyon is our protective shield and devouring fire or Living Light and we shall
not be move. a few seconds ago. (TNDL)
In The Name of Yeshua There is Deliverance!!!!
THERE IS DELIVERANCE POWER IN THE PERSON AND NAME OF YESHUA JUST LEARN TO TRUST HIM. Yeshua brings full deliverance to those who are possessed by demonic Spirit/Spirits, evil powers just as this young man. To all the people around the world who are under the influence of demons, falling angels and evil spirit. Yeshua Moshe/(Jesus Christ ) the great healer can deliver you if you ask him and trust in him. (TNDL)
Man who was made from the materials the building blocks of our solar system and the Spiritual substances of the Kosmos is a miniature Kosmos. It is said according to the Geneses account that Man was made in the image and likeness of Elyon the Supreme Creator and his Elohim family. Therefore all that there is in creation, man was made of which makes man unique and the priceless Art of the Most High.(TNDL)
Man who was made from the materials the building blocks of our solar system and the Spiritual substances of the Kosmos is a miniature Kosmos. It is said according to the Geneses account that Man was made in the image and likeness of Elyon the Supreme Creator and his Elohim family. Therefore all that there is in creation, man was made of which makes man unique and the priceless Art of the Most High.(TNDL)
Elyon's News for Greece
The True Beauty of Elyon/Yeshua
Indeed the spirit of man within him is the true beauty. Our spirit (who have receive Yeshua, his teachings and his true name), are given the ability by Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua to be in him and he in us. Thereby, sharing in the Living True Light of the Eternal Father Elyon and his Son Yeshua. In him we live, ...move, and have our being, now they are living in us, all those who are born from above by his mighty Holy Ghost which is the new birth and life of Yeshua Moshe (Christ Jesus). (TNDL)
The Great War of the Universe...
THE WAR BETWEEN THE BABYLONIAN DEVILS VS THE GREAT ARCHANGEL MICHAEL FOR THE PEOPLE OF ELYON/YESHUA. Good morning world! People, family, and friends around the earth we are living in dangerous and serious times. There is a spirit war going between good and evil angels, demons and spirits, we need the protection of the Most High GOD Elyon/Yeshua. Have Faith and Thrust only in him because he his the full Truth and true Living Light and the abundant life with fullness of the agape love. We are worriers of Elyon/Yeshua for the standing and up-keeping of Elyon/Yeshua's Kingdom, Church, Community, and organic body of holiness on earth. Those who are on Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua side, take your stand for the Most High. Michael who has arise will enter the evil strong holes and rescue his people and set the captive free, however he take no prisons. (TNDL)
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