Monday, February 7, 2011

Those Who Call Upon the Name of Elyon/Yeshua

And when the good people of the earth rise up and demand CHANGE, then true and enduring transformation of our now established world view will change into the world view of Elyon the eternal Father/Mother of all creation and makings. His Knowledge will cover the whole earth like water that covers the seas. SEER (Jeremiah Chapt. 31) and every one will know Him from the least to the greatest. We, His children will know through Divine revelations, because He Himself will teach us of His ways and not through a book nor by human interpretations. So let's unite and be one strong collective voice and force to be with, it is now time. With much agape love and solidarity, let's join and make the chain of the agape love. Have an uplifting UP MONTH and a flourishing UP YEAR (JRS-UCYG).

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