Sunday, August 11, 2024


We live in a world of chaos and oppression in which we wrestle against,” principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Plagued by Lucifer and his angels, many are calling out for help. Thanks to Elyon's Seer Prophets, over the years up until the present, many have learned and have utilized the 'power' in the true and original name of the Kosmos the Supreme Creator—Elyon El and His Son-- Yeshua. Many of us have come to realize, that with such a wise and powerful adversary as Lucifer, using obscure titles to approach our Creator are absolutely futile. When the true names and others were given to us by Elyon's through His seer prophets, it offered renewed hope for the deliverance of Adam and Eve’s race. The power in these names offers perfect victory over Lucifer and his angels. From time to time the name Elyon, "The Most High" is used by some but why not use both original names, and enjoy the benefits—they being Elyon EL (Most High GOD) and Yeshua (Perfect deliverance)? It is time to educate ourselves in the Kosmic knowledge held by Holy Seers and the Apostles. In trying to solve a

problem, if one method works to no avail, is it not prudent to try another?

We have been holding on to the current Christian dogma for about 2000 years. The world has given much in the way of acclamations of greatness to many humans, saints, church fathers, philosophers, bishops, evangelists and pastors. However, for the masses, has this world gotten better or worse? With all the great protagonists of history, we are still left without an antidote for the chaos of mass reciprocal atrocities. Could it be that in the mix of our doctrinal dogma there are lies and half truths which are the very tools our defeat? Has Lucifer robbed us of our weapons and left us holding mere replicas which offer us no real protection and only a false sense of security? There are very few on earth enjoying their heaven here. Why should the masses wait to die to enjoy their heaven? If there is power in a particular name, would a replica have the same potent power as the original? Elyon's Seer says: "Children of the Most High, those of us who have been redeemed by Yeshua, in our call for help we urge you, to speak the names of power. Call upon the Kosmos with the names that were used for protection and full deliverance by the Apostles. Be reminded, the most powerful names the was ever given to mankind are 'Elyon and His son Yeshua”. Try them and see the results for yourself. Now the cycle of losses to Lucifer and his angels by the Children of Elyon has been broken by “Yeshua”. I wish you much agape love in the names of Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)

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