Thursday, August 22, 2024


"TNDL: GOD Most High, is spirit. He is full truth, and there is no lie in him. He, the spirit, that he is pouring out at the end times, is himself. According to Joel 2 and Isaiah 42, his servant or the servant of the lord, whom he upholds, and his soul delights. The end times out pouring of GOD, Most High, be one that the world has never seen before, because the Eternal Father is coming to his church. His church must be without spot or wrinkle.--the lamb of GOD, Yeshua, the son of man, according to Daniel 7, will perform wonders on the earth, according to Malachi 3. As he prepares the finishing up of his church, his ecclesia (his holy sealed servants) for his kingdom on earth. In Yeshua, the lamb’s prayer, he prayed: ‘thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.’ Who is building his holy and glorious church? It is The New Divine Logos (word), Revelation 19:12, the new name of the son of GOD, Most High. Joel 2, says it best. (TNDL)"

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