Wednesday, June 14, 2017


“GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY VIEWER.... MAY EL-Elyon Yeshua, THE SON OF MAN, BLESS YOU, GIVING YOU THE EYE SINGLE IN ORDER THAT YOU SEE AND KNOW WHAT GOD IS DOING TODAY IN THIS END TIMES. Many of GOD’s children have eyes, but cannot discern, because they only see through their "optical delusional” eyes that are not able, cannot see clearly. Therefore, before anyone can see the real and true action of Yeshua, the Messiah the Christ, one must receive the EYE SINGLE. According to Yeshua in Mathew 6: 22 and in Luke 11:34-35, THE EYE IS THE LAMP OF THE BODY. IF THE EYE IS HEALTHY, THE WHOLE BODY WILL BE FILLED WITH LIGHT. Without this single eye, we are still blind using our optical delusional dark eyes. The Eye Single, is the Divine Spiritual eye, that only Yeshua can give, but first, we must be born of the Spirit of El-Elyon our Divine Creator and Maker. Therefore, when our eyes become single, it will be able to see all what Yeshua, the Messiahthe Christ, is doing this day and end times in our world and lives. Yeshua’s Apostles and disciples received the single eye when the Paraclete came from heaven upon them Fifty Daye after Yeshua was risen, Transformed and went to his divine realms.” (In Acts chapt. 2, 3)

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