Monday, March 30, 2015


It is said by wise people that the more things change the more they stay the same. Solomon the wise man son of King David said nothing is new under the son, as it was with Copernicus, Galileo and Wilhelm, so it is with whomever who introduced new findings or revealed new Gnostic revelations. These ingenious pioneers has always met with oppositions from those who controls the establish order. Many of these natural scientist has been labelled as bad, heretic or misfits for the society. But not any longer because we are now in a new Aeon/Ages where full truth will float like oil on water. Much agape love the Most High shall bring about the new Renaissance of hope by his Divine powers to make his full Truth be known. Elyon fills the Kosmic universes and there is no space between him, we also live, move and have our being in him. (TNDL)

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