Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Modern day Christians must move away from the carnal Corinthians way of worshiping and serving. The Corinthians were Gentiles, one of the assemblies that the Apostles founded. But they received a strange Spirit who gave gifts of confusion. Such as speaking in tongues and healing that caused them to shift from the original way of the Apostles at Jerusalem, on the day of Pentecost, to a different path.

This Spirit caused anger, fights and proud behaviour with unproductive spiritual growth, and bad attitudes entered their mind, spirit and soul (heart). So they have forgotten that it was Yeshua who is supposed to receive all praise, glory and honour not Apollos, Paul or any other.

Yeshua said those who exalted themselves shall be thrown down, but those who let Elyon/Yeshua exalt them, shall be with Him in high places. Paul reminded them that it was Yeshua who was crucified and died for the world, and no one else. He also showed them that the greatest gift from Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua is the Agape Love. First Corinthians (Chap 1-5) and (Second Corinthians 12-14).(JRSL-UCYG)

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