Sunday, November 11, 2012


by Denton Hayles on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 6:26pm ·

The Most High Yahweh Elyon Yeshua has raised up a Seer Prophet in this day and time to bring to all nation
the Full Truth of Yeshua The New Divine Logos and to guide the Children of the Most High back to their Eternal Father Yahweh Elyon. The Seer Prophet I speak of his none other than Mr. Joseph Rising Sun Levi. Throughout history the Most High has always appointed a Seer Prophet to carry out his will and help in guiding his children and keeping them away from destruction and it is no different in this day and time.

The Most High Yahweh Elyon is using Mr Joseph Rising Sun Levi to carry out his will, now being a Seer Prophet means that whatever he predicts MUST come to pass, one example of this was long before Barack Obama became president of the United States or even decided to even run for the presidency Yahweh Elyon Yeshua revealed to Joseph Rising Sun Levi that Obama would run and that he would not only win but that he would be in office for 2 terms and that was confirmed for the world to see on Nov 6, 2012 when Obama was re-elected again as the president of the United States Of America, further proving that Joesph Rising Sun Levi is Yahweh Elyon Seer Prophet

You might be asking/wondering what separates him from all the other so called prophets, and how do I know he is not a false prophet, Mr Joseph Rising Sun Levi is not here to make a name for himself he does not go around telling people he is a Seer Prophet nor does he say what people wants to hear, or what will make them feel good, he instead receives messages from the Most High and shares with whomever will listen exactly the way he gets it, he does not allow his feelings/emotions to distort the messages, but he presents it just has how he receives it from the Most High. He does not force anyone to believe or listen to him but instead directs you to pray to the Most High and ask the Most High who he is.

He does not go around making random predictions/prophecies because he is not a fortune teller nor is he seeking earthly praises, and large audiences, his only aim is to carry out Yahweh Elyon's will has his Seer Prophet and always directs all praises to the Most High, but its not for anyone to take my word for it . The best way one can know for sure would be to ask the Most High Yahweh Elyon Yeshua who is Joseph Rising Sun Levi and hear what he has to say, we serve a living God one that is speaking clearly to his children today and that's exactly what I did and I received an answer from the Eternal Father, and many others across the world have done the same thing and have gotten an answer

We have individuals from Greece, France, Switzerland, Unites States, Jamaica, Canada, Africa etc all receiving confirmation from the Most High of who Joseph Rising Sun Levi is but again don't take my word for it prove it for yourself, you have nothing to loose but everything to gain. Thank you Yahweh Elyon Yeshua for giving us a Seer Prophet in Mr Joseph Rising Sun Levi in this day and time , Much Agape Love brothers and sisters (D. Hayles-UCYG)

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