Sunday, November 21, 2010

True and Alive Teachings from Elyon/Yeshua

Our research and enquirers are to make us aware of the many things some authorities think was not good enough for the great mass. However, while all knowledge is significant to know, we should use them as reference. Because knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, (Isaiah Chap 4). Its only through the Divine Elyon Elyon/Yeshua we can have full Truth and true Living Light which is the knowledge of Yahweh Elyon, (Jeremiah 31, and Joel chap, 2-3).

No one get to Elyon the eternal Father's presence but by Yeshua whom is the Divine Logos. We much learn to have Faith and Trust in him he will never fail us.

WALKING IN YESHUA'S FOOT STEPS. The steps of a righteous person is ordered by Yahweh Elyon and none of his steps shall slide. Moments of being are memorable, it reflects on our journey of life. our experiences teaches us wisdom, knowledge and understanding, much agape love. (JRS-UCYG)

Nature is beautiful!!! It is created and made by the Most High (Elyon)/Yeshua. This photo is enchanting and relaxing, being in her presence gives moments of joy, All glory, praise and thanksgiving to Elyon/Yeshua, isn't it lovely? (JRS-UCYG)
Is not sad when we as human think that we can alter the or control what have been here many years before us ... Thanks Joseph we need to search for he foot step of Yeshua and walk there in ...that will ensure that we do not get last on our way to the Most High God

GLORY TO GOD ELYON IN THE HIGHEST!!! Peace and goodwill to earth and its inheritance. Let’s raise our hands to the heaven and give thanks, glory, praise and honour to the Most High, for he is worthy. With much agape love have a victorious bright day. (JRS-UCYG)

WAIKE UP FRIENDS TO THE CALL OF THE MOST HIGH!!! Yahweh Elyon can do anything but fail, the agape love is on your side. (JRS-UCYG)

The earth belongs to Yahweh Elyon and all the things he has created and made. His craftsmanship the PINK color is wonderful who can diny this? JRS

1 comment:

  1. It reflects on our journey of life. our experiences teaches us wisdom, knowledge and understanding...
