Sunday, November 7, 2010

Redemption in Elyon/Yeshua

‎"Hello Family and friends, if you are stressed out because of personal problems and world issues, look to Yeshua/Elyon. When He is in ship of troubles He will speak peace to the storm and make the situation calm. We are loved by our eternal Father Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua the Logos he will not leave us in dis pear. Elyon/Yeshua has sent his angels , the guardian angels who are watching humans in their everyday activities , to guard you from the evil ones with their flaming sword and light of the Mighty Holy Ghost Spirit.With much agape love have an uplifting week and a healthy UP MONTH."By JOSEPH RISING SUN
KEEP YOUR EYES ON YESHUA!When we keep our eyes on Yeshua, then we will stay focus and be able to walk on deep waters ride the waves and not sink. Just like the Apostle Peter, also have FAITH and TRUST in the Most High (Elyon) and dive in. Because at the bottom of the Spirit Ocean of Yeshua/Elyon there are treasures for his hard working children that he preserved for you. With much agape love have a victorious and uplifting bright day. (JRS-UCYG)

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