Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A true Leader in the Ways of Elyon/Yeshua

Yes [Jamacia's Prime Minister] Bruce Golging is a true Leader. One who teaches and receives Elyon/Yeshua's true Kosmic order of good living things in the universes of the true Light. Elyon gives his Divine principles and moral ethics for good living however Chaos (Lucifer) also brings his false truth and principles and morals in our world. Yet so many are attracted to Chaos path and not to Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua's Highway. SO it is up to us to choice our path, because we will all give an account to the MOST HIGH (ELYON) for our holy or profane paths that we follow. Remember Chaos, Satan, Lucifer came to kill and destroy all who does the Most High Will, but Yeshua/Elyon came to give Eternal life plus the bonus to our spirit and sou. Much agape love have a victorious bright Day. (UCYG:JRS)

This Prime Minister is standing strong in his conviction of his true Faith in Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. Yet there are many who had bowed their knees to Baal. Worshiping God but serving Baal just as the House of Israel did in ancient times. However this act of Faith by Prime Minister Bruce Golding proves that there is still salt of Elyon/Yeshua lift in the Earth. With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day. (UCYG: JRS)

Elle Cole wrote: In some cultures, homosexuality (Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian), behaviors are tantamount to adultery because it is an abomination on the one hand and the definition of adultery applies to it on the other hand. Some scholars hold the opinion that the homosexual should be thrown from a high building as a punishment for his crime, but other scholars maintain that he should be imprisoned until death; because in each of these two actions there is an assault on the humanity of a person, and the destruction of the family.

It is clear, Prime Minister Bruce Golding is adamantly against homosexuality especially while he‘s in office. It takes a confident person especially at that level of government to go against the grain. How many world leaders are willing to stand up and speak out? Jamaicans should be proud to have such an intelligent and strong leader to not get caught in the web of leading questions. It appears Golding desires a healthy society where the people orient their conduct and do what is good. You may ask who determines what is good from bad…or right from wrong?

Desires as aims in themselves is a deviation from one’s natural disposition and a departure from the natural order set by Yahweh Elyon. Much agape love (Elle)

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