Sunday, November 22, 2009

Victory in Elyon/Yeshua

ARE YOU LIVING A VISTORIOUS LIVES OF TRUE FAITH IN ELYON OVER THE EVIL ONE AND HIS ANGELS? If you are not then ask our Eternal Father for your individual help and he shall answer with his Divine Fire and the Flame which comes to consume and devour the Demons/Evil one. With much agape have a victorious Day over the Devil and his Angels. (UCYG)

--Sylvi Sun Beam wrote: It is great to know that we can live "a victorious life of "true faith" in Elyon over the Evil One and his Angels. " When we have the Eternal Father Elyon and His Son Yeshua in our lives and we know that They are with us, we can have "true faith" in Him and we can stand strong and no demon or devil can touch us, because in the Name of Elyon/Yeshua we have the victory. When we stand in the Name of Elyon/Yeshua, demons and devils will have to flee. " Resist the Devil and he shall flee from you." If we have "true faith" in Elyon, we can call upon him when the Evil One attacks us and Elyon/Yeshua will do battle for us, by sending the 'Divine Fire and the Flame to consume them." Our God, Elyon "is mighty to save and strong to deliver." We can have the victory and live "a victorious life, because our Creator Elyon has a "holy and mighty Arm," and He is "Mighty in Battle."
We give to You Elyon/Yeshua, thanksgiving, praise, glory, worship, blessings, honour and respect for You deserve all the praise.
Now how can one be misled if they are living by knowing? Would it not be more incline for someone to be misled if they are living by belief? As there is no guarantee that a belief is Truth. We will say there is no way to find Full Truth and True Light unless we all have a personal Kosmic experience like Paul. Act 9:1 If every human listen to Yeshua --trust no human with your spirit and soul life--could there have been or can there be a Jones Town?
--Joseph Rising Sun wrote: Well said James your profound questions are provocative and to the point. If we say our immortal soul is priceless how can we take such a chance in keeping it safe from the Evil one when we only believe? For example If some owes you money and tells you that he or she deposited in your account, do you receive it by believing that its in your Bank account, or do you check your account to see if it was deposited? Money is significant in our present economic social system and we make special effort to ensure that it was deposited in our account not just relying on believing --then how much important is our soul? Should we not make sure by knowing that our money was put in our Bank account by he who promised to have it deposited? It is augured that some people sell their soul to the Evil one for fame and fortune but Yeshua asked the question since our souls are so priceless what shall we give in exchange for soul?

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