Friday, September 13, 2024


"TNDL: In the end times there shall be many who have great visions and experiences, but there are not from the Most High, the only begotten Son of the eternal Father, because Satan, the devil, will come as the imposter looking just like Christ, Yeshua. No one can read holy books to know if someone is getting visions from God, because Yeshua did not promise that he would leave any book to guide or lead his Church and Kingdom. However, he said in the gospel of John 14:12-20, who he shall send to his disciples which is the Comforter (or the Paraclete the Helper). The Christian church in the end times is in an apostate state, because the Paraclete will not abide in or with an unholy apostate body of people. So, he only picks out those who are truly obedient to Yeshua’s commands and teachings that comes from the Holy Ghost, as he did on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:28. Therefore, listen to no men or women; listen only to Yeshua/Messiah of Nazareth, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. These things of truth will happen after one receives Yeshua as their personal Saviour, Redeemer, and Cleanser, and is born again of the Spirit of Christ. At this stage of one's life, who is hungry and thirsty for more of God Most High, we strive to be filled up with the eternal Father and the Son and Holy Ghost in such a way, that Satan cannot find any place in us, because we are filled with God and His Christ, because we are born of the eternal One. Most of Yeshua’s disciples could not read nor write, they were of the oral tradition. However, they were obedient, faithful, and trustworthy in all things, because they followed Yeshua’s commands and endured to the end of their lives or death. They let the paraclete, the spirit of truth, guide and restrained them and not a vision from anyone else or other source, because that is what Yeshua asked of us. John 14.” (TNDL)

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