Sunday, July 7, 2024


TNDL: "THIS IS THE END TIME AEON/AGE OF THE BATTLE BETWEEN YESHUA/ MESSIAH, THE CHRIST VS THE ANTICHRIST, THE BEAST. CHRIST is awakening his true Church to become aware that these are decision-making end times, where everyone has to make a choice in choosing between being on one side or the other side, or the antichrist false Church side. YESHUA, THE SON OF MAN, is calling his people to come out of Babylon and be not partakers of her sins and abominations, see Revelation 17.Therefore, will Christ people come out of Babylon, the Great Harlot, that “sits on many WATERS,” who is known as the Queen of Heaven? Lucifer is the head of this system of things in the world, the Ekklesia of the false Church. So, knowing all these things of the two fighting sides, Christ VS SATAN, THE DEVIL, whose side will you choose, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, the Son of man, or the Anti Christ, the Beast of Revelation 13 and 19? Know the full Truth and it shall set you free. So, choose wisely, Will you?"


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