Monday, April 29, 2024


"TNDL: Hello Family & friends around the world, we are RAISING A VOICE for the equality and uplifting of all humanity, no matter what the colour of your skin is, or nation and people you are. We must unite and make the collective CIRCLE of Michael, the Great Arch Angel, giving him the help he needs on Earth to vanquish evil from off our home, MOTHER Earth (Terra). And when the people of the Earth demand CHANGE, then change will come. We must be in ONE MIND, ONE SPIRIT, ONE SOULS forming the circle of collective prayer and activities to the Most High (ELYON). Then, He will release the Divine energy that we so need. It will happen when our minds, spirits and souls become ONE, with one purpose, mission, goal for peace on Earth and good will to all mankind. When we look for our eternal Father Elyon, He will look for us; and when we shall search for Him with all our minds, spirits, and souls we will find Him. We must acknowledge Him; without Him, we cannot brake the CHAIN of Lucifer that has circle the EARTH.

The prayer, the word that is hurled from our soul uplifting her in the aether, the divine world. Good spiritual trip to anyone who will decide to put his soul in front of his/her Creator and to unite his/her spiritual powers with the powers of the great Archangel Michael, so as to bring the changes that will make a better world for us and our children. The world will change when we will decide to change ourselves first.
Friends, Family invite one and all. Remember to join with us in prayer and meditation as we make the CIRCLE of the great Arch Angel Michael around the world. 7:00 PM-8:PM Every Friday --This is in celebration of our victory over the evil one--the villain Lucifer. Yahweh Elyon bless up all in the name of Yeshua. Much agape love."
Copyright TNDL

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