Tuesday, May 21, 2024


"In order to know and understand the full truth that Yeshua of Nazareth taught in its fullness, one must be baptized by the holy ghost. You cannot know and comprehend it by just reading about it. Some of Yeshua’s apostles, disciples and followers could not read nor write, yet they knew and understood the mysteries of the kingdom of God which is within you. You are the living temple of the living god most high."(know the truth and he shall set you completely free)." Yeshua taught that the kingdom of heaven is within you, it is not seen through observation it's by receiving the holy ghost and be born of the divine spirit of truth. Yes indeed, Yeshua said he is the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to his eternal heavenly but through him. Finally, if you want joy in the fullness, receive the paraclete baptism and you shall receive gladness that you cannot describe. God most high is the agape, he gives the fullness of grace and truth. Gospel of John 1:1-22." TNDL

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