Tuesday, September 5, 2023


 “ And if my people who are called my name, ‘Israel’, would humble themselves and seek my Face and pray, then, I shall hear their prayers and heal their land! So, how can this be done? Look at Elijah and Elisha. When these Seer prophets prayed, they could open and shut the heaven through the power of Almighty GOD, Most High. Yeshua was a prayer warrior, the great warrior king. When he prayed to his Eternal heavenly Father, he was given the strength and power to overcome the Devil and the world. Blessed are those whose God is the LORD. Therefore, when everything else fail pray. Then, El-Elyon (The Highest GOD) will come to you when you shall search for Him with all your hearts. Yes, indeed, Yeshua commanded that when we need to pray, go into your closet place, shut the door and cry out to Him and tell Him your needs. But many ministers find it very hard to do just that. Why? because they have not built a good relationship with their God. Therefore, they don't have a need or a thirst for Him. But they are to be seen and heard by human beings, instead! Revelation chapt. 7, tells us how GOD, Most High, shall raise up His sealed and anointed Servants, 144000 of all the tribes of Israel mighty men, and give His power to shut and open heaven, as Elijah and Elisia did in ancient time, to bring judgment on the wicked and the ungodly. These Servants of the Most High, pleased the LORD, because they did not mix the faith in Christ, with that of the world of Babylon, the harlot woman (the apostate church of Satan the Devil. No one who is a friend of the world can be a friend of Christ, because in Christ kingdom, you cannot serve two masters. Or else, you will love one, and hate the other. And a true follower of the Lord must love GOD and His only begotten Son, and not the world and Satan. Look at the gospel of John 14:12-31. The another command that Yeshua gave, was to love one another; not the Devil. Much Agape and peace. So, if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, and seek my Face with all their hearts, then I would hear from Heaven and heal their Land and its inhabitants. Joel chapt. 2, tells us about how and why He shall heal and restore the people of Israel.” (TNDL)

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