Wednesday, March 13, 2019


"THIS IS CALLED THE GOD OF MAMMON OF THE GOD OF TYRANNY CONTROL OF WEALTH, POWER AND CAIN RULES OF LAW AND ORDER, Which began from before Continental 'DRIFT' With the pre-Adam's race. Then, in GenesIs 3-5, Cain and his race of descendants, continued the greed of his civilization and future, in our modern day end times societies. The elite bloodline leaders of the world control the whole of Babylon, mentioned in Revelation 17 &18.So the rest of us humankind, are as slaves to those leaders.When will this capitalistic mentalism end? Only GOD, the Eternal, sets up His Kingdom on earth. Mathew 6:5-15. How and why, He comes as a wrathful GOD with his Almighty Diving powers to strike down His enemies and the killers of His only begotten Son, holy seer Prophets and Servants throughout the ages. Revelation 16:18- In the parable of the wicked tenants wanted to take control over the owner's land. Because Babylon's reign must come to an end, Revelation 17-19.and Revelation 20-21. the Eternal heavenly Father is coming to judge all nations with His righteous judgement to all those wicked capitalists and haters of the Supreme Creator and Maker, Yeshua Michael, His Son. Judgement. Revelation 20. after the millennial reign of the Hebrew Messiah, Satan and his angels, demons and agents, whose name were not written in the book of the living, were taken, and thrown into the 'LAKE of FIRE.'This is the termination of the system of capitalism, greed, the worshiping the god of Mammon, and the supreme rule of Lucifer, Satan and the rebellious angels, leaders and empire of the world,because a new King and Kingdom has come. For now is come salvation, and strength, the Kingdom of our GOD,and the authority of His Messiah, Revelation 11:15." (TNDL)

Copyright 2019 TNDL

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