Saturday, February 16, 2019


“The heart or mind, is deceitful above all things, who can know it, but the Most High God? However, what is the mind? The mind is the central place in humans of thought and perception. Why is it so important? It is due to its vast and unlimited binary computer like system. It’s significance is that there is a battle being fought as to who will enter the mind to stay there; God’s Spirit, or Lucifer, Satan’s spirit. So you who are on God Most High’s side, take your stand for your God. Let the mind of Christ be in you, not Lucifer's mind. Yeshua, the Christ, gives eternal life, while Lucifer gives destruction and death. Follow only Yeshua, your ‘SALVATION’, because he is the Way, the Truth and The Life. Gospel of John 14. Also, read verses 12-18.The Mind is the most significant intellectual part of the human. If the Mind is unfuctional, then the rest of the body is useless. So, let the Supreme Creator reside in your mind. Remember, He is a great Divine Spirit energy force; He can be anywhere and in anything. His universal kosmic laws of time and space is unlike the material world. Therefore, He can enter your minds. The benefit is that when He comes in your mind, the deceitfulness will be eliminated and be replaced with a new mind. Paul the Apostle of Christ said, let the mind that was in Christ be in you.” (TNDL)

Copyright 2019 TNDL

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