Friday, July 14, 2017


“Who, when, where and why it was created. This world-wide corrupted wise system and its roots began after the flood of Noah. its main architects were Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis. It began in Mesopotamia where Noah's three sons and their families were taken to by His GOD, into His Ark or (ship). Why did Nimrod, the great Hunter, and his wife, created this strong evil system? It's because they were seeking a world empire of which their idea could spread all over their world. How did they do that? It is by creating a world `RELIGION. After the death of Nimrod, Semiramis, his wife, told her subjects, that her husband Nimrod, was reincarnated in her son, Tammuz. This lie spread like wild-Fire throughout her Empire. Since then, every other kingdom and religion embraced this false truth and believe in it. She is known as the great mother, Isis, Queen of heaven, and she is known by other names. Many of her names and symbols are even used in the Christian church, but because of the people’s lack of Knowledge, sincere worshipers have been in captivity for thousands of years. Her world empire is known by the knowledgeable servants of GOD MOST GOD, by the name: Babylon, the Great, the Harlot Woman of Revelation 17. Let's understand one significant thing, there are many of El-Elyon Yeshua’s children/people in Babylon, that is why in these end times, GOD is calling His people to come out of her, and be not partakers of her sins, crimes, abominations and iniquities that she has brought on humankind, by Lucifer, her master and God. El-Elyon will destroy her, using His Divine Fire to burn up the very roots of this corrupted world empire constructed by the Great Architects Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, after Noah’s flood. Read Revelation 17 and 18; this will give you a clear view of what this Harlot Woman has done to humanity, and how she shall be judged by Almighty GOD Most, High. RESEARCH, RESEARCH,' RESEARCH. STUDY and enquiry is very important, because it helps us not to be lacking of knowledge or ignorant of thing that could affect our lives.” (TNDL)

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