Monday, December 14, 2015


“Mother Earth has been under the onslaught of Lucifer for millenniums, ever since pre-Adam time. His aim was to pollute, pervert and eventually eradicate Earth people. However, he lost the war. The true Light and full Truth won. Thanks to the Most High (Elyon Yeshua). Much agape love “ (TNDL)
“The age of technological information can be used to do good or evil. We are living in a time where the old family Sovereign rule must come to an end.
What is interesting and had secrets until now, is that Lucifer’s rule came first in all things on earth. However, Elyon, the Supreme Ruler and Chess Player, had out played Lucifer’s plan. It is at this Aeon/age that He who sees, knows and understands all things, shall step in and make war against Evil and will make all things new. This awesome thing shall happen as He cleanse and purifies the whole creation and living things that He has made, from the sickness that Lucifer gives to our world and our great Mother Earth. “(TNDL)
“We call ourselves humans…we don’t know who or what we are. We think of ourselves as an individual, but we do not think of the earth as an individual and she is our Mother. We get oxygen, food and water from her; she could cut off the food, oxygen and water.
He, Yahweh El Elyon, will judge those that destroy the Earth.” (TNDL)

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