Saturday, October 31, 2015


“Good morning everyone who are seekers and followers of the full truth and living Light, Yahweh El-Elyon Yeshua, the new Divine Logos. There are hundreds of millions of people of Elyon who have had a taste of the Most High Divine holy Spirit; you may be one of them. However, there is a high calling that Yeshua the Lamb and Son of GOD Elyon, spoke of which was revealed to Peter, James and John at the Mount of transfiguration. When this high calling that I have mentioned above was revealed. The apostle Paul said in his later years, that he press on to the mark of the High Calling that is in Christ Yeshua/Jesus. Therefore, are you one of these precious children who are seeking to find this High Calling that only few have been blessed to see and know while they were still alive? If you are still seeking to reach the deeper depth and higher height in Yeshua/Jesus, go to your eternal Abba Father, Yahweh El-Elyon Yeshua in true and real prayer from your heart. He will take you on a journey to His Spirit Mount and reveal or show you what the Kingdom of GOD or Heaven is. May He bless you real good. Much agape love and peace.” (TNDL)

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