Friday, August 21, 2015


“We are living in the greatest Day and Time. We have lived under the reign of Lucifer, Azazel and the other fallen ones for a very long Aeon/Age until now. However, Michael and His holy angels have received the powers and authority to destroy evil, the powers of the dark forces of the evil realm, and in so doing, cleanse and purify our world of different dimensions. Now, we begin to have perfect wisdom and deliverance through the powers of Yeshua/Michael, the new Divine Logos, the Roaring Lion, from the evil ones.

Rejoice and be glad, because better days are coming! Remember to join us in our weekly prayer assembly (Fridays from 7:00-8:00 pm) as we make the Circle of the Great Archangel Michael around the Earth for its cleansing and purification by the Divine Elyon/Yeshua.” (TNDL)

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