Saturday, January 3, 2015

God Beliefs or Knowing Elyon/Yeshua

GOD! In a world of 6 billion people, with religion we seems to personalize God, we could have 6 billion concepts . God, 6th century proto-Germanic word-- scholastics and syllogism provide a concept of beliefs. Does believing give an individual or group the ability to truly know the Creator, Yahweh Elyon, the Father of Yeshua as Paul, Peter and John did? Doe it take a concept or intelligent entity to define itself?
Well I have looked at all the argument and I will say this if we were dealing with information that was of Divine revelation and not derived from scholastics, syllogism and exegesis would there be any room for disagreement? Now we have people who differs; can we have two different version of the same truth? And if not who is correct? The magic question of who is right can only be answered by Divine revelation. Only information that come to us from Elyon/Yeshua can be trusted. Other information are based on human wisdom that are suited form our beliefs. How can we use beliefs to define the Kosmos who created all things? Should not the Kosmic intelligence define it self and in the process tell why, where, how, what and when of it all? Does believing something make it true?

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