Saturday, January 31, 2015

“Rev/vision, Jan. 21, 2015: I saw, heard and understood that Isaiah, the Seer Prophet, in chapt.14, and the Book of John Revelation of Yeshua the Lamb, Son of Elyon, chapt.14, have some relationship and correlates with each other. The book speaks of Lucifer and his works. He is being judged in these end times and days of El Elyon Yeshua (Right hand of the Most High). It is the time and day to give thanks, glory, respect and honour to Him, The Most High El Elyon Yeshua, ” (TNDL).

Friday, January 30, 2015


Healing (salvation) can only be achieved when we learn to put your trust in Yeshua/Yahweh Elyon (Most High GOD)). He makes new Spirit heaven and new earth, he is also reforming the material universes where dwells righteousness. The WILL of the father and his only begottenson shall be done), the agape love, peace and hope will flourish in hisnew creation and makings, bless be his holy names (TNDL)


When Yeshua Moshe (Christ Jesus) touches us, he makes us whole and complete. When this is done he shares with us the agape love, peace joy and eternal Life for our spirit. Now our spirit self can live forever with the eternal father Elyon and his Son Yeshua. (TNDL)


Let his rays shine in you and around you. He is the true living Light, the agape love and the King of the new Spirit City Peace (the New Jerusalem). From him come the soft words of kindness, affection, peace and security that give hope for future generations. WORDS OF KINDNESS VERSES WORDS OF WRATH/ANGER. Kind words drives away wrath but grievous words stirs up anger. So say kind words to as many people as possible and times. The agape love is victorious and uplifting it will build our spirit, soul and mind (TNDL)

Yeshua Time of Full Truth and True Light

There is a move of Yeshua Moshe Jesus Christ taking place throughout the earth. For this Spiritual phenomenon we the children of Elyon/Yeshua must be glad. Yeshua/Elyon is pouring out his divine Spirit on all humanity giving them knowledge, wisdom and understanding of hidden mysteries. (TNDL)

Only the Most High Have the Right

YESHUA SAID LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME UNTO ME FOR AS SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN/GOD ELYON. The old order of hate, love of money and hunger for evil rule and power to control at all cost is over. Only the Most High has that right because he is the Supreme Creator, Maker, Sustain er and Protector of his creation and makings. The Agape love will surly make our new day of true Light, full Truth and perfect wisdom and deliverance. It will last as everything that is imperfect falls and crumble shaking the very foundation of the old system of hate and retribution. Agape Love is the Divine energy which is GOD Yahweh Elyon, get to know him through the Golden KEY YESHUA and the Divine revelation, dreams, Vision and Spirit experiences from Yahweh Elyon and Yeshua the Moshe/Christ. With much agape Love have a bright and enlightening future in the Living true Light the Most High Creator Maker, Sustainer and Protector. (TNDL)

Deeper dept in Elyon/Yeshua


This highest state of enlightenment is found only in Yahweh Elyon and his Yeshua the New Divine logos. This most precious inheritance gift is given to the elect and righteous ones who are of the eternal father Elyon and son Yeshua. So lets climb up to the Mount of Elyon and be engulf in his Holy Presence (Fire). (TNDL)

The Full Truth and True Light of Elyon/Yeshua


"In the names of YAHWEH/ ELYON and YESHUA, there are Divine powers to bring healing in the material, natural/supernatural and spirit/spiritual and Divine worlds. In the powers of these Names we can have Perfect Deliverance, True Light, Full Truth and Grace. This Full Truth about the powers of the Kosmic Names was hidden for Millenniums. It’s time now to call upon the powers of the Names of the Most High and watch our eternal Father Elyon demonstrate his work. As we unite in mind spirit and soul we shall experience true and lasting result because the spirit of the Most High (Yahweh/Elyon) will activate his full powers." (TNDL)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Madness Against Elyon's Children

RACHAEL MOTHER OF JOSEPH AND BENJAMIN IS CRYING FOR HER SPIRITUAL CHILDREN WITH AGAPE LOVE. What sort of madness is this? Clearly it is diabolically-inspired madness. We know that there is a very real spiritual power which wants to silence all of Elyon/Yeshua’s people. And this spiritual battle is of course being fought out in our courts, our laws, our cultures and our social policies. Perhaps if these trends continue in the West, believers will be forced to meet in isolated forests and deserts, away from the ruling authorities and religious police, just as is happening in China and other nations where the church has been driven underground. Satan(the liar, thief, villain, deceiver and accuser of the saints), is sitting on the shoulders of evil doers whispering guidance of hate, wickedness and destruction in their ears. (TNDL)

True Friend

True friends are better than money in the pocket. Friends David and Johnathan of old, and Yeshua and the apostle John who was with the man of sorrow to his crucifixion (Gospel John19;25-27). Yes Yeshua/Jesus is our best friend and the answer to all our issues and answers, much agape love. (TNDL)

Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua


Elyon's Key and fire ...

Yeshua is the golden Key, he opens the door to his eternal father Yahweh Elyon. In the Most High you can find Divine Spirit treasures and powers beyond your wildest dreams. Receive this Key, the name of Yeshua and your soul, spirit and mind will not regret your journey with him.

THE CIRCLE OF DEVOURING FIRE IS MADE BY THE PRAYER OF THE SAINTS!The Circle of the mighty Holy Ghost Fire has been made by the Saints of Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. Let the Fire and Wind of Elyon come into our spirit being and engulf us in its presence and give us eternal life today, with much agape love. Glory, praise, honour and thanksgiving to the Most High (TNDL)

The peace of Elyon....

YESHUA MOSHE OF NAZARETH SAID PEACE UNTO YOU. He also said my peace I give you and leave with not as the world gives but as Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua gives. With much agape love have a bright, uplifting and a thanksgiving day. And may you receive the divine inner peace, confidence and the agape brotherly/sisterly love that only the Most High creator and maker Elyon can give to your being. (TNDL)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We Need Elyon's Protection....

In the hard times that we live in, I see this happening to my country. I see that socio-political policies try to destroy solidarity and unity between people. So, we must be alert to see what is the point of all this chaos that there is around us. “For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly word, the rulers and Cosmic powers of this dark age”. These forces terrify people through great financial problems first, then they want to make us hopeless-- no hope and no exodus from this situation. The system wants to withdraw our resistance, disorienting us, and as soon as they will have finished their work they will appear like saviours. They will offer solutions like a chip, maybe? Wearing god’s Armour means that you know who is the enemy and you have all you need to resist. It’s a big spiritual fight which is reflected in our physical world. In this war children of Elyon/Yeshua around the world are going to receive this Armour, the powerful spiritual weapons against the dark powers. Thank you Elle for posting this encouraging and enlighten post. Much agape
love have a wonderful day:)) (TNDL)


"Yeshua teaches that our eternal Father will forgive our debts as we forgive our deters. But how does that process works? First of all, this model prayer is not speaking about forgiving the world's debts, but our fellow's, Children of the Most High, debts. Notice how Yeshua uses these pronoun"OUR" and "US", not "I" and "Me", to illustrate his points. The "our" and "us" referred to are the Children of Yahweh/ Elyon made possible by Yeshua's act of Divine Love for his self sacrifice made on Calvary's Cross. The only transgression that is of eternal spiritual death is the debt owe of blasphemy against Elyon. Blasphemy is when one know of GOD Elyon and his ways, follow him for awhile, deny him and return to the ways of Lucifer.At that point only fullness of Grace and Truth can save those individual. However those people must first turn away from their destructive ways, deny themselves the ways of Satan and follow and serve Yahweh/ Elyon through Yeshua his only begotten Son." (TNDL)

The True Beauty of Elyon/Yeshua

Indeed the spirit of man within him is the true beauty. Our spirit (who have receive Yeshua, his teachings and his true name), are given the ability by Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua to be in him and he in us. Thereby, sharing in the Living True Light of the Eternal Father Elyon and his Son Yeshua. In him we live, move, and have our being, now they are living in us, all those who are born from above by his mighty Holy Ghost which is the new birth and life of Yeshua Moshe (Christ Jesus). (|TNDL)

The Great War of the Universe...

THE WAR BETWEEN THE BABYLONIAN DEVILS VS THE GREAT ARCHANGEL MICHAEL FOR THE PEOPLE OF ELYON/YESHUA. Good morning world! People, family, and friends around the earth we are living in dangerous and serious times. There is a spirit war going between good and evil angels, demons and spirits, we need the protection of the Most High GOD Elyon/Yeshua. Have Faith and Thrust only in him because he his the full Truth and true Living Light and the abundant life with fullness of the agape love. We are worriers of Elyon/Yeshua for the standing and up-keeping of Elyon/Yeshua's Kingdom, Church, Community, and organic body of holiness on earth. Those who are on Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua side, take your stand for the Most High. Michael who has arise will enter the evil strong holes and rescue his people and set the captive free, however he take no prisons. (TNDL) 

Elyon's True Living

Yahweh Elyon, Yeshua/Michael the Archangel are with us and they give us victory over Lucifer and his Angels. For this we give thanks, glory, honor and much respect to the Most High. We realizes the agape love in all is creation and makings and also his security and provision for his children. We know that his agape love extents to the outermost end of the Kosmos and with it carries salvation/healing and perfect Wisdom and Deliverance. Yahweh Elyon, Yeshua/ Michael the Archangel are the living Light that fill all existence, they gives us joy, peace and love for each other. And with the prayer Circle that we we form in heaven and on earth feel safe and secure in the Eternal Father Elyon and His only begotten Son Yeshua hands and care. The agape love is alive in us and it is well with our soul spirit and mind. (TNDL)

The Agape Love

THE AGAPE IS LIVING LIGHT AND IT BRING PERFECT AND TRUE DELIVERANCE TO ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE FAITH AND TRUST IN HIM [the Eternal Father]. All those of you who are born from above will receive the Agape love, it is a Divine action energy force. Therefore, act on this living Light and help our brothers/sisters to make this world a better place in Yeshua/Elyon's Name with much agape love.

Yahweh Elyon is the True and Living Light, whom embodies pure agape love which fills all existence. Elyon, Yeshua and Michael the Archangel are with us; they give us victory over Lucifer and his Angels. For this we give thanks, glory, honor and much respect to the Most High.

The agape love is in all of His creation and makings, we know that his agape love extend to the outermost part of the Kosmos. In addition, there is salvation, healing, security and provisions for his children, and perfect Wisdom and Deliverance.

Yahweh Elyon, Yeshua/Michael the Archangel instill within us joy, peace and love for each other. Therefore, the agape love is alive in us, and in him we live, move and have our being--it is well with our soul, spirit and mind. So let us arise, be awaken and stand up; for the True Living Light is shining in and on us! (TNDL)


The Seer Prophet Isaiah Chap 14 uses Allusion and types to illustrate in a metaphorical way the King of Babylon as Lucifer and his role in history.Yeshua refers to Satan as a Angel of Light, because he is the bright and fair Arch Angel who stands out just as how Venus stands out in the Sky at Dawn. Challenges is the operative word in this video. "Nubuchadnezzar" was the name of a God King, therefore the Seer Isaiah is liking this God king to Lucifer, because he was bright and glorious in his strength and power the greatest King of his time period and full of pump and pride like the great rebellious
fallen Angel who many call Lucifer. Someone is trying desperately to hide the fact that this Great Evil and rebellious ruling God Angel or intelligence do exist, However Yeshua was tempted by him and he also saw Lucifer as lighting in the SKY. Yeshua is the full Truth and he speaks the truth and there is no Lie in him. Education, education, education, Isaiah 14 is written in ... (TNDL)

Monday, January 26, 2015


They are the Charles Angela/Amazon women of Yeshua/Logos Christos; they cannot be beaten, because he who rides the WHITE Horse in heaven of the divine realms is their leader and he is the WORD of GOD ELYON, Rev,19). (TNDL)

Sunday, January 25, 2015


The righteous Spirit Sun has risen, its rays can be seen near and far throughout the earth. Also where there is light energy there is life and much agape love (TNDL)







Sylvi Sunbeam

True Friend

True friends are better than money in the pocket. Friends David and Johnathan of old, and Yeshua and the apostle John who was with the man of sorrow to his crucifixion
(Gospel John19;25-27). Yes Yeshua/Jesus is our best friend and the answer to all our issues and answers, much agape love (TNDL)

Good Samaritans of Elyon

GOOD SAMARITANS ARE STILL IN THE EARTH, THEY ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH. With Yeshua/Elyon's help the sick will be heal, with the WORD of Faith, Truth and power and Trust in the Divine Entity. The agape love is here at work in the organic body of Yeshua/Christ Jesus. Its the active force that work through the power of his name. We have the victory over the sickness of Lucifer and his Evil Angels/agents, because the the saints have and used the agape love with the Samaritan compassionate Spirit of the Most High. (TNDL)


Walk in his light and the darkness cannot comprehend this Light of Life. This is the light that came into the world to enlightened man/women who are
seekers of the true Light. With much agape love have a bright and
glorious journey. (TNDL)

True and Alive Teachings from Elyon/Yeshua

Our research and enquirers are to make us aware of the many things some authorities think was not good enough for the great mass. However, while all knowledge is significant to know, we should use them as reference. Because knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, (Isaiah Chap 4). Its only through the Divine Elyon Elyon/Yeshua we can have full Truth and true Living Light which is the knowledge of Yahweh Elyon, (Jeremiah 31, and Joel chap, 2-3).

No one get to Elyon the eternal Father's presence but by Yeshua whom is the Divine Logos. We much learn to have Faith and Trust in him he will never fail us.

WALKING IN YESHUA'S FOOT STEPS. The steps of a righteous person is ordered by Yahweh Elyon and none of his steps shall slide. Moments of being are memorable, it reflects on our journey of life. our experiences teaches us wisdom, knowledge and understanding, much agape love. (TNDL)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

“Jan. 21, 2015: I saw, heard and understood that Isaiah, the Seer Prophet, in chapt.14, and the Book of John Revelation of Yeshua the Lamb, Son of Elyon, chapt.14 have some correlation with each other, The book speaks of Lucifer and his works .He is being judged in these end times and days of El Elyon Yeshua (Right hand of the Most High). It is the time and day to give thanks, glory, respect and honour to Him.” (TNDL)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Some Questions to Consider

The following questions are provocative and significant to give clear understanding of what John wrote in (REV. 1: 9-20) 1. He is one like a Son of man 2. He comes as KING 3. Dressed in a long robe tied at the waist with a belt of gold4. His head and hair will be the whiteness of wool, like snow5. His eyes like a burning flame of fire6. His feet like burnished bronze7. His voice as the thundering sound of many waters8. He comes as a judge, holding seven stars, out of his mouth will come a sharp double-edged sword, and his face will be like the sun shining with all its force.Since the Apostle John knew the risen Yeshua before and after he was transformed into the "SON OF MAN, the WORD" (the LOGOS). Why do you suppose John used such similes to describe this Awesome ONE YESHUA? How will you truly know when He returns? (TNDL)

Thursday, January 22, 2015


The ‘anointed’ ONE is in love with you, are you in love with Him? If you are, then tell Him and let the flame of Spiritual Romance burn in your hearts to embrace Him.
GOD YESHUA, the Bride/Bridegroom cometh, He stands at th...e door patiently knocking, when we open the door and embrace Him, we shall become one with Him-He in us and we in Him. We will receive His eternal Life in our spirit (inner self) and be with Him and his Father eternally.
See The Gospel of (John Chapt. 6:51-63), (John Chapt. 13: 31-35), (John Chapt. 14, 15 and 16) (Matthew chapt. 22) and (Rev. Chapt. 14). (TNDL) 

Enlightenment of Elyon/Yeshua

Our religious Canon, is it a tool of enslavement or of tool of enlightenment of Adams/Eve’s race? Einstein, Spinoza and Apostle Paul, like Yeshua attributed the total elements of existence—the ALL or FULLNESS—to the Kosmic Intelligence, Elyon. Does the interpretation of scriptures –the utilization of scholastics, syllogism and exegeses—and not revelations, deprive us of first-hand knowledge—the ability to know and not just believe? Are we missing the “Full Truth and True Light” experiences of Moses, Isaiah, King David, Peter, James, John and Paul/Saul the Prophets and Apostles? If Elyon/Yeshua is “the same yesterday and forever”, then why are we not producing writing of our own from divine Kosmic experiences and stop regurgitating Centuries old Dogma? How can those who do not see tell others who see that is wrong or is heresy? (TNDL)


Yeshua said, the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven or of God Elyon shall be preached to all the earth and then shall the end come. Know that the true Gospel of Yeshua and his Holy apostle/Disciples has been pushed aside and replaced by another apostate gospel. A gospel which was design by those who are agents of Lucifer to corrupt, pervert and destroy the true Church from within. The Apostate Church breed these false apostles who slowly entered the Church after AD 70. These wise evil one with destructive intentions crept in and overtime got to the top of Hellenistic Christian Church. It is this apostate Church that Yeshua and his Holy Apostle warned us about-- that would rise-up to persecute the true CHURCH of Elyon/Yeshua--who the Red Dragon makes his attacks against. When these troubles started overtime in the true Church, it went underground because of great persecution until the 19th hundred. This is the time appointed when Michael the great Lion of the Divine Realms in Heaven would be given full power and authority to begin his total subduing and conquering of the Devil and his ruling rebellious Angels. (Rev Chap 12 and 13) (Dan, chap, 12) Now in the 21 century the true Church of Elyon is rising up and is been clothes with the Pure true Light and full Truth again from our Eternal Father and Son Yeshua, (The Divine Logos). With much agape Love have an enlightened day with the fire and Blaze of the Mighty Holy Ghost. (TNDL)


Our mothers, and grandmothers are crying out over loss of their children” Lucifer the villain has been busy at work. Where are the Priests, the Evangelists, the Theologians, The Pastors and the Preachers; should not the God they serve provides them with healing answers and powers to Transform man? Lucifer has invaded the mind of the children and what have transpired is perverted and chaotic generations. All is not loss the cleansing and transforming power of full truth and Truth light is with us. The Name Elyon/Yeshua is in the calling range of human voices. Fullness of time-- Full Truth and True Light. Joseph thanks for ardent contribution to the awaking of Adam's/Eve's Race. It time for us to all join in the universal prayer to read this Earth of Lucifer and His Evil Angels. It time to take back or place from the fallen ones. The time is now for us to open the door to the Spiritual Romance between Yeshua and His Bride. Time to prepare ourselves for the marriage that will breath eternal life in our spirit. Oh such impending victory over Lucifer and His Angels (for mankind shall reach the stage of "tree times and enough")

“Thank you so much my brother Jorge, for your willingness to help in our prayer support group. This is headed by Sylvi Sun Beam. There are Divine powers that are released from the Most High/Yeshua when two or three are united in mind, spirit and soul. We are aware that there are evil demons, evil spirits and spiritual sicknesses in this world, which even the best Doctors could and cannot cure. However we also know that there are some very good Medical Doctors who does an excellent job helping the sick we love and respect. But most importantly we love Elyon/Yeshua, People and Nature, not material resources, (MONEY) and controlling Power. To Elyon/Yeshua be the glory. With much agape love have an victorious and bless week.”(TNDL)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


"There are those who worship God, but serve Baal/ Lucifer. Such worshippers were of the house of ancient Israel. Today, you'll find them in churches. Isn't it astounding how many professed Christians are serving Baal/Lucifer in the 'Christian' church when the focus should be on Elyon/Yeshua?" (TNDL)

Here there are some historical informations about the Truth of these words !!!
The primitive serpent-worshippers of Canaan against whom Moses cautioned the children of Israel, were the HIVITES. This word, according to Bochart , is derived from Hhivia, a serpent: the root of which is Eph or Ev--one of the variations of the original Aub. EPHITES or EVITES, being aspirated, would become HEVITES or HIVITES--whence comes the word OPHITES, by which the Greek historians designated the worshippers of the serpent. The Greek word Οφις, a serpent, is derived from Oph, the Egyptian name for that reptile ; the same as Eph. The Hivites who were left "to prove Israel ," inhabited Mount Lebanon, "from Mount Baalhermon unto the entering in of Hamath." The children of Israel intermarried with them, "and served their gods." These were called BAALIM, which being in the plural number, may mean the god BAAL or BEL, under different forms of worship; of which that of the serpent was one; as we have seen under the article "Ophiolatreia in Babylon."The extent to which this worship prevailed, may be estimated by the fact of its surviving to the time of Hezekiah, when the Jews "burnedincense" to the brazen serpent which had been laid up among the sacred relics, as a memorial of their deliverance from the serpents in the wilderness. Hezekiah "removed the high places, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made; for UNTO THOSE DAYS the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehustan ,"--i.e. a piece of brass, by way of contempt.But the worship of the serpent was not so easily suppressed in Canaan. The Jewish polity being broken up, the lurking ophites crept out of their obscurity; and in the second century brought dishonour on the Christian religion, by claiming an affinity of faith with the worshippers of JESUS. ( D. T.)

Aspect of Religion

If religion is Elyon/Yeshua's Truth, how come the church and the state have become such comfortable bedfellows? Yeshua asked his followers to fallow in his foot steps (willing to dies for the Truth) did he not? Was the teachings of the True Gospel stamped out as heresy or was Yeshua lying about the tribulations of those who uphold his Truth?

What we sow is what we will reap.

Genesis chapt.1:12; Proverbs 11:18; 22:8. In Matthew chapt. 13:8, Yeshua speaks of reaping more than you sow.Therefore, are we sowing tears or wheat for the end time harvest of Rev. chapt. 14? The signs of the times are telling us that those who sow bad and evil tears are now reaping the wind storm of their harvest; likewise, the sowers of wheat are reaping much good harvest of the blessings from the Most High Yeshua (El Elyon). Therefore, what kind of plants have you been sowing past or present? We reap what we sow!” (TNDL)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


When we keep our eyes on Yeshua, then we will stay focus and be able to walk on deep waters ride the waves and not sink. Just like the Apostle Peter, also have FAITH and TRUST in the Most High (Elyon) and dive in. Because at the bottom of the Spirit Ocean of Yeshua/Elyon there are treasures for his hard working children that he preserved for you. With much agape love have a victorious and uplifting bright day. (TNDL)

Redemption in Elyon/Yeshua

‎"Hello Family and friends, if you are stressed out because of personal problems and world issues, look to Yeshua/Elyon. When He is in ship of troubles He will speak peace to the storm and make the situation calm. We are loved by our eternal Father Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua the Logos he will not leave us in dis pear. Elyon/Yeshua has sent his angels , the guardian angels who are watching humans in their everyday activities , to guard you from the evil ones with their flaming sword and light of the Mighty Holy Ghost Spirit.With much agape love have an uplifting week and a healthy UP MONTH." (TNDL)


Elyon has ruled in the affairs of men and is still ruling. He has chosen this generation to bring about the CHANGE, of spirit, soul and mind. Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua is judging the spirits both good and evil and is giving them their just deserved. At this stage he will put a new spirit in his people/children, deliver us from the evil one and make new heaven and new earth. (Seers Jeremiah Chap, 31 and Daniel Chapter 7). (TNDL)


I dedicate this column to our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are battling illnesses that are threatening them and their families. We are constantly being fed new information about what is healthy and what is unhealthy while thousands of us try to deal with problems ranging from obesity to fatigue to life threatening diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that cancer has emerged as a “major public health problem in developing countries, matching its effect in industrialized nations”. Consider this, sickness and disease such as malignant cancer, is a hostile spirit which comes to attack the ‘organic body’. These attacks must be treated with the right spiritual medicine in order to achieve the right results. For example, if you receive a cut on your hand, the white blood cells immediately rush to the affected area, attacks the bacteria causing germs, hence, prevents spreading throughout the body. As well, we can see a type of spiritual cancer in the mind, spirit and soul of men, which need to be eradicated by the Spirit and Power of the Most High (Elyon/)Yeshua. Therefore, take authority over the satanic spirits who are the unseen spiritual cause of the disease and cast out the demons by the authority of the name of Elyon/Yeshua. Then you take hold of the healing power of Elyon/Yeshua with the prayer of faith, and healing flows into the body. (TNDL)

The True Kingdom of Israel

David's kingdom was taken away from king Solomon and given to Jeroboam Solomon's servant, 1 KINGS CHAPTER 13-14, in 930; BC. The kingdom of David is now ruled by a attendance of Joseph son of Jacob /Israel, therefore the kingdom of Jerusalem is moved to Ephraim's land the northern Kingdom which was in ancient Samaria The kingdom of David is now in Samaria under the reign of Jeroboam descendant of Joseph son of Jacob and Ephraim son of Joseph of Egypt. In about 722, BC the northern Kingdom was taken into captivity by the Assyrians, later on they were dispersed among the nations which includes India, the Americas, northern Europe and other parts in Asia. (Jeremiah,31 and Isaiah, 60, 61, 62, and 63, also verses; i-6) The Kingdom under Ephraim will be united and rebuilt in a new land of a north Country. The chief of the nation of peace in our time, (Ezekiel, chap 36-37). (TNDL)


Walk in his light and the darkness cannot comprehend this Light of Life. This is the light that came into the world to enlightened man/women who are
seekers of the true Light. With much agape love have a bright and
glorious journey. (TNDL)

True and Alive Teachings from Elyon/Yeshua

Our research and enquirers are to make us aware of the many things some authorities think was not good enough for the great mass. However, while all knowledge is significant to know, we should use them as reference. Because knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, (Isaiah Chap 4). Its only through the Divine Elyon Elyon/Yeshua we can have full Truth and true Living Light which is the knowledge of Yahweh Elyon, (Jeremiah 31, and Joel chap, 2-3).

No one get to Elyon the eternal Father's presence but by Yeshua whom is the Divine Logos. We much learn to have Faith and Trust in him he will never fail us.

WALKING IN YESHUA'S FOOT STEPS. The steps of a righteous person is ordered by Yahweh Elyon and none of his steps shall slide. Moments of being are memorable, it reflects on our journey of life. our experiences teaches us wisdom, knowledge and understanding, much agape love. (TNDL)

GOD-title name or Concept?

Since God is a 6th Century Germanic term: 1) what is the name of the deity we personally serve? 2) What is the name of our Eternal Father that was given to Prophets and Apostles and those who served the Will of the Kosmos? 3) How can human concept of God built on Scholastics, Syllogism and Exegeses based doctrinal dogma- A dogma that different religion and different people use to personalize their God—give us pure knowledge of Elyon (Most High) Creator? 4) Can we the created beings give our own character attributes to the Supreme Creator and Maker-the Kosmic intelligence of the Universe? 5) How can we be in the Full Will and Full Service of our Eternal Father when we don’t even know the True Names to call Eternal Father and Supreme Creator? 6) Is not the powers of those names (Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua) that will give us Cosmos and victory over Lucifer and Angels on earth? 7) Should the supreme Creator fit into our philosophy or should we fit in His divine philosophy? (JW)

The Time of Full Truth and True Light

THE TREE WHO GIVES FOOD AND SHELTER FROM THE KILLER WIND!!! Blessed are those who find refuge under the tree of life, and the rock of ages. But curse are all those who chose to obey men rather than Elyon/Yeshua. On his day of reckoning he will judge the living and the dead departed souls. Some will be joyful and some shall be tormented, chose your way this day. (TNDL)

Worship and serve Elyon/Yeshua in the beauty of holiness. Let us give glory, praise, thanksgiving and honour to the King of the kings, the Supreme Creator and Maker, the Most High. (TNDL)

The Most High the Divine Logos will destroy the beast and his army be the Sword/Word that comes out of his mouth. Beware of this ID my friends and spiritual brother and sisters, much agape love, peace, joy and hope. (TNDL)

Monday, January 19, 2015

What we sow is what we will reap.

Genesis chapt.1:12; Proverbs 11:18; 22:8. In Matthew chapt. 13:8, Yeshua speaks of reaping more than you sow.Therefore, are we sowing tears or wheat for the end time harvest of Rev. chapt. 14? The signs of the times are telling us that those who sow bad and evil tears are now reaping the wind storm of their harvest; likewise, the sowers of wheat are reaping much good harvest of the blessings from the Most High Yeshua (El Elyon). Therefore, what kind of plants have you been sowing past or present? We reap what we sow!” (TNDL)

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Humanism is a result of such carnal principle which claims that MAN is the center of all things. These sort of ideas came from the Encyclopaedias (educated rebellious men of the Romantic period), whereby through their vast learning and knowledge without GOD Elyon/Yeshua whom they placed on the back burner, in other words, they turn their back on Him. Their action as a result brings death on the [heathen] and the ungodly. In contrast, is "Elyon/Yeshuaism" which is to say, Elyon/Yeshua's full Truth and Living Light is the life of the Kosmic universes.
All knowledge that rules out the Most High in their learning is from the Evil one. For example, scientist acting as creators attempting to make life out of energies because they think they are wiser than GOD Elyon. Humanism can never replace the supreme creator or maker of the primary things of the Kosmos; without Him the whole material/physical and spiritual existence of things will disintegrate. He holds the Kosmic universes together by his infinite wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. He is the eternal Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)

What is Man?/Humanism Vs. Elyon/Yeshua !!!

Man is a physical, mental, spiritual and divine being. He is also a miniature Kosmos a world that is apart of the hole Kosmic universes. Man/woman was made in the image and likeness of the Elohims their creators and makers. He is a energy being made up with all the building blocks of the Kosmic universes in his being. He is of Material, spiritual and Divine, in order to attain perfection. Man/woman is therefore a Spirit being of great potential with a glorious future. He is body, mind, soul and spirit. And as he/she developed spiritually, eventually will be as his/her supreme Divine creator and maker. Elyon/Yeshua is giving the full Truth and true living Light to his creation and makings (children), they in him and he in them. All things living and none living are energy of the Kosmos, material, spirit and Divine so is men/women. We are apart of everything and every thing is apart of us. With much agape love have a bright and enlightened future. (TNDL)

Friday, January 16, 2015


“It is promised by El Shaddai that the house of Judah and the house of Israel shall be taken by their conqueror into Babylon and then, later in the future, they will be dispersed to many nations and be hated by all nations, and trouble will come suddenly like a woman having birth pains. However, this time God El Shaddai, will come to save his people Israel (Jeremiah chapt. 30:6-7). (2) Yeshua in Matthew chapt. 24:6-8, also speaks of his Church, whom he returns to make pure and clean as a bride made ready to meet her husband.” (TNDL)


Nimrod and his Adonis is responsible for many of the great evils which has sprung forward from his rebellion against the Family Order given by Yahweh Elyon. Let us the saints continue to pray for the hastening of The great Divine Logos to come and destroy this evil, and uproot it's tree of which has many branches and replace it with the tree of Life which bears fruit for the children of Elyon/ Yeshua. Thank you (TNDL)

Strength Success and Productivity

(STRENGTH +ORDER) SUCCESS+ PRODUCTIVITY=UNITY OF TWO In the circle of life, productive life has to be in agreement in one mind, spirit and soul to make thinks work. This unity is that which is consistent in making the organic body of Elyon/Yeshua. Unity is strength, strength is knowing, knowledge is powerful, a lack of strength makes us weak and powerless. It takes a united two of anything in the circle of life to make something work, this is the order set in Elyon/Yeshua's world the opposite of this order is chaos or disorder (TNDL)

The True And Living Light

ELYON/YESHUA, IS THE TRUE LIVING LIGHT THAT SHINES IN THE DARK!!!Have you been worshipping the ways of the Ethen Satan/Lucifer all this time and did not know it? This is one of the ABOMINATION of the Most High, When you worshipping " BA-PhoMet" (Satan), you commit an abomination unto Elyon/Yeshua. Open your mind eyes, spirit and soul, turn your back on the Ethen's ways and turn your face to Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)

The Powers that War Against the Saints

THE APOSTLE OF YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST TO THE EPHESIANS IN (CHAP,6). The Apostle Paul is speaking about principalities and powers of the dark forces in high places of Lucifer and his angels and agents that we struggle against. Therefore receive your armour from Elyon/Yeshua and wear it to protect you from all evil. With much agape love have a great uplifting and victorious bright day. As the Bible says, evil spirits are active in astrology, some types of fortune-telling or sooth sayer. It warns against evil spirits--warning that they are active in astrology, some types of fortune-telling or soothsaying, mediums, the occult, etc. Elyon/Yeshua and his Saints/Church are taking back that which belongs to them. With the help of the great Archangel Michael the Lion of Heaven of the Divine Realms. (TNDL)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Full Truth of Elyon -War of the Kingdom

THE WAR BETWEEN THE KINGDOM VERSES THE KINGDOM OF LUCIFER!!! The new world order of Yahweh Elyon and the kingdom of the new world order of Lucifer. In the heaven/Divine realm the battle is already won by Michael the Arch angel, however it is been played out in the comedy of earth theatre. Babylon the great harlot will be finally rooted our of the earth core and be destroy by the Mighty Holy Ghost Fire into hell. (TNDL)


For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten SON. So that whoever believes in him," which is to say having faith and trust" should not eternal perished but will have eternal life. These martyrs are call faithful and true. They walked the same road to their death as Yeshua did, and will return, live and reign with him eternally, (Gospel of John chap, 3;16) Yeshua said in my fathers house there are many halls, if it were not so I would have told you. go to prepare a place for you, and I will come again to receive you unto me so that where I am there you will be also. (TNDL)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Elyon/Yeshua True and alive teachings

THE HOLY SPIRIT METEORITE FROM HEAVEN OF THE DIVINE REALMS!!!Expect a Mighty Holy Ghost (Storm) out pouring blessing and anointing. From the Most High alive Spirit. He is opening the gates and doors of Heaven in the Divine realms to give a full supply of Holy Fire in our hearts. Because our mind, soul and spirit has to be reborn, converted and transform into the true image and likeness of Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL)

Elements of Creations?

Creation! the Genesis Story: was the bible originally written to read "In a beginning" and not "In the beginning"? Further, human were told to "..multiply and replenish the earth..." Was there a catastrophe that eradicated mankind and living things so that the earth needed to be replenished? Also, when the bible speaks of "one day", is a 24 hour day, a 1,000 years day or, another time period used in Mesopotamia?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Elyon's Truth And Good News of Saul

If religion is Elyon/Yeshua's Truth, how come the church and the state have become such comfortable bedfellows? Yeshua asked his followers to fallow in his footsteps (willing to dies for the Truth) did he not? Was the teachings of the True Gospel stamped out as heresy or was Yeshua lying about the tribulations of those who uphold his Truth?

Why did Saul, who read the Torah just like Yeshua did, develop such a fatal distaste for the followers of Yeshua? This…Pharisee the son of a Pharisees…” after his experience with the risen Yeshua on Damascus road he was changed Paul. (Act 9; Act 23:6) Risking his life, he took on philosophers and rulers to bring the gospel of Yeshua to the nations. What did Saul learned from the risen Yeshua that changed him to Paul?


Interesting, the battle as to who is higher-the Bishops of the Church or the Prophets who were filled with the Paraclete. In the early Church, the order and structure under Peter, James the brother of Yeshua and John the youngest of Yeshua's Apostles were filled with the Holy Ghost. According to the Acts of the Apostles, the highest in rank were the Apostles, then the Prophets and third Evangelists. We must point out that the rank of Bishop was not established when the early Church in Jerusalem was born. Therefore, are we seeing carnal leaders governing the gentile Church instead of Spiritual leaders through the Paraclete? so, who have been directing Yeshua's Church in the second century and onward Also, we must remind the so called Christian Church that it was the Montanist Christians whom influenced Justinian to build the Holy Agia Sophia through Yeshua's Apostles teachings. (TNDL)

The Time of Elyon

Now is the time for the full truth of Elyon/Yeshua to be poured out, unto his people: Joel the Seer (Chap,2-3). And according to Jeremiah the Seer: the knowledge of Elyon will cover the earth as the waters on the sea, Seer Jeremiah (Chap, 31). Therefore, the True and Good Esoteric Knowledge from our eternal Father Elyon will come upon and in his children, in abundance, to bring about a Kosmic change. To be clear this is not the Hidden knowledge of Lucifer that he gives.Then the Kingdom of ELYON will be realized, and the eyes of the blinds will be open and they will See. The stammering tongues will speak clearly,Seer Isaiah (Chap 32) and there will be no need for the Theologians'interpretations because the Kosmic Divine intelligence ELYON is present and all people will know him from the least to the greatest, Jeremiah: (Chap31). Then we will have access to FULL LIFE, through ELYON'S Divine Philosophy of the Divine Cause, and we shall flourish in all good things. (TNDL)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Two Part of Kosmic Universe

Knowledge is power but a lack thereof make us powerless, this is deep natural and spiritual knowledge of KOSMOS. The Kosmic universes are created and made in dualities positive/negative,male/female, good /bad, in other words opposites a Kosmic world of Quantum realities which is the foundation of all things that are created and made.This is the Spiritual and material reality of the Most High, and in him we live, move and have our being.He is building his new Heaven (SKY)Earth and Divine Realms with Quantum materials the strongest and best there is in all the realms. The material Kosmic worlds is only a shadow or reflection of the Spirit worlds or realms. This is Divine Philosophy of the new Renaissance of hope for the Divine CAUSE.Its about Education,Education,Education,for the Knowledge of Elyon shall cover the Earth as water spread across the sea, (SEER Jeremiah Chap 31) With much agape love have an enlightened bright Day, and may Elyon/Yeshua's presence abide with you always.xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Man's Clear View in Human

When the darkness and fogy mist is remove from our spiritual "EYE" then we shall see clearly. Because we will be looking through new lenses from Elyon/Yeshua and we shall walk in the clear and narrow path that leads to a life of the ELECT and RIGHTEOUS. And not the road that leads to destruction. With much agape love have an eye opening experience, xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Elyon's Enlightenment .....

The dream of equality is upon us, where black, white, yellow and brown what ever our colour might be, would sit down under our own fig tree; And enjoy the presence of the Most High Elyon/Yeshua and share in his blessings. May our spiritual "EYE" be open to observe this enlightenment in this new Aeon/Age, this is our Day of the true LIGHT,the dark days are slowly passing away. This is the DAY that Elyon/Yeshua had made and our Great Lights shall not go dim because Michael the Great Arch Angel is at work. And so with him we make his CIRCLE and STAND.With much agape love have a victorious and bright Day of equality in the brother and sister hood of the Most High, xo xo xo (TNDL)

The World System of Babylon

The world system of Babylon/Lucifer is a unfair and corrupted one there is nothing new about this behaviour and attitude. It only goes to show that human had this innate thing about us that need to be eradicated from within by the power of Elyon/Yeshua. The agape love is the medicine for the cure of this kind of sickness that is in us. The legal adversary system alone cannot eradicate old inner feelings of hate rage its only through the power of the agape love of Elyon/Yeshua that our inner self can be transformed. An example is how we got red of Jim Crow but still there is ill feeling against our fellow men, another is the life changing experience of people who i know and have read about. We cannot legislate the agape love and compassion it has to be put in us by a Higher Power namely Elyon/Yeshua. With much agape love have a bright and enlightened Day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Elyon's Perfect Deliverance...

Good morning spiritual family and friends, here is some good news. SALVATION/ HEALING is here, because of Yeshua/Jesus. We are now living in the Aeon/Age when all of Earth itself and its living intelligence and living beings shall have perfect Wisdom (SOPHIA) and perfect DELIVERANCE through the power that is in the name of Elyon/Yeshua the eternal (YEHWEH) "I AM ALWAYS IN THE PRESENT", and we .... shall all know him from the least to the greatest.The Most High's Knowledge will cover the Earth as water spread over the SEA, JEREMIAH Chap, 31.This is a bright and beautiful Day of enlightening to our Earth and its people and other living things.It is time to sing, dance and be glad because Lucifer is thrown down from the High SEAT on the Mountain of Heavens to the Earth , Rev,chap 12, Isaiah 14; 8. And now is come salvation and strength, the Kingdom of Elyon and the power of his KRISTOS (CHRIST). So lets join the CIRCLE of MICHAEL the great Archangel and help clean up the Earth. (TNDL)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Elyon's Time is Now

Friends we are now living in a great time--time form kind to be free of the Babylonian 3500 years oppression. As my friend wrote: Hello good family and friends how are you doing today? i hope things are fine. I am sending this encouraging sweet song to you to give you hope. that when you have TRUST in the Most High (ELYON) every thing will be alight. So don't worry be joyful in what the Elyon/Yeshua is making on the Earth at this time in history.DIVING ENERGY THE AGAPE LOVE is here on Earth in abundance, with much of the same Love have a great Weekend. May the Most High/Yeshua's presence be with you always, xo xo xo.

P. S As we can see this message of hope is coming from all front. The time of our full deliverance is now in this new Aeon/Age because our Arch Enemy is CAST DOWN therefore rejoice. (TNDL)

The True Name of the Son of Elyon

Some words of Full Truth....Yes the true name of the son of Elyon is YESHUS the English calls him Jesus. It is this name Yeshua that the Arch Angel Gabriel that came from Heaven in the Divine Realms with to Mariam English (Mary) which the Western Christendom hid from the true people of Elyon. Now every thing that was hidden shall be uncovered and all shall hear and know the true name of the son of Elyon. Because this is the name of power that Devils, falling Angels and evil spirits are afraid of not Jesus which is only the interpretation of the true name. There is Divine power in this Holy Heavenly name, in the Acts of the Apostles it healed the sick, raised the dead cleanse the lepers and set a precedence that no other name has set and finally kept the true followers safe from LUCIFER.Call upon this name Yeshua and you will see a change in your lives.With much agape love have a victorious weekend and a glorious future in Elyon's Kristos/Christ, xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Get Educated and Not Indoctrinated ....

Education, education, education, makes the difference between been educated and indoctrinated. We choose to be educated at the highest level with Elyon/Yeshua guiding our knowledge,remember knowledge is power, but a lack of it make us powerless.This enlightenment is to help take us out of the controlled state that some groups, institutions and organizations has kept us in for Millenniums. We must now think outside the box,with many horizons of thoughts and not be controlled like little children whose minds are not fully develop.In fact even the children when they are of age they go on their ways using ideas of their own. Its time for the great mass to awake and put on new lances and get Elyon/Yeshua's world view of things because only he tells the full truth. Yeshua said that at his return all that is hidden shall be uncovered we are living in that Aeon/age today.With much agape love have a victorious bright Day and an enlightened future in Elyon/Yeshua, xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Who is to Blame for Man's Demise?

Spiritual family and friends, who it was that taught man warfare? was it not Lucifer and his angels friends? So who should be blamed for causing divisions among the nations? It his he who taught man the principle of divide and conquer.That why we need Michael the Great Arch Angel on Earth to help us eradicate this evil Villain from our home Mother TERRA, Hell was made for Lucifer and his Angels not man. (TNDL)

Time To Rejoice in Elyon ....

Yes my family and friends there is strength and divine powers in the name of Elyon/Yeshua/ Michael the Great Arch Angel and the mighty Holy Ghost.These names of Divine Living Entities gives perfect Agape love, Wisdom, Deliverance, full Grace, Truth and true Light. Lets spread this great news around the world to the nations.

Rejoice my friend it a new day a day of Elyon/Yeshua " Hello spiritual family and friends, this is a Video about the Great Arch Angel Michael and what he will be doing on earth and the Kosmos, along those of us who join with him and make the Divine CIRCLE and CHAIN. I hope you like it, with much agape love have victorious journey in ELYON/MICHAEL.

Good morning spiritual family and friends who makes up the CHURCH of ELYON i salute because you have the Most High's favour. I just receives this photo from a good friend so i want to share with you, notice the colours, and the writings. For me these things signifies Kosmic knowledge full TRUTHS, the red and white represents the Divine warrior power of the LOGOS/The Arch Angel Michael.The written words is symbolic of the Life changing powers of the Most High, the Divine Energy the Agape Love. I hope you like it, may our lives be fill with all good thing from Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua from this day forward. With much Agape love have a wonderful and exciting Weekend. (TNDL)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


“Therefore, whose righteousness are you keeping and are following? Yeshua said that there is the righteousness of the kings of the world that leads to spiritual death; however, the righteousness of Elyon Yeshua leads to life eternal and full truth, without which mortal humans have not Elyon Yeshua’s protection?

Anyone who followed the ways of Elyon Yeshua and turn back, are like dogs that return to their own vomit. ” 2 Peter chapt. 2:21, 22 (TNDL)

The True Name of Elyon Son

YESHUA of Nazareth IS the original Name known and used by those who were with him and knew him. Jesus is the English translation of the Greek Yesus or Iesus (saviour). YESHUA, was the One who was Crucified and resurrected and talked about by those... who were with him. Kristos or English Christ is the name given to the resurrected /Kosmic Ruler, Saviour and redeemer by the Hellenistic converts. WHY was his Name change and hidden from the Western world? The Name that was sent from his Eternal Father Elyon in the Divine Realm, carried by the Arch Angel Gabriel for Miriam to name her son? (Luke 1: 26-38). The Name that according to the Apostle... Peter, there is no other name given among mankind whereby we can be save (heal) but YESUAH (the ACTS of the Apostles 4:11-12). (TNDL)

Our God of Reason and Imagination

Scholasticism complement us with one “God” … God, a product of deductive reasoning, is that why his character trait can be moulded to fit the climate of our various imaginative norms? Under this universal God we have different religions and within each of these religions are belligerent factions of doctrinal interpretations. Is it for this chaos of beliefs or for Full Truth, that Yeshua (Christ) of Nazareth died?(TNDL)

Where Did We Get Our So Called Truth

“Syllogism...the core of traditional deductive reasoning,...facts...determined by combining existing statements. The synthesis of Greek Philosophy and Christian Doctrine is the heart of Scholasticism. Biblical exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of the Bible.”Instead of current Divine Revelations from Elyon/Yeshua, are these the elements at play why we have different versions of purported truths? (TNDL)

What Name Should we Be Calling for Help

Calling, LORD, LORD! who are we calling? Bel meaning 'Lord' Babylonian deity Marduk. En meaning 'Lord' …Sumerian deities Enki and Enlil. Lord in Buddhism (is) Buddha. The …god Adonis =(Tammuz or Baal) and Adonai…cognate of the Hebrew word for 'lord'. Or in the Wiccan religion, the male god = 'The Lord’...”? (wikipedia) Why do we use obscure tittles to invoke the Supreme Creator Elyon and Son Yeshua? Could be that all this time when we are calling for again Lucifer’s chaos
are we are calling upon Lucifer by using the name Lord?

Yeshua kept his disciples by the power of the name given to him our divine Father Elyon. Which name would have the power to deliver us from Lucifer—the name given by the “All” the Komos Creator of all things or human scholastics. Who would know best how to defeat Lucifer and his angels and rid humans of the effect of the Watchers—the Kosmic intelligent entity, Elyon, creator all things or man and his Syllogism and Exegeses.

What is in a name? Have we not been taught, or have we forgotten, that all who are from Kosmos, or in service to Elyon, are given power names which depicts his/her divine tasks? In that case why did we replace the name Yeshua (the Deliver) to Jesus (anointed one). If the power is in the name, what name will give Adam/Eve’s perfect deliverance over Lucifer, His angels and the Watchers? Who robbed us of cosmos?

The Key To Elyon....

“I am the way the truth and the life” 2000 years of trying yet we have not reached full Deliverance. Are we using the wrong key to get to the Kosmos? Would using the proper name bring cosmos to Earth chaos? Yeshua, the Deliverance—the Full Truth, True Light, True Life— was given for Healing of our Body Soul and Spirit. Why continue to suffer when we can call upon Elyon in the name of Yeshua? (TNDL)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Do we know?

We know God? Do we know the Kosmic intelligence Elyon/Yeshua or do we think we know? Can we know someone by reading or hearing—is believing the same as knowing? Does not knowing come with personal experience—validation of five senses? Can we know Elyon and the Son Yeshua and not be transformed like Enoch, Elijah, Paul, Peter and John? Do we know the True and Alive Elyon/Yeshua or do we believe in some God/Lord?

Important Uses of Names Not Titles!!

“The earliest uses of Lord in the English language in a religious context were by English Bible translators such as Bede. This reflected the Jewish practice of substituting the spoken Hebrew word 'Adonai' ('My Lord') for YHWH when read aloud.” Looking around us has calling upon Lord/God helped us? Why not find and use the real name of the Supreme Creator—the names that bring fear to Lucifer and His Angels? (TNDL)

Lucifer is the Villain the Root Of Chaos

“The Devil made me do it” Is a common cliché that holds true. An indictment have been made against Lucifer by Elyon. Lucifer has infiltrating the mind of human beings--disrupt their normal behaviour and enticed them into acts of perversions. Some people just start feeling that way while others fall into sexual perversion by the coaxing--promise of material gains--of others. Elyon says only cure is the Name of Yeshua. Yes as we cry out there Is hope in Yeshua.

“Our mothers, and grand mothers are crying out over loss of their children” Lucifer the villain has been busy at work. Where are the Priests, the Evangelists, the Theologians The Pastors and the Preachers; should not the God they serve provides them with healing answers? Lucifer has invaded the mind of the children and what have transpired is perverted and chaotic generation.

Perversion, clearly, has been with us for thousand of years. Never, however, not with standing, Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii been so prevalent on a worldwide scale. Fortunately, Elyon has made His diagnosis and has named Lucifer as the culprit. Along with His diagnosis, Elyon has given us the cure--the healer Yeshua. Lucifer sets out to kill and to destroy, Yeshua brings healing and restorations to Adam’s race. There is power in the name of Yeshua! (TNDL) 

Elyon's Wake Up CAll......For Humans

AWAKE ELYON`S SLEEPING ANGELS ON EARTH. Good morning Elyon`s sleeping Angels on Earth, it is time to awake from your long sleep. The bright Day has come to arise and spread the good news of the Kingdom of Elyon so that we can complete the Most High Church. Awake,awake, awake with much agape love awake because the true Light has come and is shining, the glory of the Heavenly great ONE of Divine realm can be seen. (TNDL)

The Divine Energy of Elyon

The Divine Energy the agape love surely is everywhere and in everything. It is the Good, the Good is Elyon, Theos, Yeshua the Logos the All in All, The Agape is in the air, one can hear it when the birds sing, when the children play and dance. And also when we demonstrate solidarity to our neighbours in times of need, Love is contagious lets ignite the fire of love and spread the blaze. With much agape love have a bright and bless day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Elyon's Agape Love .....

The Agape love of Elyon is real, its a living Divine Energy that is everywhere. It does not impose itself on those who chooses hate over love. It is kind and one can know it best when one experience it for themselves. I am not asking anyone to take my word as proof, ask Elyon in the the name of Yeshua his Son to reveal it to you through a Divine revelation like that of the holy SEERS. It is at this point that you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the agape love is real and alive and can be the dominant active Energy force in your life--that acts in positive ways. I must warn you that there is an imposter out there who poses itself as the good and true love, but by the works of hateful acts that it produces you shall know that it is the counterfeit. With much agape love have a glorious Divine encounter with the Divine Energy the Holy Ghost Heavenly fire and the flame. (TNDL)

Time to Wake Up in Elyon....

Good Morning Earth Angels this is a day of the true Light of Elyon. Arise wake up because the true light is blazing and shining around the world. its time for the world to hear and know the true message of Yeshua which is the gospel of the Kingdom of Elyon. A Sovereign rule of of the Most High where all his children shall have a rebirth of SPIRIT and SOUL like the Children in the Heaven. Yeshua the glorified ONE said look i make all things new. The living and none living energies must be purge and made clean until all things are purify.Rev 21 Chap 1-8) with much agape Love rejoice because Elyon has spoken. (TNDL)

New Heaven New Earth of Elyon

New Heaven and New Earth? Interesting, the Kosmic: Creator, Maker, Sustainer and Protector is making all things new. These transformations shall be done in the material, spiritual and Divine worlds. In this Aeon/Age of true Light the Elects and Righteous ones shall flourish because EVIL is vanquished and the GOOD prevailed. Now even some sceptical scientist are admitting that there are changes accruing in the material natural living and none living world. So its time to wake up, stand up, rise up and look to the Mount of Elyon from where our strength comes. Education, education, education, is the new Renaissance of hope from which Elyon's true Knowledge is attained by his people. It comes through Divine revelations like that of the Holy SEERS of ancient times. With much agape love have a great enlightened Day. (TNDL)


The Most High has always raised up his creation that are living beings to declare this glory. Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua is Divine Life, full Truth, true Light and perfect Deliverance. In him we live, move, and have our being. Elyon put a lot of thought in making us, like how a architect, physicist, engineer and builder would. he uses all the elements and energies necessary to fashion us his makings, deriving from his infinite knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Is He not wonderful?. Much agape love, have a great Sunday. (TNDL)

The Time Elyon True Deliverance is Now!

Hello good family and friends how are you doing today? Ihope things are fine. I am sending this encouraging sweet song to you to give you hope, that when you have TRUST in the Most High (ELYON)every thing will be aright. So...don't worry be joyful in what Elyon/Yeshua is making on the Earth at this time in history.DIVINE ENERGY THE AGAPE LOVE is here on Earth inhabitance. With much of the same Love, have a great Weekend. May the Most High/Yeshua's presence be with you always, xo xo xo. P. S As we can see this message of hope is coming from all front. The time of our full deliverance is now in this new Aeon/Age because our Arch Enemy is CAST DOWN therefore rejoice. (TNDL)

The Kosmic Lion

“Good Day spiritual Angels, family and beloved friends, our Kosmic Lion is with us. He give security, strength and the Agape love; he also takes care of his PRIDE, much agape. What a happy time it is when we come home to our eternal heavenly Father Elyon, is this not wonderful? Surly this is the time to sing, dance and be merry because our Arch enemy his defeated and is cast down. And now is come salvation and strength the Kingdom of Yahweh Elyon and the power of his KRISTOS (CHRIST). With much agape love have a bright and shinny Day.” (TNDL)

Have Tabularasa to have Yeshua

To find Yeshua one must empty or deny oneself, take up ones burden and walk with him. With TABULARASA comes Transformation into the image and likeness of Yeshua Kristos or (Jesus Christ). We have to welcome him in our lives before he will come, he will not force himself in or around us. Much agape love. Those who are in Yeshua Kristos (Jesus Christ) are all new created beings because they have in themselves the Divine blood of the Glorified Yeshua/Elyon. These who are born of the SPIRIT FROM above are spiritually lead by him. In him is Eternal life which he gives to the spirit and soul of all things in heaven and on earth, as he is making new heaven and new Earth where dwells righteousness. (TNDL)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Who or What are We Worshipping

God! “The earliest written form of the Germanic word god comes from the 6th century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word...from the Proto-Germanic * ǥuđan. Most linguists agree that the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * ǵhu-tó-m was based on the root * ǵhau(ə)-, =... ‘to call’ or ‘to invoke’” If God is a later concept, what name did the Prophets and Apostles got for the Kosmos--the Supreme Creator?

Asked a friend research the words “Amen and Lord” “Amen? Amun...Egyptian deity. Self created without father or mother, sun god. Amun-Ra. Lord? Are we calling to Baal Tammuz, could we be calling to Lucifer's chaos and calling upon Lucifer when we say lord.” (Cendee Crawford) Friends who and what are we giving praise on honour to--All praise and honour belong to the Supreme Creator Elyon/Yeshua?

God Beliefs or Knowing Elyon/Yeshua

GOD! In a world of 6 billion people, with religion we seems to personalize God, we could have 6 billion concepts . God, 6th century proto-Germanic word-- scholastics and syllogism provide a concept of beliefs. Does believing give an individual or group the ability to truly know the Creator, Yahweh Elyon, the Father of Yeshua as Paul, Peter and John did? Doe it take a concept or intelligent entity to define itself?
Well I have looked at all the argument and I will say this if we were dealing with information that was of Divine revelation and not derived from scholastics, syllogism and exegesis would there be any room for disagreement? Now we have people who differs; can we have two different version of the same truth? And if not who is correct? The magic question of who is right can only be answered by Divine revelation. Only information that come to us from Elyon/Yeshua can be trusted. Other information are based on human wisdom that are suited form our beliefs. How can we use beliefs to define the Kosmos who created all things? Should not the Kosmic intelligence define it self and in the process tell why, where, how, what and when of it all? Does believing something make it true?

Who Has Elyon/Yeshua True Teachings?

GOD! In a world of 6 billion people and a personalization of God, we could have 6 billion differing concepts. God, 6th century proto-Germanic word-- scholastics and syllogism provide a concept of beliefs. Does believing give an individual or group the ability to truly know the Creator, Yahweh Elyon, the Father of Yeshua as Paul, Peter and John did? Doe it take a concept or intelligent entity to define itself?

Religious differences, variations in dogma, and multiple claims of who are the righteous ones who are going to heaven, are the products of scholastics, syllogism and exegesis. The knowledge of the Prophets and the Apostles were based on revelations from Elyon/Yeshua. Is the belief of human wisdom greater than the Knowledge of Divine Revelations?

Paul, Peter, and John were feeding Yeshua’s flock with food that came fresh and clean from Elyon, Yeshua and the Holy Ghost. It that not what the body of Yeshua need today? . Are we getting this from contrived personalized doctrines? (each group add it own spin on the presented dogma--each group is right and the only group going to heaven) ??? (TNDL) 

The Power available for true Deliverance

We live in a world of chaos and oppression in which we wrestle against,” principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Plagued by Lucifer and his angels, many are calling out for help. Thanks to Elyon's Seer Prophet, over the years up until the present, many have learned and have utilized the 'power' in the true and original name of the Kosmos the Supreme Creator-- Elyon and His Son-- Yeshua. Many of us will have come to realize, that with such a wise and powerful adversary as Lucifer, using obscure titles to approach our Creator are absolutely futile. When these true names and others were given to us by Elyon's through His seer prophets, it offered renewed hope for the deliverance of Adam and Eve’s race. The power in these names offers perfect victory over Lucifer and his angels. From time to time the name Elyon, "The Most High" is used by some but why not use both original names, and enjoy the benefits they bring Elyon (Most High) and Yeshua (Perfect deliverance)? It is time to educate ourselves in the Kosmic knowledge held by Holy Seers and the Apostles. In trying to solve a
problem, if one method works to no avail, is it not prudent to try another?

We have been holding on to the current Christian dogma for about 2000 years. The world has given much in the way of acclamations of greatness to many humans, saints, church fathers, philosophers, bishops, evangelists and pastors. However, for the masses, has this world gotten better or worse? With all the great protagonists of history, we are still left without an antidote for the chaos of mass reciprocal atrocities. Could it be that in the mix of our doctrinal dogma there are lies and half truths which are the very tools our defeat? Has Lucifer robbed us of our weapons and left us holding mere replicas which offer us no real protection and only a false sense of security? There are very few on earth enjoying their heaven here. Why should the masses wait to die to enjoy their heaven? If there is power in a particular name, would a replica have the same potent power as the original? Elyon's Seer says: "Children of the Most High, those of us who have been redeemed by Yeshua, in our call for help we urge you, to speak the names of power. Call upon the Kosmos with the names that were used for protection and full deliverance by the Apostles. Be reminded, the most powerful names the was ever given to mankind are 'Elyon and His son Yeshua”. Try them and see the results for yourself. Now the cycle of losses to Lucifer and his angels by the Children of Elyon has been broken by “Yeshua”. I wish you much agape love in the names of Elyon/Yeshua. (TNDL) 

Elyon's New Renaissance of Hope

It is said by wise people that the more things change the more they stay the same. Solomon the wise man son of King David said nothing is new under the son, as it was with Kapernikos, Gallalio and Willelm so it is with whoever that introduced new findings or relieves new Gnostic revelations. These ingenuous pioneers has always met with oppositions from those who controls the established order. Many of these natural scientist has been labelled as bad, heretic or misfits for the society. But not any longer because we are now in a new Aeon/Ages where full truth will float like oil on water. Much agape love the Most High shall bring about the new Renaissance of hope by his Divine powers to make his full Truth be known. Elyon fills the Kosmic Universes and there is no space between him, we also live, move and have our being in him. (TNDL)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Human Soul.....?

The human body is an art work that no human creation can match. Yahweh Elyon much have put alot of thoughts into forming man/woman in his image and likeness. As I consider the emotions, the sense of feelings, the attraction between male and female; Shurely I cam see how infinite his knowledge wisdom and understanding is in all his doings. For this we give him glory, thanksgiving, honorand respect, with much agape love have an enlightened bright Day (TNDL)

Kosmos -- the True Light

Hello Angels, spiritual family and friends around the world welcome to Yahweh Elyon/Yeshua the true Light. What is the revealed status of Elyon? He is Creator, Maker, Sustainer, Guiding True Light and provider. Elyon was not created nor made by any one, he is the SUPREME Divine Intelligence, the all knowing and infinite. In all of his creations and doings he is always here. He is an AUTOCRAT and no one can tame nor control him, he is Elyon. Therefore, to him belong the glory, thanksgiving, honour and respect for all eternity.So blessed are those who receives him and his full Truth in all his ways. (TNDL)


In names of Yahweh Elyon and Yeshua, there are Divine powers, to bring healing in the material, natural/ supernatural and Spirit, spiritual, and Divine worlds. In the power of these names we can have perfect deliverance, true Light full Truth and Grace. Yet there are those whom this full truth of the powers of the Kosmic names were hidden from for Milliniums, it is now time to call upon the powers of the names of the MOST HIGH and watch our eternal Father Elyon demonstrate his work. However as we unite in mind spirit and soul we shall experience true and lasting result because the Spirit of the Most High (ELYON) will activate his full powers. Much agape love have a victorious and enpowering bright Day, xo xo xo. (TNDL)

Question to Elyon Yeshua El'S children.

What can separate you from the Agape Love of Elyon Yeshua? Whatever they are, Lucifer the dark Lord, will use to separate you from Elyon Yeshua. Will you let Lucifer trick you? Hold on to your love for Elyon Yeshua the Christ, and do not let the enemy steal your birthright! much agape love n peace. (TNDL)


One of the many reasons why mankind the Micro part of the massive Universes thinks that way is because it is finite in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Many of whom are only intune into the natural universes, we are not all spiritual by nature, therefore we are limited in knowing outside our perimeter. And so not knowing naturally makes us ignorant of full Truth since full Truth comes only through a spiritual rebirth or transformation of spirit, soul and mind. As those of us are spiritually transformed and passes through our different stages of development then our third EYE become open and we begin to see through our new lenses far and wide into the diverse worlds and realms, Spiritual and Material. (TNDL)

When Elyon Reveals

Elyon revealed “when people of earth demand changes then changes will come”. We can be part of changes. Our prayer/meditation has power since it’s energy that can lift our words and our spirit in the place of the Most High/Ypsistos Theos. It’s time the agape love which is sacred and beautiful to prevail transforming th......e darkness to light, the chaos in order, the despair in hope. Let’s be part of the greatest Force in the Kosmic world, the divine energy of agape love by joining the circle of prayer, every Friday at 7-8 pm. Much agape love, have an enlightened bright Day. (TNDL)