Thursday, July 11, 2013


For the children of the Most High El, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua Moshe, who are thirsty, seek Yeshua Moshe, he will give you his river water, that will make never thirst again.
Also all those who want to see the gloried Yeshua in his Divine Kingdom of the SPIRIT, seek him with all your heart, mind, soul and spirit: Until your heart is pure as gold is pure. Then you will have revelation, dreams, vision and experiences of him. You will know him as he is, when you see him. Therefore, remember Yahweh Elyon Yeshua is a great mighty Spirit WIND, who is many times brighter than the SUN. Read, research, and study, Joel, chap, 2-3, Isaiah chap, 55, Rev, chap, 1-3, and Rev, chap, 22. (JRSL-UCYG)

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