Friday, July 12, 2013

The Gospel of the Kingdom must be evangelized throughout the nations as a witness, then the end will come. We should use all means possible to blow our trumpets announcing the Good news of the Kingdom of Heaven or of GOD Elyon. Then our eternal Heavenly father the Most High shall be pleased. Yeshua died for all people/nations regardless of our socialization and culture. Elyon's Children through Yeshua's crucifixion are everywhere--in diverse institutions and organizations around the world. He has forgiven us when he was on the cross, all we have to do now is to receive and acknowledge Him as saviour/healer and to stay in His Will. In doing so, the Father and the Son will be pleased.What great love our Eternal Heavenly Father (Elyon) has showered us that we can be called his Children. ~ © Joseph Rising Sun Levi ~

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