Thursday, July 11, 2013

Some Questions to Consider

The following questions are provocative and significant to give clear understanding of what John wrote in (REV. 1: 9-20) 
1. He is one like a Son of man 

2. He comes as KING

3. Dressed in a long robe tied at the waist with a belt of gold.

4. His head and hair will be the whiteness of wool, like snow

5. His eyes like a burning flame of fire.

6. His feet like burnished bronze.

7. His voice as the thundering sound of many waters.

8. He comes as a judge, holding seven stars, out of his mouth will come a sharp double-edged sword, and his face will be like the sun shining with all its force.
Since the Apostle John knew the risen Yeshua before and after he was transformed into the "SON OF MAN, the WORD" (the LOGOS). Why do you suppose John used such similes to describe this Awesome ONE YESHUA? How will you truly know when He returns?

©Joseph Rising Sun Levi

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