Friday, July 12, 2013


"We can give the weather report; tell the time of different places on earth. But can we understand and broad cast to the nations/people the Signs of the times?
What time is it? It’s Yahweh Elyon Yeshua’s Time!!!
Yes it’s Time for all Yahweh Elyon's children to come out of the dark. The answer is virtue of EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION. It comes through Divine presence and individual...s who are guided by Elyon Yeshua’s Great Spirit. It is also necessary to know the ancient meaning of numbers, letters, signs, symbols, names and titles. By whom they were used, at what time period for what purposes and why their significance was and still is shifted. Lets ask all the right questions especially the WHY, HOW, WHEN, WHERE and WHO. This is the Aeon/Age of the new Renaissance of hope. Let’s join together FRIENDS /FAMILY and uncover all the Gnostic (hidden) Full Truth that Lucifer’s people have hidden from the great mass.”
By Joseph Rising Sun Levii

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