Thursday, January 3, 2013


Yes, just to be alive and well is enough when Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, the Divine Logos, is with us and in us. We are all energies; together we can be strong. However, that depends on what kind of GAS we are USING to run our CARS. We, the DECENDANTS of ADAM and EVE were made for GREATNESS but along our journey, we were tricked by the evil ones into accepting destructive gas in our minds, spirits and our souls. That mistake caused us to malfunctioned and lost our way. Now, in the New RENAISSANCE of HOPE, the pure high quality GAS will be put into our innermost being to produce a NEW CREATION in us, causing us, the collective intelligent energy to FUNCTION ORDERLY in the best interest of all through AGAPE LOVE. It will clear and purify our minds, spirits and our souls. When this NEW GAS is given in our cars, we will find our WAY back never to lose it again, because we have learned not to trust Lucifer and his angels nor others, but Yahweh Elyon Yeshua. The True Light/Divine Energies, We will turn our light on. (JRSL-UCYG)    

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