Sunday, October 7, 2012


Macro Perspective wrote: "If im English then his name is Jesus"...? Im confused I thought English was invented around the 11th century as a fusion of the Anglo Saxon and native Celtic languages of Britannia? The Most High Yahweh Elyon named his son a specific name. It wasn't Jesus it was Yeshua for the Most High visited the Judean people in a time when they spoke Aramaic. There is a reason why he did this which must be respected as he could of named his son any other name yet he didn't. How can a human being think of changing the name or translating the name to suit them. If that's the case 2,000 years from now he will have a different name because languages will shift or change like they have been doing for eons.

Yahweh cult..... do you know what cult originally means?

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