Monday, August 27, 2012


Shalom to YESP, UCYG Team members and Warriors who are now in the Land of Israel/Abraham on a great mission for the Most High Yahweh Elyon Yeshua. We are happy that all of you made it safely there. We are standing strong with you and suppor
t you on this mission and we have great and high expectation, that great and mighty things will happen and be accomplished there, because together we have completed " the 21 days of fasting and praying in preparation for this great mission" and have crossed the finish line and we have faith and trust in Yahweh Elyon Yeshua.

what an honour and privilege for you to walk where Yeshua, the Divine Logos, and Lamb of GOD (El) Yahweh Elyon walked. How beautiful, marvellous and wonderful is it, to walked where he walked and taught His people about the His, and our eternal Heavenly Abba Father Yahweh Elyon?

We know that the Presence of the Most High Yahweh Elyon and His Son Yeshua, the New Divine Logos are with you. Therefore, let there be a trembling, a quaking, a shaking, a breaking and an uprooting of all evil and the evil ones (Lucifer and the fallen ones) out of the land of Israel. For is not this Yahweh Elyon Yeshua's Time and Day? Is this not the Day of Deliverance and Victory for Yahweh Elyon Yeshua's children all over the world?

"The battle" is the Most High El, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua and the Arch Angel Michael, "His right arm and His holy arm has gotten Him the victory."

Thanksgiving, glory, praise, service, worship, honour and respect to Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, for the Day of Deliverance and victory has come for His People and nations all over the world.
(Sylvi Sun Beam-UCYG) 

Lady Elle Elizabeth Cole with the UGYG male Soldiers

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