Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Need Elyon's Protection....

In the hard times that we live in, I see this happening to my country. I see that socio-political policies try to destroy solidarity and unity between people. So, we must be alert to see what is the point of all this chaos that there is around us. “For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly word, the rulers and Cosmic powers of this dark age”. These forces terrify people through great financial problems first, then they want to make us hopeless-- no hope and no exodus from this situation. The system wants to withdraw our resistance, disorienting us, and as soon as they will have finished their work they will appear like saviours. They will offer solutions like a chip, maybe? Wearing god’s Armour means that you know who is the enemy and you have all you need to resist. It’s a big spiritual fight which is reflected in our physical world. In this war children of Elyon/Yeshua around the world are going to receive this Armour, the powerful spiritual weapons against the dark powers. Thank you Elle for posting this encouraging and enlighten post. Much agape
love have a wonderful day:)) (Joseph Rising Sun)

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