Thursday, June 11, 2009


Lloyd Cole wrote: Hateful deeds that calculates acts that is antisocial only fuels more hateful deeds. Is this kind of behavior we want among us? this kind of belief and attitudes are a direct reflection of the nature of the evil one because he is the father of all who hate goodness, love, peace and brother/sisterhood. He was a killer from a beginning. His works will his children do.However we good people should learn from this experience, knowing that even an 88 year old man can surprise us with these kind of behavior, and do the unthinkable. but the truth must be uncover so that we can know the evil that is in the hearts, spirits and minds of some people. WHERE IS THE AGAPE LOVE? it is only found in Yeshua the Divine LOGOS/ELYON the Divine living LIGHT. One can fine full Truth,Grace, Agape Love and perfect peace in spirit, soul, mind and heart. Out side of him there is only darkness, hate, disorder (Chaos) and the evil that is in the world.With much agape love have a new stare and a victorious future.

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to James and Lloyd, keep spreading the good news.
