Thursday, February 27, 2025


“When someone invests only in the material and physical world, he/she will reap vanity. But when one invests in the Spirit of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua he/she will receive Eternal Life and perfect peace in soul and spirit. Choose Eternal Life over just to live the lifestyle of the world.” (TNDL)

Sunday, February 23, 2025


TNDL: "one thing is sure and true, the Most High is active in his creation and yes indeed, he still speaks with his spirit voice to those who love Yeshua and his eternal heavenly father. When one is obedient to him and his ways and his commands, he is always there to the rescue. This kind of miracle happens when we develop and has a growing relationship with our god in prayer and praise and worship. We speak to those people who listen to his voice."  TNDL

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


TNDL: ”We love and put everything first before ourselves; think about this carefully. How can anyone love anything or anyone before themselves? We must rearrange our lives and love Yeshua Elyon, the new Divine Logos, first, and our brother/sisters as you love yourselves. Much agape love, peace, joy and victory!!!” 


TNDL: "Good morning, saints in Yeshua of Nazareth, our messiah the Christ and only salvation of the world, how are you this beautiful and bright victorious day? I hope that you are all drinking from Yeshua l Michael’s river of living water. This way, we shall never thirst again, because out from our innermost being are flowing rivers of living water that springs into eternal life in Christ. Until we become like him, when we throw off this carnal body and put on our new eternal and incorruptible body like Yeshua, the resurrected/changed and glorious new body. So, be strong and courageous, ready to bring the gospel of the kingdom of god's message to the whole earth, until the end comes, according to Matthew 24. Have a wonderful, victorious and glorious day. Much agape (love) and peace."

Monday, February 17, 2025


TNDL: "Good morning, saints in Yeshua of Nazareth, our messiah the Christ and only salvation of the world, how are you this beautiful and bright victorious day? I hope that you are all drinking from Yeshua l Michael’s river of living water. This way, we shall never thirst again, because out from our innermost being are flowing rivers of living water that springs into eternal life in Christ. Until we become like him, when we throw off this carnal body and put on our new eternal and incorruptible body like Yeshua, the resurrected/changed and glorious new body. So, be strong and courageous, ready to bring the gospel of the kingdom of god's message to the whole earth, until the end comes, according to Matthew 24. Have a wonderful, victorious and glorious day. Much agape (love) and peace."


TNDL: "what are the requirements for one to be born again and to receive the single eye, in order to see God's face and His spiritual Kingdom of the celestial realms and dimensions?"

Matthew 5:8 NIV
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. "What is it like so see God, Most High face to face, and look at His glorious face as: Moses, Elijah, Enoch and Noah, and Yeshua Holy Apostles: John, Peter, and Paul? One must be born of the spirit of God most high."

Friday, February 14, 2025



Hear are some historical facts!” 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is a time set aside to recognize love and romance. It is also one of the busiest times of the year for florists, candy makers and greeting card companies.

History of Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day traces its origins back to Lupercalia, a Roman Festival dedicated to fertility. The celebration was traditionally held on Feb. 15 and dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture and the harvest.

Celebrations of the day faded with the growth of Christianity until it was revived by Pope Gelasius who declared Feb. 14 the feast for St. Valentine's Day in 496 A.D. Tradition says St. Valentine, a third-century Roman saint, was martyred on Feb. 14.

The name for our modern holiday comes from St. Valentine of Terni, who has become linked with the idea of courtly love. Valentine was reportedly killed on Feb. 14 for refusing to deny Christ by the order of Emperor Claudius in the year 280 and for continuing to marry Christian couples - specifically soldiers - despite existing prohibitions.

The most commonly repeated legend - though not founded in fact - was that Valentine’s prayers healed the blind daughter of a guard where he was jailed. On the day of his execution, he reportedly left the young girl a note signed “Your Valentine.”

Valentine's Day grew in popularity in England in the 1700s. People started sending cards and flowers to their loved ones, a tradition that continues today.

The first commercially printed Valentine's Day card was produced in 1913 by Hallmark. Today, more than a billion Valentine's Day cards are sold each year, making it the second busiest greeting card period of the year, behind only Christmas.

Fun Valentine Day facts

Esther Howland of Massachusetts is given credit for selling the first mass-produced Valentine’s Day cards in the 1840s.

$1 billion - The value of imports of all bouquet cut flowers in 2017 through October

$83.8 million – The value of imports of fresh roses and buds, specifically, in February 2017

In 2016, the median age at which men in the U.S. first got married was about 30 years old.

In 2016, the median age at which women first got married was about 28 years old

66.3 percent – The percentage of people age 15 and older in the U.S. who have been married. Three out of four have been married once; nearly one out of five have been married twice; and one in 20 has been married three or more times.

In 2015, the most chocolate was produced by California and Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


"TNDL: My creator and maker is not an imagination or idea that is made up by reason, syllogism of empirical thoughts; rather, he is the Kosmic intelligence that is beyond anything one can imagine. Yahweh Elyon Yeshua is the 'I am' (He who is always here, present). He was existing before the creation of the material world. He reveals himself only to those who seek him with all their heart, mind, soul and spirit. However, the god of imagination is made up by evil institutions and organizations to control humanity. 

Their religiosity that they present is to enslave our mind, taking us from the full truth and true living light that gives life eternal, to eternal death and destruction. Remember your creator and maker, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, no other god is like unto him. He is no imagination; He is real and has no material form. However, He can take a form of his choosing to make his presence known to us. His reality is a realm of purity, no corruption is in him or of him. This is my position of my great and mighty creator and maker, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua."   TNDL

Monday, February 10, 2025


“King David said in the Psalms: Why do the heathen rage and the people of the earth imagine a vain thing, so that the kings of the earth set themselves against Yahweh Elyon Yeshua. The day of their judgement is eminent. Whereby, Elyon Yeshua’s Divine Kosmic Star Ship will come with its crafts and aggressively seek out and find them, wherever they try to hide. They will try to find a hiding place, but there shall be no place to hide that the EYE of Elyon Yeshua cannot see. They can run, but they cannot hide. Therefore, as they reach their highest peak, then, sudden, destruction like the crash of the TITANS.” (TNDL)

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Revelation 19:12. We, his true followers, must learn to Trust him, because he is faithful and true, there is no lie in him. In fact, the best way to prove our trust in him is to put your whole life in his hands, then your life will be in his hands and in his care. We cannot do this on our own, we need the paraclete, our Helper the Comforter, who is the Spirit of TRUTH. Read John 14:12-18. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed, accepted Yeshua Emmanuel, the Christ? Look at Act 2:1. Is this the same experience you had as that of the holy Apostles of Yeshua and his Disciples? Because without the help of the Holy Ghost, we cannot have such Faith and Trust in GOD Most High, Our Creator. And lack of this type of Faith and Trust in him, we cannot be pleasing to GOD.Therefore, when we learn to exhibit this kind of Faith and Trust in Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, the New Divine Logos (WORD) only then are our lives in his hands and in his care. So, this is what can happen when we put our Faith and Trust in GOD Most High. Our good Shepherd; look at Psalm 23.” (TNDL)

Thursday, February 6, 2025


"TNDL: where there are pharaohs there is also the Moshe and his many duplicates."

“The pharaoh of ancient Egypt and his arrogance towards the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel, was foreshadowing of the end time pharaohs of the world. Who shall be making his last onslaught of the children of Israel. However, it follows that, where there are Pharaohs, there is also the Moshe and his many duplicates, who have themselves ready for the great battle of the great almighty god. God and his ‘remnant’ leaders, who shall rule with him in his kingdom are ready and able to destroy Babylon. Yeshua, the son of man, whose name is changed to the new Divine Logos (word)the word of god, comes in the clouds of heaven, with his clothes dipped in blood, which symbolises that he comes to make war, not to die the second time, but to kill all those wicked evil world leaders and their people who murdered, throughout the ages and generations. Revelation 19. Yeshua, Lord Michael, is the victorious ONE!” (TNDL)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 "TNDL: Put off the old adamic, according to the material, physical flesh body, and put on the new spiritual, new born again body, reborn in Christ Yeshua , the saviour, redeemer, and emancipator of the flesh what was enslaved by the old man of the flesh!"

Romans 8:29. NIV ... For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn ...


"TNDL: the death of the old man, old woman, and the new birth of the new person in god, the eternal heavenly father, and his only begotten son, Yeshua, the Hebrew messiah or Christ. Yeshua said, if anyone be in him, he is a new creation, the old or former persons or things of the world are passed away, and all thingS are now become brand new!" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

2 Corinthians 5 :: NIV