Friday, September 27, 2024


"TNDL: “THE BATTLE BETWEEN YESHUA OF NAZARETH EYE SINGLE OF NAZARETH VS THE EYE OF HORUS. In Mathew 6:22. The Single EYE is the EYE of the Spirit Of Truth. So, what is the purpose and power of the Single EYE, according to Yeshua of Nazareth? He functions as the one who sees and knows the Righteous path that leads, Teaches, guides and restrains Elyon Yeshua Lord Michael's children. Yeshua also told his disciples that they shall have power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you. Acts 1:8. While the EYE of Horus has its ancient magical powers since the days of the old Kingdom of Egypt and from the time of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis--the Harlot of Revelation 17 and 18. These cult religious leaders only have the "ESOTERIC Evil power that Lucifer, the Devil passed down to them, but what the Holy Ghost, THE EYE SINGLE, has are the Divine Powers, this is what the Paraclete have. Plus other powers that He, the Spirit of Truth, can call if he needs more reinforcement or help, such as the Mighty Holy Guarding Angels of the highest GOD. The Most High Promised that He will send His holy Angels to guard and protect His children and His promise has been fulfilled. Therefore, with all these promises that Yeshua has made to protect the obedient ones, we must Fear no evil, because he said that he would not leave us comfortless, but he will send us the Paraclete (the Helper) (John 14: 15-18) Read Psalm 23 and Psalm 91. SO, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the children of the Most High God, who is obedient to the sayings of the eternal Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, shall overcome the onslaught of the EYE OF Horus.” (TNDL)

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