Thursday, June 20, 2024


TNDL: "THIS IS THE END TIME AEON/AGE OF THE BATTLE BETWEEN YESHUA/ MESSIAH, THE CHRIST VS THE ANTICHRIST, THE BEAST. CHRIST is awakening his true Church to become aware that these are decision-making end times, where everyone has to make a choice in choosing between being on one side or the other side, or the antichrist false Church side. YESHUA, THE SON OF MAN, is calling his people to come out of Babylon and be not partakers of her sins and abominations, see Revelation 17.Therefore, will Christ people come out of Babylon, the Great Harlot, that “sits on many WATERS,” who is known as the Queen of Heaven?  Lucifer is the head of this system of things in the world, the Ekklesia of the false Church. So, knowing all these things of the two fighting sides, Christ VS SATAN, THE DEVIL, whose side will you choose, Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, the Son of man, or the Anti Christ, the Beast of Revelation 13 and 19? Know the full Truth and it shall set you free. So, choose wisely, Will you?" (TNDL) 

Monday, June 17, 2024


"TNDL: One should not give the satisfaction of the overpowering the earth to Lucifer, because he is cast down from his high place. And now is Elyon/Michael, the Great Archangel’s time. He has taken unto himself the great Divine powers of Heaven and is using what is necessary until the great Evil Beast is destroyed in the old world empire. People should not, like ATLAS, — try to carry the world on their shoulders, — that is for the Most High GOD to figure out, and surely He has. But sure enough, there will be a final battle on earth between Good and Evil. Michael, the Great Arch Angel, and Lucifer, the evil One. However, Michael and his Angels will win. Only the spiritually enlightened one can know these things through the Great Spirit of Elyon. If one is in carnality, one cannot know these things, only those who are spiritually inclined and have the gift from the Most High to discern." (TNDL)

Thursday, June 13, 2024


"Yes Indeed, there are millions of modern end-times Christians, who do not emphasize the significance of the infilling of the Holy Ghost as was promised by Yeshua of Nazareth in the gospel of John 14:12-18, but they push the Bible to the seekers of full truth, not knowing that the New Testament was not configured until the second-century ad of the common era, of which the bible has been copied over 500 time; some addition of things, changes and some of the biblical Theologians or scholars took out, because it did not fit their doctrinal view. However, the Holy Comforter or (Paraclete the helper) Yeshua said he will ask the eternal Father to send his true disciples and followers. They, the unspiritual sets, don't speak about nor have received him.The Bible is a good book, but it was made by a group of imperfect men, whereas, the Holy Ghost is a part of God and he is called by Yeshua, the Divine Spirit of Truth and he cannot lie. But the servants of Lucifer or Satan, the Devil, lie, because their father is the father of all lies. John 14:12-18 tells us about them, they don't keep the sayings/words of Yeshua, they make up their own doctrines. THIS IS WHAT YESHUA SAID ABOUT A LOT OF THESE FALSE TEACHERS AND PREACHERS: 'In vain do they worship me, teaching for their doctrines the commands of men.' Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7. However, Lucifer Satan, is not more powerful than Yahweh ELyon Yeshua Lord Michael, the New Divine Logos (WORD) of Revelation 19:12.The Son of Man is starting the end times New awakening of the mighty Holy Ghost Joel 2:1-18 and Ezekiel 37:1, and Isaiah 42:1.This outpouring of the Father's own Spirit shall revolutionize His entire Church and bring changes that will cause people to wonder. Many will Fear GOD, the Creator, and give Him glory, praise, thanksgiving, honor and much respect for His holy Name. The infilling of the Holy Ghost is real and true, more than anything man has made. Much Agape (Love) and peace. (TNDL)"

Sunday, June 9, 2024


"TNDL: Yes indeed! It does not matter who is King, Emperor, President, Prime Minister or the elites rulers of the New world order.Yeshua Lord Michael Yahweh, is the King of the Kings and Lord of the kosmic Lords."


"Yeshua Moshe is Saviour, Healer, Redeemer, Deliverer, Friend, Leader, Seer Prophet, Builder, Counsellor, Wonderful, Mighty GOD, Eternal Abba Father, Prince of Peace, Agape Love, Maker of all good things, the All in All and much more.(TNDL)"

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 "TNDL:  How many times has the Hebrew messiah come to his people, Church and Kingdom of his eternal heavenly father? And when will be his last coming to the earth, according to the bible? Also, when shall GOD the eternal heavenly father, come with his Kingdom to earth to be with his people or church? According to revelation 21 &22, speaks of GOD, the eternal heavenly father and the lamb coming together to the earth, after god and lamb make new heaven and new earth, and complete the new Jerusalem in heaven, which is the holy city in heaven. This holy city in heaven, God and the lamb shall be taking with them to the earth when the earth is cleanse and purified of its evil energies of lucifer and is renewed by the divine powers of the highest god and his only begotten son. According to Isaiah 11 and Micah 4; Isaiah 2 and Isaiah 9:6-9 and revelation 11, our god, the living light energy force, and his only begotten son, the light of the world, is coming at the end of the age to judge the whole world: the spiritual the supernatural and the material Kosmic world or universe of which lucifer corrupted. That is why God had to create a new heaven and new earth where dwells righteousness. Where there is no rebellion, nor lies and nothing that defile. Is this not what revelation 21 &22 say? Therefore, how many times will the Hebrew messiah come to his church, his people, until his eternal heavenly father comes with his kingdom? (TNDL)"