Monday, March 9, 2015


The Divine Wind of Elyon is at work, try and stop Him now. He PREDICTS the FUTURE and makes it come to past; He is Elyon the Most High GOD. Whether we like it or not, we cannot stop this Kosmic CHANGE, because the WILL of the MOST HIGH SHALL BE DONE. Welcome to the beginning of the NEW WORLD ORDER of things. There is perfect deliverance in the name of Elyon Yeshua. So let’s give honour, glory and respect, because no power can stop His CHANGE that He is bringing in all the earth.
Elyon’s agape Love is for all His creation and makings, He has conquered the Devil and his angels; and so the elect and the righteous will begin to flourish because Elyon said so. With much agape love, have a victorious and liberating future from the old ruling titans of the late order. (TNDL)

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