Saturday, March 7, 2015


"Yeshua teaches that our eternal Father will forgive our debts as we forgive our deters. But how does that process works? First of all, this model prayer is not speaking about forgiving the world's debts, but our fellow's, Children of the Most High, debts. Notice how Yeshua uses these pronoun"OUR" and "US", not "I" and "Me", to illustrate his points. The "our" and "us" referred to are the Children of Yahweh/ Elyon made possible by Yeshua's act of Divine Love for his self sacrifice made on Calvary's Cross. The only transgression that is of eternal spiritual death is the debt owe of blasphemy against Elyon. Blasphemy is when one know of GOD Elyon and his ways, follow him for awhile, deny him and return to the ways of Lucifer.At that point only fullness of Grace and Truth can save those individual. However those people must first turn away from their destructive ways, deny themselves the ways of Satan and follow and serve Yahweh/ Elyon through Yeshua his only begotten Son." (TNDL)

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