Second, he is writing new words of true Light and full Truth in his children's spirit, soul and mind in order to make new beings of them; as opposed to the external person and non-living things as it was in ancient times.
Third, Elyon Yeshua is also pouring out his mighty holy Spirit and his name into his people by way of sealing them. Hence, replacing the old nature of the evil spirits of man and all living things, with the Spirit nature of the returning Yeshua Moshe.
Yeshua's original name is a living entity, not the interpretive Greek version Yeses Christos, followed by the English version Christ Jesus, which were made up by men. The living true Light is here now to give Life to all living being. Yeshua is our Lion King of the Kosmic Kings, not just for Kings of the earth. Glory to our eternal Father Yahweh Elyon and his son Yeshua the Logos/Christ, whom have made a new Sky (Heaven) and a new Earth (YCSDA)