“What I am seeing here, is that some who claimed to be those who follow the Law of Yahweh, does not seem to know the difference between the Law andthe Word of GOD.
Furthermore the Law of Moshe was given only to the Children of Israel, not to the Gentiles. The Old Testament Law ended with John who baptized.
Whereby the judgment’s message of repentance to salvation, comes fromYahweh's retribution upon the Jewish Nation. This John’s gospel of repentance would bring death to the Jewish Nation in 66-70 AD when their Temple was destroyed.
The LOGOS (WORD) Yeshua came with the gospel of the Kingdom of Elyon that promised eternal Life. Yeshua the Divine Logos (WORD) replaced the Law with fullness of Grace and Truth. (Gospel of John, Chap 1: 15-18).
Because the Law was given by intermediary (Galatians Chap 19: 22). But Grace and Truth came by the Logos Yeshua, the only begotten Son of GOD Elyon.”
© Joseph Rising Sun Levi