Friday, July 12, 2013


"The mystical union of Yeshua and his Bride is what this Narrative is about. [Yeshua] the ‘anointed’ ONE is in love with you, are you in love with [Yeshau]? If you are [in love with Him], then tell Him. And let the flame of Spiritual Romance burn in your heart to embrace Him. GOD YESHUA, the Bride/Bridegroom cometh. He stands, patiently, at the door knocking. When we open the door and embrace Him, we shall become one with Him—He in us and we in Him. We will receive His eternal Life in our spirit (inner self) and be with Him and his Father eternally.

See The Gospel of (John 6:51-63), (John 3: 31-35), (John 14, 15 and 16) (Matt. 22) and (Rev. 14).

- Joseph Rising Sun Levii

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